Turns out, slavery is good ... for the slaves

Fun little nugget for y'all. That AP course that the white house and liberals freaked out about because Florida said no... May I present page 72:


Well, history shows us (regardless of race/color), Joseph was sold into slavery by his own brothers, and he was quite smart -- "the king (Pharoah) made him master of his household, ruler over all his substance"

Psalm 105:
15“Do not touch My anointed ones! Do no harm to My prophets!”

16He called down famine on the land and cut off all their suppliesa of food.

17He sent a man before them— Joseph, sold as a slave.

18They bruised his feet with shackles and placed his neck in irons, 19until his prediction came true and the word of the LORD proved him right.

20 The king sent and released him; the ruler of peoples set him free. 21He made him master of his household, ruler over all his substance,

22to instructb his princes as he pleased and teach his elders wisdom.

23Then Israel entered Egypt; ...

^^ Quite applicable to today (New Testament).
Eh. Don't worry about me. Poking holes in arguments with the effective strength of wet Kleenex is fun.

Your argument regarding a comparison of conditions of America to Africa is the weak and transparent argument and it's only purpose is to minimize the American slave conditions by saying these guys could have had worse. America was really the good guy in all this. We brought them to this great country and they and their descendants should be grateful.
I guess the ones in Africa were too overcrowded so they decided to sell their own people. At least they don’t as e to brunt any of the blame. Damn whitey.

I stand corrected. MERICA! it does no wrong nor does it discuss any wrongs that should make it uncomfortable.
Your argument regarding a comparison of conditions of America to Africa is the weak and transparent argument and it's only purpose is to minimize the American slave conditions by saying these guys could have had worse. America was really the good guy in all this. We brought them to this great country and they and their descendants should be grateful.
I literally did not say any of this. Have not intimated it. And while I may have missed a post or two, i don't think anyone else on here has except for wild claims by the leftists.
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If you’re talking about a semester-long college course, I can see it. For grade school where they’re going to spend a week or two on the subject, nah.

Once you move on to reconstruction era, there is opportunity to discuss these topics and the cited individuals and that doesn’t equivocate about the institution of slavery.

this is what spurred this current conversation. going back two pages it was about the necessity of "this addition". Going back further I didn't see any other references but to the clarification in question. so my point stands, I didn't post anything factually wrong, you simply disagree with the conclusion I drew.

even if I was wrong, and you have still yet to show how any of what I said is flatly wrong, why would I change my avatar? I thought we were having a discussion. It appears, as usual, you don't want to have a real discussion, you want to rely on ridicule while avoiding the actual points being made.

I can admit when I am wrong, I have done it before and will do it again, and I will keep my avatar while doing so. I at least go back and back up what I say instead of relying on implications.

If you want an actual discussion I will respond. If you just want to troll around and declare yourself the winner of every imaginary point you have in your head, I won't try to stop you.
I literally did not say any of this. Have not intimated it. And while I may have missed a post or two, i don't think anyone else on here has except for wild claims by the leftists.

What is the purpose of the comparison of conditions between african and american slaves in an American history class?
What is the purpose of the comparison of conditions between african and american slaves in an American history class?
I know what I took from it, but why don't you ask the OP instead of making assumptions and flying off the freaking handle?

I'm saying this, but really do not like that it may come across as an attempt at being a smart ass, but I do not mean it that way. Really do not, but here goes: asking someone to clarify their meaning, instead of jumping off the cliff and making a wild accusations about their intent, is the adult way to handle it. Most likely, you would not talk to another man to his face like that.

I hope I've been clear on my intent. If you do not take it as I have said, then I regret that, but it is not on me.
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Your argument regarding a comparison of conditions of America to Africa is the weak and transparent argument and it's only purpose is to minimize the American slave conditions by saying these guys could have had worse. America was really the good guy in all this. We brought them to this great country and they and their descendants should be grateful.

Well, if we're comparing present-day standards of living, I'd wager that many Americans are grateful that they live here and not in the lands of their ancestors.
Well, if we're comparing present-day standards of living, I'd wager that many Americans are grateful that they live here and not in the lands of their ancestors.

You would think but they’re not. They believe nothing ever happened in Africa that led to what their ancestors endured here. They use it as an excuse for constant victimhood. There’s a reason they never consider returning to the “utopia” of Africa. Many here are content to play along with their lunacy.

this is what spurred this current conversation. going back two pages it was about the necessity of "this addition". Going back further I didn't see any other references but to the clarification in question. so my point stands, I didn't post anything factually wrong, you simply disagree with the conclusion I drew.

even if I was wrong, and you have still yet to show how any of what I said is flatly wrong, why would I change my avatar? I thought we were having a discussion. It appears, as usual, you don't want to have a real discussion, you want to rely on ridicule while avoiding the actual points being made.

I can admit when I am wrong, I have done it before and will do it again, and I will keep my avatar while doing so. I at least go back and back up what I say instead of relying on implications.

If you want an actual discussion I will respond. If you just want to troll around and declare yourself the winner of every imaginary point you have in your head, I won't try to stop you.
Your response to that post was “you do realize that’s what the curriculum was doing doing, right?” (1) and you cited the header that included the reconstruction period.

So you were asserting as fact that this point in the curriculum pertains to the reconstruction era. Now go back and actually read my response (2).

In your dumbassed attempt to rewrite the conversation, you said I was “claiming the section was ONLY talking about the reconstruction period.” (3) That’s the post that deserves the dunce hat.

I wasn’t “claiming the section was ONLY talking about the reconstruction period.” How do you even come up with that?

I said the exact opposite. I explicitly told you that your conclusion that “that’s what it was doing,” was not supported by the context and I listed several contextual clues that were inconsistent with your conclusion. (To wit: the fact that it’s a generalized point about slaves and slavery, which is generally inconsistent with teaching about reconstruction; where it appears, chronologically; and subsequent explicit inclusion of these reconstruction era figures)(2).

You came back with something along the lines of “derrrr, slaves were freed before reconstruction, derrr,” which is closer to a concession that the teaching point didn’t apply to reconstruction than a rebuttal. And I see now that you followed that up with some ludicrous strawman that was premised on my argument having something to do with racism (4). Because nothing says “I think I’m right,” better than trying to derail the conversation with a good old fashioned strawman.

Absolutely incredible that you responded to me with a post that either , as you now seem to be claiming, didn’t mean what it plainly said (and therefore wouldn’t have been responsive to my post), or was just an incorrect reading of the curriculum that you’ve kudo’d yourself for being the only one to read. You unsuccessfully tried to derail the conversation with a strawman, then mischaracterized what I’ve said, and now seem to be mischaracterizing what you said. It should not be some great revelation that I don’t value an “actual conversation” with you.
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Well, if we're comparing present-day standards of living, I'd wager that many Americans are grateful that they live here and not in the lands of their ancestors.

You'll never get them to admit present day life is better here than back at "home" because that one thing would completely destroy the reparations argument.
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Congressional Black Caucus Wants to Use the Justice Department to Take Action Against Florida’s History Educational Standards


It appears the battle over Florida’s black history curriculum has entered into a new phase. A fiery debate was ignited over parts of the state’s educational standards on chattel slavery. Now, the discussion has continued to rage on the airwaves and interwebs.

Democrats in Congress are now taking a questionable step in response to Florida’s curriculum. The Congressional Black Caucus is now calling on the Biden administration to use federal power to possibly compel the state’s government to alter its standards:
I want to add one more idea into the fray.

As a small government ideologue, I am naturally wired to see where big government overreach drives wedges between Americans. Those of you who want state and federal influence, get it. Sometimes you like the outcome....ie when the IRS was targeting R-leaning entities. Sometimes you don't like it...ie when the R-leaning state rewrites history for textbooks. The power you applaud when in your favor is the same power which makes you cry, "Lahd, Lahd", when against your interests. And since the elected leaders are fluid and ever changing, you are hoist with your own petard when a leader is elected who is antithetical to your values.
The solution, it seems to me, is to excise the bureaucratic cancer from our local politics. Which means neither side may get what they want but both sides will be protected from each other.
Not the State… but it was all fun and games when Twitter was silencing the “right kinda people” (which was/is their prerogative).

Suddenly it wasn’t all that much fun anymore when leadership changed…
Congressional Black Caucus Wants to Use the Justice Department to Take Action Against Florida’s History Educational Standards


It appears the battle over Florida’s black history curriculum has entered into a new phase. A fiery debate was ignited over parts of the state’s educational standards on chattel slavery. Now, the discussion has continued to rage on the airwaves and interwebs.

Democrats in Congress are now taking a questionable step in response to Florida’s curriculum. The Congressional Black Caucus is now calling on the Biden administration to use federal power to possibly compel the state’s government to alter its standards:

I’ll wait until congressional white caucus chimes in.
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Congressional Black Caucus Wants to Use the Justice Department to Take Action Against Florida’s History Educational Standards


It appears the battle over Florida’s black history curriculum has entered into a new phase. A fiery debate was ignited over parts of the state’s educational standards on chattel slavery. Now, the discussion has continued to rage on the airwaves and interwebs.

Democrats in Congress are now taking a questionable step in response to Florida’s curriculum. The Congressional Black Caucus is now calling on the Biden administration to use federal power to possibly compel the state’s government to alter its standards:
The Lie About Florida Schools and Slavery Gets Completely Exposed
What is the purpose of the comparison of conditions between african and american slaves in an American history class?

What is the purpose of teaching sympathy rather than pure history in an American History class? Slavery in the US is a thing of the past, so let it go, along with the civil war monuments. If we're saying in one case that history is past and it's wrong to stir emotions, then that should be the case for all historical events.
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