
I've always said. It depends on who he shot and I'd bet you would feel the same.

If he had some business dealings with some rich Russians that in itself wouldn't be a crime, you would have to prove that it was part of a criminal activity.
Not in LG's or luther's minds.
Define oligarch and co-sign.

Russian businessman. This might, but does not necessarily mean, connected to Russian government or even Putin. As to co-sign my assumption from the report is the typical arrangement to be liable if Donny doesn't pay.

There might be nuances here on the terms, though that should not matter as Trump has over and over and over again denied any business or dealings with Russia of any kind.

I mean, combine this with having Cohen lie to Congress about the timing of discussions of a Trump hotel in Moscow, and then put it in context of his always finding ways to block or lessen sanctions on Russia, or otherwise help them, a pretty clear picture is emerging.
Russian businessman. This might, but does not necessarily mean, connected to Russian government or even Putin. As to co-sign my assumption from the report is the typical arrangement to be liable if Donny doesn't pay.

There might be nuances here on the terms, though that should not matter as Trump has over and over and over again denied any business or dealings with Russia of any kind.

I mean, combine this with having Cohen lie to Congress about the timing of discussions of a Trump hotel in Moscow, and then put it in context of his always finding ways to block or lessen sanctions on Russia, or otherwise help them, a pretty clear picture is emerging.

The only clear picture is you’ve gotten more mentally ill if that’s even possible since Trumps election. Look for the first IG report on Comey to be released tomorrow ! Good times 😂
Ok, let's see what happens on it. If this is fabricated, O'Donell has done a huge disservice to the country because it will just give Trump misleading ammo to further deflect the entirely justified effort to get Trump's tax returns.

They’ve been lying to you and the rest of their audience for over two years dude, remember how Mueller was going to get the goods on Trump? So naive. PT Barnum says hello
Russian businessman. This might, but does not necessarily mean, connected to Russian government or even Putin. As to co-sign my assumption from the report is the typical arrangement to be liable if Donny doesn't pay.

There might be nuances here on the terms, though that should not matter as Trump has over and over and over again denied any business or dealings with Russia of any kind.

I mean, combine this with having Cohen lie to Congress about the timing of discussions of a Trump hotel in Moscow, and then put it in context of his always finding ways to block or lessen sanctions on Russia, or otherwise help them, a pretty clear picture is emerging.

Business with Russia is different than business with a Russian.

oh and LOL
Ok, let's see what happens on it. If this is fabricated, O'Donell has done a huge disservice to the country because it will just give Trump misleading ammo to further deflect the entirely justified effort to get Trump's tax returns.

You know what's going to happen on it.

I wouldn't put it past Trump's team to have been the single source knowing what he would do.
You know what's going to happen on it.

I wouldn't put it past Trump's team to have been the single source knowing what he would do.

I actually wonder that, myself. Knowing that something bad is coming out, plant a false story, complain, then have the source withdraw it to deflect from what is really coming down the pike.

I don't know, that's pretty strategic tradecraft for Trump. Doubt it was his idea, even if it happened.

But like I say, if O'Donnel did jump the gun and/or get snookered its a shame because Trump will tweet about it endlessly as a reason to ignore whatever might actually be in the records or going on.
I actually wonder that, myself. Knowing that something bad is coming out, plant a false story, complain, then have the source withdraw it to deflect from what is really coming down the pike.

I don't know, that's pretty strategic tradecraft for Trump. Doubt it was his idea, even if it happened.

But like I say, if O'Donnel did jump the gun and/or get snookered its a shame because Trump will tweet about it endlessly as a reason to ignore whatever might actually be in the records or going on.

Let's see here, the man was able to collude with the Russians to steal the election from Hillary, commit tax fraud, launder money for decades and the Muell still couldn't catch him?

I believe he must be smarter than you think.
My biggest question for you lib loons, how many times do you have to be fooled and lied to before you stop putting so much hope in all these fake news hacks
Guess several of our resident “counselors” were incorrect... again 😂

From the letter sent to NBC Universal...
“These statements are false and defamatory, and extremely damaging. The only borrowers under these loans are Trump entities, and Mr. Trump is the only guarantor. Numerous documents for each of these loans are also recorded, publicly available and searchable online. Thus, actual malice can easily be proven based on your reckless disregard of the truth and unreasonable reliance on an alleged ‘source’ who you will not even identify in your story and likely is seeking to mislead you and the public for political reasons or other ulterior motives,”

LG if you’re listening... 🤣🤣🤣
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You wouldn't believe it anyway. Your mind is like concrete.....all mixed up and permanently set. Democrats can do no wrong. More than likely, you are nothing more than a paid troll, however.
Who do you think is paying me, the whale humping tree huggers?
Guess several of our resident “counselors” were incorrect... again 😂

From the letter sent to NBC Universal...

LG if you’re listening... 🤣🤣🤣
Hahahahahahahahaha I love it. Poor libs, got screwed again by their beloved “journalists”

If the left or the dnc media had any integrity this punk would be fired
Colossal failure? Lol. There are 150 separate entities under the Trump brand. Some fail. Most dont.
If his empire is worth $3Bill and he couldn't pay $1Bill (bankruptcies); I would call him a failure since he has been spoonfed his wealth by his father and now doesn't know what to do. He's a desperate man.

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