Trump's Taxes

Does anyone really think a district attorney is going to find a tax issue that the IRS hasn't in 40 years? Paying people for their silence is not illegal and if the money was paid through his companies or foundation the IRS would have picked that up. It's a witch hunt and my guess is somehow if the DA does get the tax records they will be mysteriously leaked.
Just to piss you off?

Why would watching him duck and flounder piss me off?

Out of curiosity however, can you honestly say that intentionally pissing off the constituency a quality or trait you look for in a President?
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Does anyone really think a district attorney is going to find a tax issue that the IRS hasn't in 40 years? Paying people for their silence is not illegal and if the money was paid through his companies or foundation the IRS would have picked that up. It's a witch hunt and my guess is somehow if the DA does get the tax records they will be mysteriously leaked.
They are just pissed they didn’t get to Romney him
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Why would watching him duck and flounder piss me off?

Out of curiosity however, can you honestly say that intentionally pissing off the constituency a quality or trait you look for in a President?

When it is the uneducated, it does amuse me, yes.
Pretty simple to me really. If Trump has nothing to hide, why is he fighting so hard to keep the returns under wraps? if there's nothing damaging, I'd want to clear it up and move on.
It's either embarrassment (he's not that rich) or there are breadcrumbs that would lead to criminal or civil liability.
Pretty simple to me really. If Trump has nothing to hide, why is he fighting so hard to keep the returns under wraps? if there's nothing damaging, I'd want to clear it up and move on.

It's kind of like he has a laser pointer and the lunatic left are the cats.

It isn't that he's fighting so hard. He's making them obsess over nothing.
Does anyone really think a district attorney is going to find a tax issue that the IRS hasn't in 40 years? Paying people for their silence is not illegal and if the money was paid through his companies or foundation the IRS would have picked that up. It's a witch hunt and my guess is somehow if the DA does get the tax records they will be mysteriously leaked.
To me it has always been about the fact that he repeatedly looked the American people in the eye and said he would release his taxes. It was a straight up lie. He then lied about it being due to an audit.
It only highlighted the fact that Trump could do and say whatever he wanted with no accountability....and that was a horrible precedent to strengthen with Trump.
It's kind of like he has a laser pointer and the lunatic left are the cats.

It isn't that he's fighting so hard. He's making them obsess over nothing.
It's kind of like Trump is sitting in a room playing with a laser pointer when he should be educating himself so he can better run the country.
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He's still fighting if he spends money on lawyers.
Why would that rich guy repeatedly promise the American public that he would release them only to later refuse?
Rhetorical.....we all know the answer.
The better question would be why is his base so complicit?
To me it has always been about the fact that he repeatedly looked the American people in the eye and said he would release his taxes. It was a straight up lie. He then lied about it being due to an audit.
It only highlighted the fact that Trump could do and say whatever he wanted with no accountability....and that was a horrible precedent to strengthen with Trump.

When did Gitmo close?
When did Gitmo close?
Why Obama Has Failed to Close Guantánamo
On January 22, 2009, his second day in office, he issued an executive order, directing that the prison be shut down within a year.
But months of reporting revealed a highly charged series of political maneuvers, involving nearly every part of the Administration. The attempt to close the prison has entailed tense negotiations with foreign officials, heated confrontations during meetings in the White House Situation Room, and, especially, a long-running fight with the Pentagon, which outplayed Obama for years.

You see the difference? And it's a big one.
Obama actually believed his promise and tried to follow through.

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