Trump's Taxes

Who knows. I’m not a lawyer or investigator. The Feds and states pay other people to do that. Still waiting for the answer on why he won’t release any info to shut these people up. Pretty simple concept.

Sounds like an open and shut case.
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What is bizarre is people are defending the actual release of his returns which is a crime.

It's kind of a trend. The left have this thing about defending people who steal state secrets and make them public - like the little girly guy, Snowden, Ellsberg, etc. They get absolutely giddy if they believe it makes one of their hated, vile republicans look bad. They are really selective about which crimes they consider criminal and often it's simply based on who committed the crime. Their take on crime and treason is as you said really bizarre.

Considering the NYT's criminal and treasonous past, the legal problems associated with this stunt will never see the light of day.
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All that means is that Trump gave the IRS an interest free loan of $1M and $4.2M. He could have requested a refund of this overpayment at any time after filing the 2016 or 2017 return but he decided to apply the overpayment to future years.

Trump's income tax was $750 for each year. Paying in $1MM too much and $4.2MM too much doesn't change the fact that his TAX was $750.
I'm really impressed that Trump only paid $750 of income tax in 2016 and 2017. I try to pay as little in taxes myself with my own business. That's how every business out here does it. I don't get the rage, jealousy and envy. He followed the the tax code. If you sat down to read it you couldn't finish in a 1,000 years of non stop reading. Maybe it's time the current tax code get scrapped and a flat tax implemented across the board?
I'm really impressed that Trump only paid $750 of income tax in 2016 and 2017. I try to pay as little in taxes myself with my own business. That's how every business out here does it. I don't get the rage, jealousy and envy. He followed the the tax code. If you sat down to read it you couldn't finish in a 1,000 years of non stop reading. Maybe it's time the current tax code get scrapped and a flat tax implemented across the board?
I don't get the jealousy and envy either... or even see why such things would exist for "a business man" who has borrowed as much money as he has, and lost as much money as he has. Trump is running a paper empire. He sucks.

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