
He may have answered "better," but both of you finished a mile short of forming a cogent argument...typical.

It's your assertion. You posted those scary Facebook ad links.

Don't be mad because YOUR argument is weak.

You'll need to bring a cogent argument to the table before you speak of anyone else.

You'd be doing better if you brought something intelligent to the table. So stupid. So typical.
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It's your assertion. You posted those scary Facebook ad links.

Don't be mad because YOUR argument is weak.

You'll need to bring a cogent argument to the table before you speak of anyone else.

You'd be doing better if you brought something intelligent to the table. So stupid. So typical.

It wasn't an assertion, it was fact. You are so freaking dense...

Edit: You most certainly didn't know what "cogent" meant before I used it in a sentence. You should thank me.
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If if if, only you had a brain.

Last I checked, meeting with actual RUSSIANS who are offering dirt on Clinton--is the definition of collusion.

Here's a headline from today's New York Times:

"Russian fingerprints are on thousands of fake Facebook and Twitter accounts that posted anti-Clinton messages."

I'd link the story for you--but I'm not sure that you're intellectually suited for the New York Times.
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Last I checked, meeting with actual RUSSIANS who are offering dirt on Clinton--is the definition of collusion.

Here's a headline from today's New York Times:

"Russian fingerprints are on thousands of fake Facebook and Twitter accounts that posted anti-Clinton messages."

I'd link the story for you--but I'm not sure that you're intellectually suited for the New York Times. that illegal? According to legal eagle Alan Dershowitz, its not illegal.

Edit: Dershowitz isn't a southerner either. So suck on that.
It wasn't an assertion, it was fact. You are so freaking dense...

Edit: You most certainly didn't know what "cogent" meant before I used it in a sentence. You should thank me.

The fact is hillary lost because of Russian Facebook ads? Damn, you all are pathetic losers. Lol
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Last I checked, meeting with actual RUSSIANS who are offering dirt on Clinton--is the definition of collusion.

Here's a headline from today's New York Times:

"Russian fingerprints are on thousands of fake Facebook and Twitter accounts that posted anti-Clinton messages."

I'd link the story for you--but I'm not sure that you're intellectually suited for the New York Times.

We must be using different dictionaries.

Definition of collusion

: secret agreement or cooperation especially for an illegal or deceitful purpose
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Last I checked, meeting with actual RUSSIANS who are offering dirt on Clinton--is the definition of collusion.

Here's a headline from today's New York Times:

"Russian fingerprints are on thousands of fake Facebook and Twitter accounts that posted anti-Clinton messages."

I'd link the story for you--but I'm not sure that you're intellectually suited for the New York Times.

Thanks for the belly laugh this morning.

I usually discard your comments, but this part was hilarious.
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Last I checked, meeting with actual RUSSIANS who are offering dirt on Clinton--is the definition of collusion.

Here's a headline from today's New York Times:

"Russian fingerprints are on thousands of fake Facebook and Twitter accounts that posted anti-Clinton messages."

I'd link the story for you--but I'm not sure that you're intellectually suited for the New York Times.

What about the thousands of Facebook messages and Twitter accounts posted by Trump supporters? 😂
It was your excuse.

No it wasn't.

What you're too dumb to realize is that I've never said Russian intervention cost Hillary the election outright.

I'm pointing out obvious, confirmed instances of Russian intervention. I am leading you to truth. You're a horse and I'm leading you to water. Tums, you're too dumb to drink the water.

No way you didn't ride the short bus to school.
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Facebook says fake accounts linked to Russia bought thousands of ads during US election

Facebook says it sold political ads to fake Russian accounts

I didn't spend much time on facebook during the election cycle, but I did see the massive botnet army on twitter churning out pro-Trump, anti-everyone else RT, Sputnik, and Wikileaks garbage...and of course you have the Reality Winner CIA leaks that demonstrate a Russian spearphishing campaign.

It's like I said earlier in this thread, Russia wanted to be involved...and Team Trump wanted Russia involved.

It's best when all I have to do is respond with your own post.
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What about the thousands of Facebook messages and Twitter accounts posted by Trump supporters? 😂

The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Thousands of fake accounts created for the purpose of swaying voters to Trump. Considering the amount of misinformation Trump supporters digested as truth, I would say it was more than enough to turn the election in Trump's favor. A misinformed public was the foundation of the trump victory, and Russia played a significant role in laying that foundation.
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The two aren't mutually exclusive.

Thousands of fake accounts created for the purpose of swaying voters to Trump. Considering the amount of misinformation Trump supporters digested as truth, I would say it was more than enough to turn the election in Trump's favor. A misinformed public was the foundation of the trump victory, and Russia played a significant role in laying that foundation.

You still don't get it, the Russians didn't fill up the rally's or bus people to the polls. You guys are so ****ing pathetic..
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No it wasn't.

No way you didn't ride the short bus to school.

I'm thinking Tums may have been "home schooled". He's obviously dealing from an incomplete deck.

Not only can you not always make the horse drink the water, but occasionally there is that rare horse that can't even be lead to the water.
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I'm thinking Tums may have been "home schooled". He's obviously dealing from an incomplete deck.

Not only can you not always make the horse drink the water, but occasionally there is that rare horse that can't even be lead to the water.

You were the bus driver, can you confirm or deny the allegations? 😂
You still don't get it, the Russians didn't fill up the rally's or bus people to the polls. You guys are so ****ing pathetic..

Those people went voluntarily fueled by misinformation and ignorance. (Not all but many, certainly enough to swing the results)
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