
There is ZERO chance (less than zero, really) of a successful libel or defamation claim by a President. This is Trump having someone else deny it so Fox can run a story about Trump threatening MSNBC. His base will love it and think nothing to see here.

The problem is, Trump has lied so much that he has no credibility with anyone other than Fox and the base, and even that seems to be wearing thin these days. Hope the trith comes out about this. If Russian oligarchs co-signed loans for him, he's a cooked goose.

I doubt MSNBC buckles. Damages are speculative, I doubt Trump wants discovery on this, and evidently O'Donnell hedged his statement with "if true."
I doubt MSNBC buckles. Damages are speculative, I doubt Trump wants discovery on this, and evidently O'Donnell hedged his statement with "if true."

It just does not matter. There is no way the courts would entertain a defamation claim against a President. Taking pot shots at them, true or not, is as American as apple pie.
It is you that doesn't understand that not all rich Russians are tied into their government yet all rich Russians are called Oligarchs by you people. Several have had to flee the country.

And if the story is true, on the off chance the Russians in question are exiled or have no ties to Putin, I agree there wouldn’t be a scandal.
If you are saying it was nowhere? Then that is another lie. Michael Cohen pleaded guilty to lying to Congress about the issue. Cohen had told a Senate committee that the project was dropped in January 2016 because they couldn't get the necessary permissions. However, on November 29, 2018, Cohen admitted in a court proceeding that those statements were untrue, and that he had continued to pursue the possibility of a Trump Tower Moscow until June 2016. He said that in the course of those negotiations he spoke directly with a representative of the Kremlin press office. Cohen also admitted that he had lied to the Senate in September of 2017 "to be consistent with Trump's political messaging".

So they were still nowhere with the project. No land purchased, no permits, no financing, no approvals equals nowhere.
There is ZERO chance (less than zero, really) of a successful libel or defamation claim by a President. This is Trump having someone else deny it so Fox can run a story about Trump threatening MSNBC. His base will love it and think nothing to see here.

The problem is, Trump has lied so much that he has no credibility with anyone other than Fox and the base, and even that seems to be wearing thin these days. Hope the trith comes out about this. If Russian oligarchs co-signed loans for him, he's a cooked goose.
Haven't you heard? Trump is looking for a "new News Outlet. Fox News isn't working for us anymore!" You think maybe you whine too much about your press coverage, when even Fox News doesn't meet your approval? Jeez.
So they were still nowhere with the project. No land purchased, no permits, no financing, no approvals equals nowhere.
It was being pursued long after Trump had said that the deal was dead... A man is currently serving time in jail for repeating that lie to the wrong people.
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LOL, "the middle part has changed."

Yeah, that is kind of the important part.
You all just keep changing the details but always end with "he's done" And yet here we are 2.5 years later still President. Suck it up and try to get someone to run in your party who isn't an absolute nut case and maybe you can take back the WH
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You all just keep changing the details but always end with "he's done" And yet here we are 2.5 years later still President. Suck it up and try to get someone to run in your party who isn't an absolute nut case and maybe you can take back the WH
The problem is there is no such thing as a DEM that is not a nut case as evidenced on this board.:)
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You all just keep changing the details but always end with "he's done" And yet here we are 2.5 years later still President. Suck it up and try to get someone to run in your party who isn't an absolute nut case and maybe you can take back the WH
Trump was done the day he took office. He is a pathetic excuse for a human and an abomination to the office. The fact that he is still in office and even being considered for re-election is an indictment of the American public.
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Trump was done the day he took office. He is a pathetic excuse for a human and an abomination to the office. The fact that he is still in office and even being considered for re-election is an indictment of the American public.

Trump being in office illustrates the fragility and pussification of Democrats—it has been laid bare for nearly three years.
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You all just keep changing the details but always end with "he's done" And yet here we are 2.5 years later still President. Suck it up and try to get someone to run in your party who isn't an absolute nut case and maybe you can take back the WH

If there is indisputable proof that Russian oligarchs cosigned loans for him, given everything that has happened do you not agree he must leave office?
Trump was done the day he took office. He is a pathetic excuse for a human and an abomination to the office. The fact that he is still in office and even being considered for re-election is an indictment of the American public.
You should be locked up in a padded cell
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If there is indisputable proof that Russian oligarchs cosigned loans for him, given everything that has happened do you not agree he must leave office?

They aren't going to admit Trump is a criminal no matter what happens. Trump knows this. He could "shoot someone on 5th Avenue and no one would care".

Most of these guys were never convinced Nixon or Reagan did anything wrong even after they got caught. Hell, Oliver North and G. Gordon Liddy are heroes on the right.

Michael Cohen's biggest mistake was coming clean. He would have had a marvelous talk radio career lined up if he had just parroted the Deep State derping points they gave him.
If there is indisputable proof that Russian oligarchs cosigned loans for him, given everything that has happened do you not agree he must leave office?
Where did Obama get the money for his $15 million house? Oh I forgot, he earned it. Wink wink.
They aren't going to admit Trump is a criminal no matter what happens. Trump knows this. He could "shoot someone on 5th Avenue and no one would care".

Most of these guys were never convinced Nixon or Reagan did anything wrong even after they got caught. Hell, Oliver North and G. Gordon Liddy are heroes on the right.

Michael Cohen's biggest mistake was coming clean. He would have had a marvelous talk radio career lined up if he had just parroted the Deep State derping points they gave him.

I've always said. It depends on who he shot and I'd bet you would feel the same.

If he had some business dealings with some rich Russians that in itself wouldn't be a crime, you would have to prove that it was part of a criminal activity.

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