Trump's Taxes

Never understand what?

How you could stroll in here like a big dog with a transparent attempt to feign knowledge about finances that you clearly don't have?

Or how you could quiver off so fast with your tail between your legs when confronted with facts?

Facts are one thing. Breaking the law is another. Bring charges if he has broken the law. Vote to change it if he hasn't. until then, guard your feelz and carry on with your ignorance of tax law.
I'd much rather a potential president have to be vetted and able to receive a real and valid Top Secret security clearance before he/she can even take part in party primaries. Same with congress. Maybe at that point we can start doing something about leakers, and have people held as accountable as the military they are willing to put in harms way.

What is bizarre is people are defending the actual release of his returns which is a crime.
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Bring charges then.
Pretty sure there are folks waiting to do just that. Probably the day after he leaves office. Simple concept here so pay attention. I don’t want to have to repeat myself. Just release the returns and who he owes the money to. He can shut the State of NY, the Times and the Democrats up quickly and embarrass some folks badly. But that’s not happening, is it? And it won’t happen. Wonder why?
Pretty sure there are folks waiting to do just that. Probably the day after he leaves office. Simple concept here so pay attention. I don’t want to have to repeat myself. Just release the returns and who he owes the money to. He can shut the State of NY, the Times and the Democrats up quickly and embarrass some folks badly. But that’s not happening, is it? And it won’t happen. Wonder why?

It's a good idea in theory but it would be ripe for abuse since the party in power would be the ones vetting their opponents.

There would definitely have to be rules in place to prevent that, but then the FBI does have mysterious ways of carrying out political wishes. Obviously Trump wouldn't have had a prayer at a security clearance during the Obama administration - even if the Obama administration could prove beyond a shadow of a doubt they told the FBI (pinkie swears and all) that they wanted it done honestly.
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Pretty sure there are folks waiting to do just that. Probably the day after he leaves office. Simple concept here so pay attention. I don’t want to have to repeat myself. Just release the returns and who he owes the money to. He can shut the State of NY, the Times and the Democrats up quickly and embarrass some folks badly. But that’s not happening, is it? And it won’t happen. Wonder why?

What will the charges be?
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Given the amount of property he owns, the $400MM doesnt bother me.

Still shocked at the tax losses. It goes a lot further than depreciation expense. He has a very profitable licensing business so kinda shocked at how much he is losing with the actual real estate. Having a loss 1 year or 2 years with depreciation is one thing but still having losses 10-20 years after purchase is another.

Either he has really good tax planning (that's creating the losses) or he's not very good at real estate. The answer might be both.
Maybe. But it would be nice to find out once and for all one way or the other. He could put it to rest IF he wanted to. When he doesn’t, it gives the appearance that he’s hiding something.
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What will the charges be?
Who knows. I’m not a lawyer or investigator. The Feds and states pay other people to do that. Still waiting for the answer on why he won’t release any info to shut these people up. Pretty simple concept.
I'd wager he stumble in trying to spell 1040 EZ.

That's a really good point. Let's make it a debate topic and see if Trump can spell 1040 EZ and if Biden can remember what he's supposed to try to spell and without saying something about the form and minorities. The media can have endless debates over which is more significant.
I would think you guys would rather see the tax returns of the ladies and gentlemen that came to DC with nothing and are now millionaires off of being a "public servant".
On that, we agree. I’d like to see those and Trump’s.
Because the wealthiest don't consume as much relative to their incomes as do the lower classes.

You are really really pushing a dumb point on that one. Didn't you learn anything from this whole exercise? Trump made a lot more than anybody here and probably paid less in income tax than any of us ... if you believe the NYT. Wanna bet that if he paid a consumption tax rather than an income tax on what he made, he would have paid far more? So the wealthy maybe pay disproportionately less of their income for stuff; you can bet most wealthy people buy a lot more stuff than the average guy. Regressive - perhaps, but probably not nearly so regressive as a progressive tax with a lot of loopholes. And congress would be pulling their hair out trying to figure out how to replace their lost income because they couldn't diddle with the tax code.
Wasn’t there a whole debate on the rich paying more taxes in the 2016 Republican primary?

Anybody remember Trump’s position on that?

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