I knew I should have never looked in the politics forum. I am astonished that #TrumpkinHead supporters just can't see that they are being conned by one of the greatest ever. I give Drumpf his due. He knows the art of the con. Aside from that, he is a bottomless pit of garbage.
Hopefully the people in the states that matter will get this election right and elect HRC to steer this country for the next four years. It just makes me sad that the state I was born in, hope to die in, and love with every fiber of my being is filled with some of the most backward and narrow-minded people in America. I could go on and on about why I say backward thinking people, but it would just be TL;DR and preaching to the choir. If there is one thing I know about Drumpf supporters, their reading comprehension is on par with a sack of hammers.
All of the things that HRC has been blamed for and not one iota of proof of wrong doing should be enough to convince a #TrumpkinHead that she has long been a witch hunt target by the GOP. Unfortunately, people love conspiracy theories.
LAST...if you think Drumpf is a great businessman and really cares about YOU and I, you should give me a call. I have some awesome ocean front property here in Memphis that I'm trying to
unload sell.
PS, we can all agree that Bammers are the dumbest lot on the planet. Just take a look and you will see that Bammers overwhelmingly support Adolf Trump. We should be against Trump for no other reason than refusing to side with a Bammer!!!