Now, about those tax returns:
Interesting perspective. I'm on record claiming that this was all just a Trump hoax, that he had them leaked (reason why it was "clean" and why only two pages included, not to mention the "Client Copy"), all in an effort to take down Maddow who, if you will recall, was the only journalist doing heavy-hitting on the Trump-Russia connection at the time. What's more, I believe Maddow knew this, but was willing to take the temporary hit to her credibility in order to gain more exposure for her research on Trump-Russia.
Contrary to popular opinion on this board, win for Maddow. After a temporary setback, she is now gaining more audience-share and ratings than she ever has (still not saying much), and the Trump-Russia story has only blown up, admittedly mostly because of Comey's public statement.
The only way this was a win for Team Traitor was that his sycophantic followers actually believe these two pages of one year's tax returns are indicative of his entire tax history, even though he refuses to release the rest.
NOTE: the author of this particular piece is The Jester, a notable, self-proclaimed "American patriot" hacker, known for attacks on Wikileaks and who I am led to believe is a former Army intelligence officer. And by "officer," I mean "Second Lieutenant" or above. Always feels great to know we can count on another good guy like him on our side in running this traitor out on a rail.