Trump's Taxes

Looks like, yet again, a lot of "Adults" here who don't know sh!t about not just tax returns, but filing taxes, or hell, taxes in general. But keep thinking its anything more than trying to figure out his effective tax rate that he paid for personal income.

No wonder so many of you are angry. I'd be upset if I was dumb too.
Septic KNOWS that though FFS. He runs his own damn shop. Yet ... here he is 🤷‍♂️

You're spiking the ball because of what's in it now? LOL


A few minutes ago you were pouting about the outrage of having an individual having to succumb to the horrors of having to comply with a lawful request in a criminal investigation.
Looks like, yet again, a lot of "Adults" here who don't know sh!t about not just tax returns, but filing taxes, or hell, taxes in general. But keep thinking its anything more than trying to figure out his effective tax rate that he paid for personal income.

No wonder so many of you are angry. I'd be upset if I was dumb too.

You're spiking the ball because of what's in it now? LOL


A few minutes ago you were pouting about the outrage of having an individual having to succumb to the horrors of having to comply with a lawful request.
You are seriously trying too hard here Lavrentiy. No goal posts have been harmed or moved in the calling out of your bull **** post.
You are seriously trying too hard here Lavrentiy. No goal posts have been harmed or moved in the calling out of your bull **** post.

Laughing at your bellyaching about trumps SCOTUS bitch slap doesn't require any effort at all. Trying not to laugh at you thumping your chest may prove to be more of a challenge.
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Why didn't Hannity ask Trump what kind of "deal" he had with the IRS?

If there has been any deal, it has been ongoing for 4 plus decades and would involve how many people at how many levels local, state, and federal....imagine the names who, if Trump played political pay to cover, it would be unimaginable.

Thus, if there ever was anything to this, the same protected bureaucracy of political cover will occur and nothing will ever see the light of day in our life times.

Seriously, think about who you would have to know, be able to use, trust, and the dual leverage that must exist for this to occur, you could be talking possibly about up to the POTUS from Reagan to Bush to Clinton to Bush to Obama, and anyone involved in any manner or fashion under them or around them, personal or political. We knew Obama used the IRS and you don't think that he would be on the side of trying to cripple Trump, not help him cover up his ability to not pay the IRS.......and just negate the simple truth and reality that Trump hasn't been under constant scrutiny both personal and professional, for many years from the IRS as consequence of earnings and "name"...........

This is a truly golden conspiracy theory. The names that would be involved are too many to begin to digest.

City Councilman/Alderman
Cabinet members

And how many more options......over 40+ years..........boy, that's a lot to cover up. Or, was he just paying off the local, state, regional, and national arms of the IRS, and don't forget the SEC, as they would be involved more than likely, too.......
I mean, isn't this going to work out swell for Donnie - certainly his taxes and other financials will show us all the gazillions he's donated to charity, how he's really and for true a billionaire. What could go wrong? It's not like we'd find out that he's a big fat cheap ass liar right before the election.
Who cares if he is a billionaire? Is this really what all of this is about? Trying to prove that he's not a billionaire?

If Kanye and the Kardashians can be called billionaires, what do you think the valuation would be of a guy that owns prime real estate across the globe?
Who cares if he is a billionaire? Is this really what all of this is about? Trying to prove that he's not a billionaire?

If Kanye and the Kardashians can be called billionaires, what do you think the valuation would be of a guy that owns prime real estate across the globe?

HE sold himself as a self made billionaire business man who would use his expertise to right the American economy and budget. HE made it a point to point out his vast wealth and threatened to sue people who dared disagree.

HE is the one who made his 'worth' a campaign talking point and then went to extraordinary lengths to hide having to prove it. Part of his brand was his gold leaf, diamond encrusted persona that he touts as pure luxury.

Trump licenses his name, he has mortgages on prime real estate across the globe. He's a grifter with a penchant for self promotion that chased a car and managed to catch the bumper.

Perhaps your question is directed at the wrong person, why are the people who bought his charlatan act not wanting to know why he wouldn't want to curb stomp his detractors by simply proving what he says he is?
By sheer assets alone, minus debts and liabilities, Trump on paper, is more than likely, a billionaire.

Not worth the effort to look into to know for sure. He has more than I do, I have a lot, and he got more than 99.9% of the population. He ain't poor.
HE sold himself as a self made billionaire business man who would use his expertise to right the American economy and budget. HE made it a point to point out his vast wealth and threatened to sue people who dared disagree.

HE is the one who made his 'worth' a campaign talking point and then went to extraordinary lengths to hide having to prove it. Part of his brand was his gold leaf, diamond encrusted persona that he touts as pure luxury.

Trump licenses his name, he has mortgages on prime real estate across the globe. He's a grifter with a penchant for self promotion that chased a car and managed to catch the bumper.

Perhaps your question is directed at the wrong person, why are the people who bought his charlatan act not wanting to know why he wouldn't want to curb stomp his detractors by simply proving what he says he is?

This is a petty witch hunt.
Forbes has him at 2.1 bill...his properties alone get him to the bill mark.
This is a petty witch hunt.
Forbes has him at 2.1 bill...his properties alone get him to the bill mark.

Witch hunt? How can you be sure? The criminal prosecutor is likely looking for something within his finances, not at his fortune.

Don't confuse why this ruling occurred and the distinctly different reason why people are suspicious of him hiding his finances from the public.

If it's as cut and dry as you posit, why would he fight the prospect of that revelation to the supreme court?
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Witch hunt? How can you be sure? The criminal prosecutor is likely looking for something within his finances, not at his fortune.

Don't confuse why this ruling occurred and the distinctly different reason why people are suspicious of him hiding his finances from the public.

If it's as cut and dry as you posit, why would he fight the prospect of that revelation to the supreme court?

Just to piss you off?
The comments many people make about Trump's taxes show that, if they're not just spouting stuff because they don't like Trump politically, a ton of people out there know nothing about federal income taxes. At a variety of levels.
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