Why didn't Hannity ask Trump what kind of "deal" he had with the IRS?
If there has been any deal, it has been ongoing for 4 plus decades and would involve how many people at how many levels local, state, and federal....imagine the names who, if Trump played political pay to cover, it would be unimaginable.
Thus, if there ever was anything to this, the same protected bureaucracy of political cover will occur and nothing will ever see the light of day in our life times.
Seriously, think about who you would have to know, be able to use, trust, and the dual leverage that must exist for this to occur, you could be talking possibly about up to the POTUS from Reagan to Bush to Clinton to Bush to Obama, and anyone involved in any manner or fashion under them or around them, personal or political. We knew Obama used the IRS and you don't think that he would be on the side of trying to cripple Trump, not help him cover up his ability to not pay the IRS.......and just negate the simple truth and reality that Trump hasn't been under constant scrutiny both personal and professional, for many years from the IRS as consequence of earnings and "name"...........
This is a truly golden conspiracy theory. The names that would be involved are too many to begin to digest.
City Councilman/Alderman
Cabinet members
And how many more options......over 40+ years..........boy, that's a lot to cover up. Or, was he just paying off the local, state, regional, and national arms of the IRS, and don't forget the SEC, as they would be involved more than likely, too.......