Trump's Taxes

I can use 6 Trump business bankruptcies to illustrate Trump is a bad businessman. What can you point to to say he is a good successful businessman? Just because he hast 500 businesses doesn't mean they are successful.

I posted a link to investopedia, did you read it?
I can use 6 Trump business bankruptcies to illustrate Trump is a bad businessman. What can you point to to say he is a good successful businessman? Just because he hast 500 businesses doesn't mean they are successful.
I'll bet he is dead broke. And not really the President.

Yeah, you're right. He's a complete failure.
I can use 6 Trump business bankruptcies to illustrate Trump is a bad businessman. What can you point to to say he is a good successful businessman? Just because he hast 500 businesses doesn't mean they are successful.
That doesn't even make sense what you are saying.
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All of the argument about what the tax returns will or won't show is irrelevant.

Presidents have been releasing them for years; prosecutors can obtain tax returns of any citizen to check for illegality; and, while Trump lied claiming an audit prevented it, he did promise repeatedly that he would honor the tradition of releasing them and has no reason not to other than complaining about the motives of prosecutors.

Now is not the time to have the fight over politics. He can complain about that tons later. At this point in time, the sole issue is whether he has to produce them. He does. It is not debatable. He agreed to it.

Every effort he makes to block them is just more evidence that he is hiding personal criminal wrongdoing.
Tradition, not law?
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I can use 6 Trump business bankruptcies to illustrate Trump is a bad businessman. What can you point to to say he is a good successful businessman? Just because he hast 500 businesses doesn't mean they are successful.
Uh. If 500 isnt a large enough sample size how the eff is 6?

Bankruptcies could be from anything.

Partner backing out, or making a bad investment. Hard to blame trump there.

New government regulations cut slim profits to none. Hard to blame Trump.

Old business that couldnt keep up with the times. Not sure what else you do besides declare bankruptcy and shut the doors.

Then you have region specific changes that could largely be outside of a business person's knowledge.
All of the argument about what the tax returns will or won't show is irrelevant.

Presidents have been releasing them for years; prosecutors can obtain tax returns of any citizen to check for illegality; and, while Trump lied claiming an audit prevented it, he did promise repeatedly that he would honor the tradition of releasing them and has no reason not to other than complaining about the motives of prosecutors.

Now is not the time to have the fight over politics. He can complain about that tons later. At this point in time, the sole issue is whether he has to produce them. He does. It is not debatable. He agreed to it.

Every effort he makes to block them is just more evidence that he is hiding personal criminal wrongdoing.
Tradition. Good word. Let's talk about tradition. Should we start with the cancel culture in the SEC?
Uh. If 500 isnt a large enough sample size how the eff is 6?
Bankruptcies could be from anything.
Partner backing out, or making a bad investment. Hard to blame trump there.

New government regulations cut slim profits to none. Hard to blame Trump.

Old business that couldnt keep up with the times. Not sure what else you do besides declare bankruptcy and shut the doors.

Then you have region specific changes that could largely be outside of a business person's knowledge.

If you can't blame him for the bad ones, you can't give him credit for the good ones.
Every effort he makes to block them is just more evidence that he is hiding personal criminal wrongdoing.
The 4th Amendment
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.

The 5th Amendment
No person shall be held to answer for a capital, or otherwise infamous crime, unless on a presentment or indictment of a Grand Jury, except in cases arising in the land or naval forces, or in the Militia, when in actual service in time of War or public danger; nor shall any person be subject for the same offence to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; nor shall be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against himself, nor be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor shall private property be taken for public use, without just compensation.

So let me get this straight, Counselor, the govt right now doesn't have a case or any evidence that Trump has broken any laws, so they are going to force him to release his personal documents and they will search through them to try to se what they can find and build a case?

Is that how our justice system works?
If you can't blame him for the bad ones, you can't give him credit for the good ones.
If you don't know the circumstances, it's a little laughable to throw around the term "bankruptcy" as if it's the business equivalent of AIDS. Some of those companies may have reorganized and came back. Some may have merged with other companies. Some may have truly been failures.
If you can't blame him for the bad ones, you can't give him credit for the good ones.
Have you looked at any of them to see what Trumps level of involvement was?

If I was wanting to blame him for 6 I would darn sure know his role.

He's rich. Yeah he started that way, but that's not a guarantee. Not sure what other metric besides personal wealth/worth you use to judge a business man. Seems like he has plenty of money, more than I will ever have. Sounds succesful to me.

But trying to argue 6 while ignoring 500 is asinine.
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If you don't know the circumstances, it's a little laughable to throw around the term "bankruptcy" as if it's the business equivalent of AIDS. Some of those companies may have reorganized and came back. Some may have merged with other companies. Some may have truly been failures.
And some may have been set up to defraud......his charity and his university come to mind
I'm willing to bet Trump/businesses has committed fraud to obtain his wealth. Do you, hog, louder and the others feel differently?

Yes I do feel differently since there has been zero proof or even allegations of fraud until he ran for office.
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I'm willing to bet Trump/businesses has committed fraud to obtain his wealth. Do you, hog, louder and the others feel differently?
He's got a lot of money and the wrong letter after his name, so clearly he must have cheated the system. This is about a millimeter from the type of thinking that went into the birther movement several years ago.
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I swear. The guy sucks as a leader . . . yet you attack the one thing that he's proven to be good at lol. It's just bizarro world.
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Probable cause... you need it.
They have it.
the Donald J. Trump Foundation, which has come under previous scrutiny for self-dealing and advancing the interests of its namesake rather than those of charity, apparently used the Eric Trump Foundation to funnel $100,000 in donations into revenue for the Trump Organization.

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