
You "co-sign" for a house or mortgage. Corporations do not have co-signers, they have partners. As I said, they worded it to illicit responses from the ignorant.
Let's call it a partnership then. If true, that would absolutely reveal a series of outright lies that Trump would have told throughout the 2016 Presidential campaign... which was that he had business interests with Russia.
Let's call it a partnership then. If true, that would absolutely reveal a series of outright lies that Trump would have told throughout the 2016 Presidential campaign... which was that he had business interests with Russia.

Yes, let's be accurate in calling it what it might be. While we are at it let's be accurate in who he might be dealing with, a Russian isn't Russia.
Setting yourself up for yet another disappointment on this one I’m guessing.

You guys need to go ahead and drag all of this speculation behind Trumps business activity thru the mud in a very public and emotional fashion. I’m guessing that won’t end up for you the way you hope it does. And I can’t wait fir the same to happen to the 2020 Dim candidate.

I agree there needs to be proof of it before it matters.

I also think in that respect, however, that Trump needs to stop blocking it. He promised to release it, his excuses have all been bogus, and stuff like this rings true and would explain why he is blocking it.

Time to release it.
Let's call it a partnership then. If true, that would absolutely reveal a series of outright lies that Trump would have told throughout the 2016 Presidential campaign... which was that he had business interests with Russia.

If true and he does not resign, impeachment truly become viable.
I agree there needs to be proof of it before it matters.

I also think in that respect, however, that Trump needs to stop blocking it. He promised to release it, his excuses have all been bogus, and stuff like this rings true and would explain why he is blocking it.

Time to release it.
I'm past the point of caring about his tax returns anymore but these loans with Deutsche are of interest. The public needs to know if Trump has been in a business partnership with Oleg Deripaska while lifting sanctions against his companies. That is a clear conflict of interest. Now, having said that, it is all speculation at this point.
I agree there needs to be proof of it before it matters.

I also think in that respect, however, that Trump needs to stop blocking it. He promised to release it, his excuses have all been bogus, and stuff like this rings true and would explain why he is blocking it.

Time to release it.
Still hung up on “you promised” huh?

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