Trump's false claims about disaster response are beyond the pale

I am not going to argue with you but you should check your source and you you should really learn how to research data. FEMA is only a portion of the bill.

The bulk of the 3.7 billion for those disasters was people taking the liss and private insurance. Almost the entirety of the 2020 naders cost was borne by insurers....
I dont understand false information. You claimed 2.1 billion in FEMA cost for Nashville flood. I provided proof that you exaggerated it by 97%. You exaggerated FEMA's cost for 2020 tornadoes by 98%....
He didn't though.
Just Nashville Federal Dollars

Nashville Tornado 2020 - 1.5 Billion
Nashville 2010 Flood - 2 Billion

This kind of money will bankrupt the city.

Waverly Floods --- ????
He said Federal Dollars.
Surely I'm missing something... Please help me understand.

I keep seeing that FEMA is seizing donations and taking them to their warehouses, stopping people who are and have been helping people since the beginning and threatening them with arrest if they don't comply and leave the area. I've even heard they were seizing money being collected.

Why is an agency strapped for funds doing this?
Because it's the federal government. They can't have citizens appearing to be doing a better job than they are. They need to gtfo and let people with more than one brain cell take the lead. Just go away and send your pathetic $750.
They should have increased the number of border agents and put resources into the process to expedite consideration of asylum claims.

Sort of like the bipartisan bill earlier this year would have done, until Trump intervene to prevent its passage for his own political advantage.

And riddle me this: if Trump really was all about actually solving this problem why didn't he act when he had GOP control of the House and the Senate for two years ????

It's because they don't actually want to solve it. It is too valuable an issue to run on every 4 years.
Oh it's always been a problem no doubt. But Biden basically waived a checkered flag and signaled a free base and then denied a problem existed.

And why should Republicans help bail Biden out of a problem he created and denied just a month or two before?

But it's still beyond the pale to basically ignore immigration laws and their duty to Americans and deny a problem existed while calling anyone who dared speak out racists though right?
The 1.5 billion is ALL damages. Almost all of which was borne by insurers and not the Feds....
You are missing some bills and you are not looking at data correctly. You assumed I said FEMA, I did not. Federal $$$ not insurance companies. Not going to argue with you about this. FEMA is a Command and Control HQ that is staffed to identify and allocate (not provide) resources. The Federal Govt pays the bills not only for FEMA but for the other entities that provide services, repairs, communications, utilities and the list goes on.
The total of all damages for 2020 naders was 1.5 billion (1.5 billion in Nashville)

As I am distinctly aware of, you cant double dip on insurance and FEMA. The only way the Feds could have paid 1.5 billion in Nashville was if EVERY property was uninsured and they paid 100% replacement cost.

Once again, provide proof or not. You have yet to provide anything. It shouldnt be that hard to find if it exists....
The total of all damages for 2020 naders was 1.5 billion (1.5 billion in Nashville)

As I am distinctly aware of, you cant double dip on insurance and FEMA. The only way the Feds could have paid 1.5 billion in Nashville was if EVERY property was uninsured and they paid 100% replacement cost.

Once again, provide proof or not. You have yet to provide anything. It shouldnt be that hard to find if it exists....
SI is lumping insurance and federal monies?
SI is lumping insurance and federal monies?

There was 1.5 billion of damages from that storm. That is the widely reported number. He is saying all of those were Fed damages.

Im just asking for proof. Makes no sense that Fed damages = Total damages especially knowing the largest damage spot had insurance and was litigating with insurance..
There was 1.5 billion of damages from that storm. That is the widely reported number. He is saying all of those were Fed damages.

Im just asking for proof. Makes no sense that Fed damages = Total damages especially knowing the largest damage spot had insurance and was litigating with insurance..

Youre posting better quality in the Israel/ Pally thread though.
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I posted about the Lake Lure, NC moron who threatened to arrest a helicopter pilot engaged in rescuing people.

Just watched a video of an interview of the town manager who doubled down on the stupidity.

What a gang of idiots.

Some of these cats have that “hero” complex where they don’t want to be undermined by competent people. If they were elected chances are they won’t be next time….hopefully.
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There was 1.5 billion of damages from that storm. That is the widely reported number. He is saying all of those were Fed damages.

Im just asking for proof. Makes no sense that Fed damages = Total damages especially knowing the largest damage spot had insurance and was litigating with insurance..
So I have to justify your argument and educate you at the same time. No.

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