Turns out, slavery is good ... for the slaves

Do we not already do this? Have you never heard of the Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, Frederick Douglass and instead need a “personal benefits” unit as your one example of Black survival?

This is being framed as some type of compliment to Black people, but if people are unable to fathom Black perseverance without teaching the personal benefits of slavery, I would say it’s closer to the opposite

So your actual argument is that kids learn about enough black historical figures? I kept bringing up Captain Smalls because I thought he had an amazing story that I had never heard in school. I imagine there’s many others I don’t know.
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So your actual argument is that kids learn about enough black historical figures? I kept bringing up Captain Smalls because I thought he had an amazing story that I had never heard in school. I imagine there’s many others I don’t know.

My point was not complicated at all and this is the second time you've dodged it, this is not a serious conversation
No, we do not need nuance with slavery. Do we need nuance when we discuss the Holocaust?

I think you have chosen a side and are adopting a lot of weird devil's advocate arguments in favor of it. The fact that many Black Americans established the Underground Railroad, escaped slavery in many instances, survived the whippings and rape and other horrors of slavery, fought to abolish it in the case of people like Frederick Douglass, and now serve as the basis for most of our music, culture, etc. is obvious evidence of "overcoming"; I promise you we do not need a section about how "slavery was also an educational tool" to accomplish that.
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No, more like comparing Auschwitz to Bergen Belson.
What? Slavery in America is the equivalent of genocide? The goal was to exterminate blacks?

Got to say if you're right, it sure snatches the economic reasons most everyone thought was behind slavery out from under it. "Let me accumulate land and slaves needed to work the land so I can kill them," said no plantation owner ever.
My point was not complicated at all and this is the second time you've dodged it, this is not a serious conversation

Dodged what? Your point is Frederick Douglas is an example of overcoming such things…cool? I’m not disagreeing. I’m asking the question “why end there”?

Why do you seem openly opposed to kids learning more about men like Captain Smalls?
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What? Slavery in America is the equivalent of genocide? The goal was to exterminate blacks?

Got to say if you're right, it sure snatches the economic reasons most everyone thought was behind slavery out from under it. "Let me accumulate land and slaves needed to work the land so I can kill them," said no plantation owner ever.

Innocent people being incarcerated and arguing over which prison camp was the best.
You may be right. You may also be notorious for bad predictions.

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Just popping in check and see how deep Grover's dug that hole.

I'll toss down a flare and come back tonight so I don't miss the thud.
Good point, although you were being sarcastic. We should teach what their motivation for attacking the US was.
Much more than that ...

"We need to teach our kids how the hijackers were actually helping people in the WTC Towers. Those people who jumped were probably suicidal anyway. The hijackers did them a favor." - Republicans in Florida
No it is not. Another reason is to compare the relative conditions of slavery period, which is what I took it as. No where was there a statement to minimize the effects of American slavery. It was a comparison of the conditions, not some comparison of merit, a very substantial difference.

Your inability to discern that does not make your conclusion the "only reason" as you unequivocally stated. Might want to review the definition of obtuse and consider how it applies to you.
There were differences even within the US. Growing tobacco and corn in Virginia and Maryland was generally not as rough as cotton in Mississppi and sugar cane in Louisiana.
Condtions in the Caribbean could be really brutal.
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Much more than that ...

"We need to teach our kids how the hijackers were actually helping people in the WTC Towers. Those people who jumped were probably suicidal anyway. The hijackers did them a favor." - Republicans in Florida
Swing and a miss. Why did UBL do what he did? We should know, the same as why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
Swing and a miss. Why did UBL do what he did? We should know, the same as why Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
That is already done. Bitterness over the "infidels" forces occupying Saudi Arabia prior to Desert Storm - 1990-1991.
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Innocent people being incarcerated and arguing over which prison camp was the best.

I guess the ones in Africa were too overcrowded so they decided to sell their own people. At least they don’t as e to brunt any of the blame. Damn whitey.
Just popping in check and see how deep Grover's dug that hole.

I'll toss down a flare and come back tonight so I don't miss the thud.
Eh. Don't worry about me. Poking holes in arguments with the effective strength of wet Kleenex is fun.

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