Trump's Taxes

If only we had a President that cared enough to address the "problem."
Among a congress that says none of this is happening and mocks him when this is mentioned?

Trying to undo eight years of Obama and Acorn isn’t an overnight process. It’s a fact that the left would allow non citizens to vote. They’d do it right now if they could.
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Wisconsin authorities investigate trays of mail, absentee ballots found in ditch

No, voter fraud isn’t a myth: 10 cases where it’s all too real

Police investigate reports Ilhan Omar's supporters 'harvested ballots'

Yes America, there is voter fraud. These recent cases prove it.

Temporary contractor threw Trump mail-in ballots in trash, Pennsylvania county officials say

The Heritage Foundation

Even liberal Cuomo said, “[Vote-by-mail is] a harder system to administer, and obviously it’s a harder system to police writ large ... People showing up, people actually showing ID, is still the easiest system to assure total integrity.”

The EAC states: One point of agreement is that absentee voting and voter registration by nongovernmental groups create opportunities for fraud. For example, a number of studies cited circumstances in which voter registration drives have falsified voter registration applications or have destroyed voter registration applications of persons affiliated with a certain political party. Others conclude that paying persons per voter registration application creates the opportunity and perhaps the incentive for fraud.
I took the time and went through 4 of the links. Wisconsin, mail was dumped with unopened absentee ballots. Does not show voter fraud.
The guy in Kentucky charged with election fraud, but it was intimidation of election officials. Does not show voter fraud.
The only concerning ones were the ones in Colorado....only one of those cases of dead people voting was done by mail. The other was in person voting. That is a breakdown with the poll workers.
Even people registering to vote is not voter fraud.
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Among a congress that says none of this is happening and mocks him when this is mentioned?

Trying to undo eight years of Obama and Acorn isn’t an overnight process. It’s a fact that the left would allow non citizens to vote. They’d do it right now if they could.

I mean, it's not just Congress that's mocking him.

FBI Director Says No Evidence Of ‘National Voter Fraud Effort,’ Undercutting Trump
Benjamin Ginsberg: GOP election lawyer says no evidence to support Trump's claim about mail-in voting fraud - CNNPolitics
Trump-appointed elections commissioner says ‘no real evidence’ of president’s claims about voter fraud
Trump Team Fails to Cite Mail-in Election Fraud Cases in Court
I took the time and went through 4 of the links. Wisconsin, mail was dumped with unopened absentee ballots. Does not show voter fraud.
The guy in Kentucky charged with election fraud, but it was intimidation of election officials. Does not show voter fraud.
The only concerning ones were the ones in Colorado....only one of those cases of dead people voting was done by mail. The other was in person voting. That is a breakdown with the poll workers.
Even people registering to vote is not voter fraud.

They've simply planted the seed of fear, uncertainty and doubt as a means to throw shade on the process should they lose. Four years they've had to drum up evidence and all they can scrounge is a few cases of individuals being stupid and some of those were on the right.
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I took the time and went through 4 of the links. Wisconsin, mail was dumped with unopened absentee ballots. Does not show voter fraud.
The guy in Kentucky charged with election fraud, but it was intimidation of election officials. Does not show voter fraud.
The only concerning ones were the ones in Colorado....only one of those cases of dead people voting was done by mail. The other was in person voting. That is a breakdown with the poll workers.
Even people registering to vote is not voter fraud.
And the others?
The one link has over 1,000 years examples.
the one with people registering is that half of the registrations were false. Uh, that’s not a problem. Umkay.
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I like to print off about 10 at a time, mark the box for Trump, go to the registrars office, and throw them in the trash.

I go to my local grocery store and put up a sign in the parking lot that says “EBT for Biden votes” and hand em out there. After I collect and verify everyone gets a free EBT card. Coincidentally, a LOT of white folks voting for Biden in my rural Pennsylvania county. Can never be too careful in a swing state.
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Amazing how quickly anti establishment people suddenly trust the establishment.

Who is anti-establishment?

If you're looking to foist unsubstantiated theory's based on apparitions, the Qanons are accepting applications.
I go to my local grocery store and put up a sign in the parking lot that says “EBT for Biden votes” and hand em out there. After I collect and verify everyone gets a free EBT card. A LOT of white folks voting for Biden in my rural Pennsylvania county. Can never be too careful in a swing state.
You working with Soros? I saw that job posted on the Soros job board, but it conflicted with my schedule. Plus it said that you had to have 2 Obama phones, and I only have 1.
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