
The dirt is out there. The Dems want McGahn to come in and on camera say that Trump tried to get him to fire Mueller, he told Trump that would be illegal obstruction, and Trump asked him not to tell anyone he had asked McGahn to do that.

Fact is, the Trump-Barr playbook worked with the ignoramus Trump base. They bought into Barr's fake summary, they bought into Trump's lying afterward about that, and now they need to see a clip of McGahn saying what is in the report so even those morons can understand they have been duped by conman Trump yet again.

The Trump base is incapable of critical thought. They WANT to be lied to so they can justify what they know in their hearts is a fraud. The only chance there is to snap them out of their Trump trance is to have insiders tell then the truth about Trump.
Please, please tell me what to do to snap out of my Trump trance, and embrace Mayor Pete. Well maybe not embrace him, because...………………………….
Please, please tell me what to do to snap out of my Trump trance, and embrace Mayor Pete. Well maybe not embrace him, because...………………………….

Guys like Mayor Pete scare you. Not because he's gay. But because he's smart and can counter the nonsense of Trump.
The dirt is out there. The Dems want McGahn to come in and on camera say that Trump tried to get him to fire Mueller, he told Trump that would be illegal obstruction, and Trump asked him not to tell anyone he had asked McGahn to do that.

Fact is, the Trump-Barr playbook worked with the ignoramus Trump base. They bought into Barr's fake summary, they bought into Trump's lying afterward about that, and now they need to see a clip of McGahn saying what is in the report so even those morons can understand they have been duped by conman Trump yet again.

The Trump base is incapable of critical thought. They WANT to be lied to so they can justify what they know in their hearts is a fraud. The only chance there is to snap them out of their Trump trance is to have insiders tell then the truth about Trump.

The whole McGahn story is readily available to everyone in the muells report, what's the use of him testifying? Other than political theater?
The whole McGahn story is readily available to everyone in the muells report, what's the use of him testifying? Other than political theater?

That's it.

Trump supporters have not read the report or even listened to critical discussion of it. They just hear and repeat the mantra of complete exoneration.

They won't read it. It has to be on video so they can see it with a human face telling them, yes, Trump asked me to obstruct and he's such a coward that when I refused his attention immediately turned to begging me not to tell anyone what he'd done.
Guys like Mayor Pete scare you. Not because he's gay. But because he's smart and can counter the nonsense of Trump.
The only thing about him that scares me is that he is a typical liberal Democrat. He will not appeal to your black base enough to turn them out in the necessary numbers.
That's it.

Trump supporters have not read the report or even listened to critical discussion of it. They just hear and repeat the mantra of complete exoneration.

They won't read it. It has to be on video so they can see it with a human face telling them, yes, Trump asked me to obstruct and he's such a coward that when I refused his attention immediately turned to begging me not to tell anyone what he'd done.
Has Nadler read it?
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That's it.

Trump supporters have not read the report or even listened to critical discussion of it. They just hear and repeat the mantra of complete exoneration.

They won't read it. It has to be on video so they can see it with a human face telling them, yes, Trump asked me to obstruct and he's such a coward that when I refused his attention immediately turned to begging me not to tell anyone what he'd done.

Then what? Nobody is going to GAF, "oh he asked you to fire someone and you told him no it would be illegal" isn't going to change any minds.
The Mueller report is over and the investigation has started to see how it started and played out.

How can you deny/ignore that?
Because the IG has been investigating it for over a year now. Nunes and the rest of congress investigated it for two years foaming at the mouth to get at the FISA warrants on Carter Page and when they got them, they pretty much shut up. Your hopes are that the Clintons/Obama, Russians, and career Republican FBI Heads are in cahoots. As far fetched as that is, I don't even think that's a crime anymore.
Changing one mind at a time.
Just let people confront the truth.
That's what happened with Obama in office. And the one has now turned in to millions and millions.

I don't see it slowing down anytime soon, in fact, I think he's turning democrats in to believers day by day.
Because the IG has been investigating it for over a year now. Nunes and the rest of congress investigated it for two years foaming at the mouth to get at the FISA warrants on Carter Page and when they got them, they pretty much shut up. Your hopes are that the Clintons/Obama, Russians, and career Republican FBI Heads are in cahoots. As far fetched as that is, I don't even think that's a crime anymore.

The dirt is out there. The Dems want McGahn to come in and on camera say that Trump tried to get him to fire Mueller, he told Trump that would be illegal obstruction, and Trump asked him not to tell anyone he had asked McGahn to do that.

Fact is, the Trump-Barr playbook worked with the ignoramus Trump base. They bought into Barr's fake summary, they bought into Trump's lying afterward about that, and now they need to see a clip of McGahn saying what is in the report so even those morons can understand they have been duped by conman Trump yet again.

The Trump base is incapable of critical thought. They WANT to be lied to so they can justify what they know in their hearts is a fraud. The only chance there is to snap them out of their Trump trance is to have insiders tell then the truth about Trump.

Lie to me some more, LG.

Tell me that Trump and Putin story again!
Because the IG has been investigating it for over a year now. Nunes and the rest of congress investigated it for two years foaming at the mouth to get at the FISA warrants on Carter Page and when they got them, they pretty much shut up. Your hopes are that the Clintons/Obama, Russians, and career Republican FBI Heads are in cahoots. As far fetched as that is, I don't even think that's a crime anymore.
It’s as delusional as the Trump Russia collusion stuff was
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Because Pence is a sanctimonious putz? Other than that, I dunno. Which religion has he been picking on?
Any of them that don't bless his marriage. I understand that his real problem is that his brother-in-law (Chasten's brother) is a Christian pastor, and does not agree with Chasten and Mayor Pete's lifestyle. So, Mayor Pete strikes back at his brother-in -law by striking out at religion.
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