Trump's Taxes

Why Obama Has Failed to Close Guantánamo
On January 22, 2009, his second day in office, he issued an executive order, directing that the prison be shut down within a year.
But months of reporting revealed a highly charged series of political maneuvers, involving nearly every part of the Administration. The attempt to close the prison has entailed tense negotiations with foreign officials, heated confrontations during meetings in the White House Situation Room, and, especially, a long-running fight with the Pentagon, which outplayed Obama for years.

You see the difference? And it's a big one.
Obama actually believed his promise and tried to follow through.

And failed.
When Trump makes the Left push so hard to see his tax returns, it makes a good case to make them show us their's. Let's see Nancy's and the hypocrites in Congress that became rich while "serving" us.
If they ever repeatedly promise to do so, I for one will fully expect them to keep their promise....but that's just me.

Manhattan District Attorney Cyrus Vance Jr. could be investigating President Donald Trump and his company for possible insurance and bank fraud, the prosecutor’s office revealed Monday in a new court filing. revelation came in a filing by Vance’s office that urged a federal judge to toss out Trump’s new legal effort to prevent prosecutors from getting his tax returns and other records from his accountants through a grand jury subpoena.

Vance’s office already was known to be seeking Trump’s financial records from the accounting firm Mazars USA as part of a probe into how the president’s company, the Trump Organization, accounted for a hush money payment to a porn star, Stormy Daniels, who says she had sex with Trump years ago. Trump has denied having sex with Daniels.
The White House, the Trump Organization and Trump’s lawyer had no immediate comment on Vance’s filing.
The filing Monday by Vance’s office in U.S. District Court in Manhattan did not explicity say what it is probing beyond the hush money payment.
And the DA also argued that further delay increases the chance of loss of evidence and of the expiration of the statute of limitations for certain crimes.
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Like our country would ever imprison a President... ex or not.

Never. Gonna. Happen.

Plus he's rich. Rich people generally have better luck with the legal system than poor people. Go figure.

No, the most painful things that would really, actually hurt Donald J Trump are:

(1) Hiding all his hair spray from him (he normally carries 2 cans at any given time);
(2) Eliminating all orange skin products; and
(3) The deep, personal, public humiliation of a major ASS WUPPIN in November.

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Like our country would ever imprison a President... ex or not.

Never. Gonna. Happen.

Plus he's rich. Rich people generally have better luck with the legal system than poor people. Go figure.

No, the most painful things that would really, actually hurt Donald J Trump are:

(1) Hiding all his hair spray from him (he normally carries 2 cans at any given time);
(2) Eliminating all orange skin products; and
(3) The deep, personal, public humiliation of a major ASS WUPPIN in November.

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It was like the “lock her up” nonsense. and the “Russian collusion” with either president Obama or Trump.
Nothing was or is ever going to happen
I mean, isn't this going to work out swell for Donnie - certainly his taxes and other financials will show us all the gazillions he's donated to charity, how he's really and for true a billionaire. What could go wrong? It's not like we'd find out that he's a big fat cheap ass liar right before the election.
It would complete the cycle because we know demented Joe is a really cheap ass.... his charitable contributions are slim if I recall correctly
Still makes me laugh at those who care about Trumps taxes

It's not the taxes, its what they will reveal:

That his claims of wealth are also lies.

That he is heavily indebted to Russian--linked banks.

That he has engaged in multiple forms of criminal fraud for which he should be prosecuted.

That he has engaged in tax fraud.

Things of that nature.
My only question is if Trumpous has nothing to hide, why are he and his people fighting so hard against releasing the returns? Obvious that there are things in there that he doesn’t want exposed. I say release them. It would be a blast to watch them scramble like a pile of rats when the light comes on.

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