Trump's Big Experiment: Throw 20K Fans Together, Eliminate Social Distancing, Make Masks Optional, Add One Pandemic. Track the Results...

Hopefully they all get a non-deadly version of the virus that does something to their brains that makes them vote for small government.

Hopeful they all do test positive with all being asymptomatic . Herd immunity at its finest.
So Trump will hold a political rally in Oklahoma this Saturday. It's expected to sell out the venue, and roughly 20K fans will attend.

The plan is to disregard all social distancing, scan people for fevers before allowing entry, provide hand sanitizer, provide optional masks. The rally will follow the same guidelines as the airlines, theme parks, hotels, and some hospitals. Sounds good to me. The will also likely have a social distancing section roped off for those who feel more secure adhering to that recommendation....I'm guessing but my company just did that for a meeting we held last week for 300 people.

What could possibly go wrong? Well, this is the chance for all those here who think CV19 is a scam to prove everyone else wrong. There is a real virus. The precautions should have been for 2 weeks. The rest is a scam, hoax, and fear porn.

Trump, obviously, won't wear a mask. I'm curious as to what % of attendees will, and how the organizers will arrange folks. Specifically, the folks behind Trump who appear on TV are, of course, hand-picked from attendees prior to the start of the rally. Will organizers target folks who won't wear a mask? This would drive home an intended statement that the virus is "done" and there's "nothing to worry about". Conversely, they could select mask wearers to convey "hey, still be safe". I suspect the former. Every single candidate's team organizes the background. Trump's team will, too. I anticipate they will have a mix of masked and unmasked. I won't watch it so someone will have to let me know how it turns out.

Will Trump's rally result in subsequent viral infections? Active infections with symptoms or asymptomatic positive tests??? Got to be careful how we phrase 'infections' right now. If yes, on what scale? A scale consistent with the distribution of the virus in the general public + or - a standard deviation.

The outcome could have bearing on stuff that's important to nearly everyone here: TN football. Unlikely. Kickoff is more than 60 days away.

MSM will no doubt track what happens with the virus post-rally, so please post updates here. MSM will present the worst, most sensationalistic, corrupted take on the rally. Once the CDC's official policy of not disrupting protests because the social cause outweighed the risk of viral transmission, the toothpaste was out of the tube. I don't give a rip about their reporting or how "bad" they report things to be. I don't watch news, so I'll count on yall to update the most salacious fear-porn moments.

Place your bets.
So Trump will hold a political rally in Oklahoma this Saturday. It's expected to sell out the venue, and roughly 20K fans will attend.

The plan is to disregard all social distancing, scan people for fevers before allowing entry, provide hand sanitizer, provide optional masks.

What could possibly go wrong? Well, this is the chance for all those here who think CV19 is a scam to prove everyone else wrong.

Trump, obviously, won't wear a mask. I'm curious as to what % of attendees will, and how the organizers will arrange folks. Specifically, the folks behind Trump who appear on TV are, of course, hand-picked from attendees prior to the start of the rally. Will organizers target folks who won't wear a mask? This would drive home an intended statement that the virus is "done" and there's "nothing to worry about". Conversely, they could select mask wearers to convey "hey, still be safe". I suspect the former.

Will Trump's rally result in subsequent viral infections? If yes, on what scale?

The outcome could have bearing on stuff that's important to nearly everyone here: TN football.

MSM will no doubt track what happens with the virus post-rally, so please post updates here.

Place your bets.[/QUO

You sound like a 13 year old girl.
I don’t believe it’s meds .. all his Covid posts reek of fear , panic and the need for the government to dictate guidance . .


President Trump's Administration Advice: Wear masks and social distance.

President Trump's Advice: Masks are optional (I don't wear them) and don't social distance.

So when you say "guidance" by the government, what exactly is that guidance now?
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I don’t believe it’s meds .. all his Covid posts reek of fear , panic and the need for the government to dictate guidance . .
I just find that weird. I understand when your in the military, but as a civilian this just seems to go against everything being an American stands for. I guess some types of people, often the feeble kind, have a desire to be ruled over like someones vassal. It explains the current spread of kneeling disease in this country.
Which should be their choice.

Why do you continue to post numbers with no context? It's extremely dishonest and agenda driven. Defeats the purpose of driving a discussion

The case count in Florida in increasing sharply. Deaths will lag cases. Whether deaths increase will largely depend on who is getting it--race, age and sex. I don't know if we have that data for Florida with the current cases. Also, I've seen some chatter about a large spike in pneumonia deaths in Florida this year.
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The case count in Florida in increasing sharply. Deaths will lag cases. Whether deaths increase will largely depend on who is getting it--race, age and sex. I don't know if we have that data for Florida with the current cases. Also, I've seen some chatter about a large spike in pneumonia deaths in Florida this year.
Except we do have that data (lower age and less deaths) you are just doing what the media is doing and feeding the hype. If someone tests positive but has zero symptoms or negative effects why is it significant? This had never been the case with any other virus. We also haven't gone to the extent of testing with any other virus that we have with this one.

This is clearly agenda driven and you're just ignorantly pushing a narrative without facts (as you admitted in your post). You are part of the problem
Except we do have that data (lower age and less deaths) you are just doing what the media is doing and feeding the hype. If someone tests positive but has zero symptoms or negative effects why is it significant? This had never been the case with any other virus. We also haven't gone to the extent of testing with any other virus that we have with this one.

This is clearly agenda driven and you're just ignorantly pushing a narrative without facts (as you admitted in your post). You are part of the problem

Where are you getting your facts on the demographics of who is currently getting the virus in Florida? From the (admittedly quick and dirty) research I've done, Florida is terrible about reporting specifics.

"On Tuesday, the state reported the largest jump in newly reported cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic hit the state, with 2,783 new cases.
The state does not report the number of current patients in hospitals with the coronavirus, but rather the overall total. The state also does not share the number of individuals who have recovered from the disease after being diagnosed.
The newly reported cases also depend on the number of tests administered per day, but the state doesn’t release private lab testing in its overall total, so that percentage is difficult to determine.
Nearly every day over the past two weeks, Florida has seen large increases of reported coronavirus cases, with some days seeing a rise in reported infections that rival numbers when the disease first hit the state in early March."

This is what NY Times shows for Florida. The decrease in deaths clearly tracked the decrease in cases. Cases have been rising sharply since early June. Those folks aren't in the death range yet.

Florida Coronavirus Map and Case Count
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Where are you getting your facts on the demographics of who is currently getting the virus in Florida? From the (admittedly quick and dirty) research I've done, Florida is terrible about reporting specifics.

"On Tuesday, the state reported the largest jump in newly reported cases of COVID-19 since the pandemic hit the state, with 2,783 new cases.
The state does not report the number of current patients in hospitals with the coronavirus, but rather the overall total. The state also does not share the number of individuals who have recovered from the disease after being diagnosed.
The newly reported cases also depend on the number of tests administered per day, but the state doesn’t release private lab testing in its overall total, so that percentage is difficult to determine.
Nearly every day over the past two weeks, Florida has seen large increases of reported coronavirus cases, with some days seeing a rise in reported infections that rival numbers when the disease first hit the state in early March."
Specifics like this?

Young Floridians test positive for coronavirus at almost twice the rate

More sick, less hospitalizations

But this was inevitable as things opened again. The only other option is to obliterate the US economy to which seems to be ok with some on here. Eventually a lockdown and unemployment kills more than it saves. But a suicide death can't be used as a scare tactic
Specifics like this?

Young Floridians test positive for coronavirus at almost twice the rate

More sick, less hospitalizations

But this was inevitable as things opened again. The only other option is to obliterate the US economy to which seems to be ok with some on here. Eventually a lockdown and unemployment kills more than it saves. But a suicide death can't be used as a scare tactic
Exactly. At some point the cure is worse than the disease. We can do our best to slow it and I think overwhelmingly Americans complied for the first couple of months. At some point we can't continue to live like that. It's unsustainable.
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Specifics like this?

Young Floridians test positive for coronavirus at almost twice the rate

More sick, less hospitalizations

But this was inevitable as things opened again. The only other option is to obliterate the US economy to which seems to be ok with some on here. Eventually a lockdown and unemployment kills more than it saves. But a suicide death can't be used as a scare tactic
For a liberal, socialist you make a LOT of good points about the "pandemic".
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