Turns out, slavery is good ... for the slaves

It's important to point out that child sex slavery does prevent some kids from starving.

Depending on the age, 100% we should teach that economic (more so addiction in this country specifically) factors are what lead to child sex slavery. There are some in this country who will bodly/ignorantly proclaim that economics/money/wealth does not matter and that we should do x no matter the cost.

The truth is that it always matters and that it’s only our wealth that allows us to escape such things. If we lived in a country were starvation was a serious issue, child sex slavery would be very low on most people’s list of things to solve.
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The “we love/trust/support our teachers crowd” has now spent 7 pages trying to convince us that teachers are going to tell kids slavery was good now
You know what, they’ve convinced me. Ron DeSantis is 100% in favor of slavery. The State of Florida is going to start teaching slavery was nothing more than a progressive jobs program. To “suggest” or “imply” otherwise is pure heresy.
The “we love/trust/support our teachers crowd” has now spent 7 pages trying to convince us that teachers are going to tell kids slavery was good now
This has nothing to do with teachers.

It is the Florida Board of Education including language in their curriculum which panders to the anti-woke establishment. This is a political stunt from an increasingly political board (which shouldn't be political at all!)
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Has anyone expressed concern over teachers, or is this just another bad devil's advocate point to defend an inclusion that no one has been able to justify?

If they start throwing in positive points about the Holocaust are you going to make the same "it's a good thing; you trust teachers, right?" argument? I suspect not

I’ve multiple times asked you and another poster what the fear was here, to my knowledge neither have answered. I would assume your fear is that Florida teachers will teach slavery was a positive.

I’m not trying to misrepresent your argument. So please feel free to explain. What is your fear here? If it’s not the fear that Florida teachers will teach slavery was good?
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You know what, they’ve convinced me. Ron DeSantis is 100% in favor of slavery. The State of Florida is going to start teaching slavery was nothing more than a progressive jobs program. To “suggest” or “imply” otherwise is pure heresy.

He doesn't have to be "in favor of slavery" for this to be an extremely questionable inclusion, should have stuck with "maybe it was unnecessary" instead of inventing strawmen to support it
This has nothing to do with teachers.

It is the Florida Board of Education including language in their curriculum which panders to the anti-woke establishment. This is a political stunt from an increasingly political board (which shouldn't be political at all!)

It seems you’re the one making it political. Not the Florida board of education. There’s nothing political in there
I’ve multiple times asked you and another poster what the fear was here, to my knowledge neither have answered. I would assume your fear is that Florida teachers will teach slavery was a positive.

I’m not trying to misrepresent your argument. So please feel free to explain. What is your fear here? If it’s not the fear that Florida teachers will teach slavery was good?

We don't need this "nuance" and it adds nothing to the curriculum. Do we need added nuance when discussing the Holocaust? (Speaking of questions that no one will answer)
Good grief, DeSantis can't get out of his own way. Is "the squad" secretly running his campaign?

If it weren't for stupid decisions, his campaign wouldn't have made any decisions.
We don't need this "nuance" and it adds nothing to the curriculum. Do we need added nuance when discussing the Holocaust? (Speaking of questions that no one will answer)

I included nuance mainly in reference to the topic of segregation that I brought up in a previous post, that’s why I’ve not really touched the question. It didn’t really apply (at least I didn’t mean it to) to the conversation of slavery because I don’t think “nuance” is the goal here for Florida and because my goal wasn’t to say “we should teach there were good aspects of slavery”.

Like I’ve said multiple times here I think the intent was to highlight the black men and women who overcame. Which when asked it about it was the same thing DeSantis said.

When slavery is taught today probably 90% (I’m assuming here) of the focus is on white people. If you’re going to teach African American history, the focus should remain on African Americans.
We don't need this "nuance" and it adds nothing to the curriculum. Do we need added nuance when discussing the Holocaust? (Speaking of questions that no one will answer)
Absolutely. No nuance about any major topic is acceptable. Even if there were something nuanced about it, it must be quashed immediately. We don’t need “nuance.” Because nobody answers questions.
Good grief, DeSantis can't get out of his own way. Is "the squad" secretly running his campaign?

If it weren't for stupid decisions, his campaign wouldn't have made any decisions.

You think he wrote these standards?
Absolutely. No nuance about any major topic is acceptable. Even if there were something nuanced about it, it must be quashed immediately. We don’t need “nuance.” Because nobody answers questions.

Yes those are definitely things people said, GroverStrawman. Quoted my post and still dodged the question
Students should note that internment camps sheltered many Japanese immigrants from racially motivated violence.
Slavery was bad. But the house slaves learned how to properly set a dinner table for dinner parties. After they were freed they had that to lean on.
Slavery was bad. But the house slaves learned how to properly set a dinner table for dinner parties. After they were freed they had that to lean on.

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