Trump's Taxes

Most ignorant reply of the day...congrats.

His businesses didn't lose money? Looks like he's almost 200 million in the hole for the last 2 decades. That's far better than his catastrophic run in the 80s and 90s, though. And who didn't struggle in the 80s and 90s? Oh right, everyone not named Donald Trump. He's a loser.

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His businesses didn't lose money? Looks like he's almost 200 million in the hole for the last 2 decades. That's far better than his catastrophic run in the 80s and 90s, though. And who didn't struggle in the 80s and 90s? Oh right, everyone not named Donald Trump. He's a loser.

View attachment 309912

And? Taxes are the topic. Please keep up.
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"But that's just smarts!!!!!!" --3/4 of VolNation.
Oh, and his campaign is trying to keep the plebes from voting. 😂😂😂

And yeah, the fact that there’s no hint of even cognitive dissonance is the part you can’t write. The king of the populists being a billionaire who doesn’t pay taxes would be quality satire, but even the satirist wouldn’t imagine that the populists wouldn’t give a **** when they found out.
It is generally a good idea to hide stuff from voters that you know voters won't like, yes.

But only if the voters don't find out anyway. Then, the price you pay is going to be a little higher.

Also, I think Trump is quite proud of the topline refunds he received. It is the likely fraud he committed and the extent and origin of his debts that he wants us to not know about.
Yep. Paying $750 in taxes is one thing. But I am really curious just who he owes the $400 million to. There are national security concerns that he needs to answer. Between that secrecy and his refusal to divulge any returns makes it pretty obvious he is trying to hide certain things from the public at all costs. I have a pretty simple philosophy. If you got nothing to hide, release the dang information and shut everybody up, including the Times. Could make them look really silly. But he hasn’t and he won’t and there are reasons why. Also pretty telling that I don’t see the usual lack of blind loyalists on here defending him. The chickens may have come home to roost and they know it.
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Now you get it grasshopper...An EXCELLENT accountant!! (Which was my original advise to you)

An accountant who tells his client to go out and absolutely drive his businesses into the ground so they make out like bandits on the loss harvesting, is excellent?

I'm going to respectfully disagree.
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Yep. Paying $750 in taxes is one thing. But I am really curious just who he owes the $400 million to. There are national security concerns that he needs to answer. Between that secrecy and his refusal to divulge any returns makes it pretty obvious he is trying to hide certain things from the public at all costs. I have a pretty simple philosophy. If you got nothing to hide, release the dang information and shut everybody up, including the Times. Could make them look really silly. But he hasn’t and he won’t and there are reasons why. Also pretty telling that I don’t see the usual lack of blind loyalists on here defending him. The chickens may have come home to roost and they know it.
Usual pack of blind loyalists.....
An accountant who tells his client to go out and absolutely drive his businesses into the ground so they make out like bandits on the loss harvesting, is excellent?

I'm going to respectfully disagree. will never understand.
Many jobs that deal with money require a look at the person's finances. Why shouldn't that be the case for a potus? Lots of temptations out there for a person with that much power

I'd much rather a potential president have to be vetted and able to receive a real and valid Top Secret security clearance before he/she can even take part in party primaries. Same with congress. Maybe at that point we can start doing something about leakers, and have people held as accountable as the military they are willing to put in harms way.
Surely he would of bled to death by now if your tactic was working?
No. He has plenty of sycophants who will gladly lick his wounds and apply a bandaid. And then merrily close their eyes to the obvious and go on. This one may be a wound to the jugular though that he can’t stop. Getting very interesting.
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Yep. Paying $750 in taxes is one thing. But I am really curious just who he owes the $400 million to. There are national security concerns that he needs to answer. Between that secrecy and his refusal to divulge any returns makes it pretty obvious he is trying to hide certain things from the public at all costs. I have a pretty simple philosophy. If you got nothing to hide, release the dang information and shut everybody up, including the Times. Could make them look really silly. But he hasn’t and he won’t and there are reasons why. Also pretty telling that I don’t see the usual lack of blind loyalists on here defending him. The chickens may have come home to roost and they know it.

Given the amount of property he owns, the $400MM doesnt bother me.

Still shocked at the tax losses. It goes a lot further than depreciation expense. He has a very profitable licensing business so kinda shocked at how much he is losing with the actual real estate. Having a loss 1 year or 2 years with depreciation is one thing but still having losses 10-20 years after purchase is another.

Either he has really good tax planning (that's creating the losses) or he's not very good at real estate. The answer might be both. will never understand.

Never understand what?

How you could stroll in here like a big dog with a transparent attempt to feign knowledge about finances that you clearly don't have?

Or how you could quiver off so fast with your tail between your legs when confronted with facts?
Given the amount of property he owns, the $400MM doesnt bother me.

Still shocked at the tax losses. It goes a lot further than depreciation expense. He has a very profitable licensing business so kinda shocked at how much he is losing with the actual real estate. Having a loss 1 year or 2 years with depreciation is one thing but still having losses 10-20 years after purchase is another.
Trump has obviously overleveraged his properties to get the loans.
I'd much rather a potential president have to be vetted and able to receive a real and valid Top Secret security clearance before he/she can even take part in party primaries. Same with congress. Maybe at that point we can start doing something about leakers, and have people held as accountable as the military they are willing to put in harms way.

It's a good idea in theory but it would be ripe for abuse since the party in power would be the ones vetting their opponents.
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