Turns out, slavery is good ... for the slaves

This line is new, as part of an "update", based on the bill. What are we doing here lol

They updated the entire curriculum. As schools do often. Not just this line.

Edit: I’ll add that it would be nice for local tax payers if they only paid these men to update a few lines, but that’s not the reality of how government works nor worth the time of two PHDs. Rather they pay them to present an entirely new curriculum
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Why are people defending this if DeSantis wasn’t even involved?

Because the media wrote hit pieces and developed slavery/racist panels on the talk shows to slam DeSantis. The curriculum the black scholars developed/revised was black history. Their point was how blacks overcame and not slavery was good. The 1619 Project was not used or referenced and that probably made the liberal left upset.
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Depends on your definition of CRT. If by that you mean simply that Africans were enslaved for roughly a century and that was morally abhorrent, I would not agree to ban that. It's simply history.

If you mean reparations, ok, I would agree that's a topic for college students, not before.

actually neither of the items you presented are CRT.

no one I've ever heard from objects to the first being taught as it has been for decades.
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LOL. If you click on their link, it takes you to the "personal benefit" benchmark clarification.
Which Dr. Allen (decedent of slaves) who wrote that, stated it’s taken out of context. Kamala needs to understand what “gaslighting” is if she’s going to toss it around.
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Which Dr. Allen (decedent of slaves) who wrote that stated it’s taken out of context. Kamala needs to understand what “gaslighting” is if she’s going to toss it around.

How could you believe the same woman who pretended the current president is an evil racist who would’ve deprived her of an education, would lie about something like this?

She’s so genuine!
How could you believe the same woman who pretended the current president is an evil racist who would’ve deprived her of an education, would lie about something like this?

She’s so genuine!
She needs a platform to occupy her time. Seemed like a good idea until she got off the plane and talked.
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Because the media wrote hit pieces and developed slavery/racist panels on the talk shows to slam DeSantis. The curriculum the black scholars developed/revised was black history. Their point was how blacks overcame and not slavery was good. The 1619 Project was not used or referenced and that probably made the liberal left upset.
Then wouldn’t the response be “DeSantis wasn’t involved?”

Sounds more like nobody initially realized that DeSantis wasn’t involved and the early responders were willing to go down swinging with “but actually slavery did have some benefits for slaves and shouldn’t be unequivocally condemned” to defend a guy that’s losing a Republican primary in a landslide. Both of these would be telling.
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Florida's new Black history curriculum says "slaves developed skills" that could be used for "personal benefit"

I've never been more embarrassed to be a Floridian. Honestly, this Legislatures, kowtowing to the extreme white resentment class, makes the state look positively azz backward.
holy selective coverage batman. Seems odd to include two parts of the same sentence but not what came between.

"Clarification 1: Instruction includes how slaves developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit."

did you read the rest of the criteria instead of just looking at the one clarifications? Because they cover plenty of "positive" things. seems like this article dug through 216 pages of generalized examples of what should be taught, and were only able to be outraged if they selectively reported part of ONE clarification.


you make it sound like a white power manifesto, but on the same page (6) they talk about the role of AAs in the American Revolution and mention 4 specific instances specifically. and on every other page there were multiple references to plenty of non-white power historical moments/individuals.
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It was mentioned that the curriculum made the claim, and some agreed with that.
I'm glad you posted what you did. Too many oversimplify issues and end up missing important points.

That is indeed the problem. People want to push an agenda rather than look at the complex reality. It wasn't white man bad, black person good - it was a whole bunch of people doing things as they saw their interests according to norms at the time, some of which we find awful today. Whether it was Dutch slave ships, African tribal warlords and costal cities, American plantation owners (white and black), all were part of the process. We really should study the full history and discuss and debate what it would have been like to be in that time and play according to the rules that existed then. Some slaves did not have it that bad actually and might have even been preferable to starvation and squalor (more common back then than you might think). Some slaves lived in such hellish conditions, its hard to even comprehend. But to be honest, life in general, was much shorter, harder and more brutal for everyone back then.

Slavery has existed everywhere and for as long as humans have been organized into groups. Peoples have enslaved others because of debt, losing a war, "lesser" races or clans, crime, so many things.

To me, the most terrible thing about slavery in America, however, is that it trained whites to think of themselves as superior because of their race and trained blacks to think of themselves as inferior. This pernicious lie permeated our society and obfuscated the true source of America's strength. It is in our culture that made us superior. To quote Tocqueville, America is great because it is good. Those who thought instead it was because they were racially superior or inferior allowed the culture to rot and our goodness - and as our Godliness has dissipated, so has our strength.

Only the most delusional white Americans today think they are superior simply because of their race, yet far too many black Americans still believe in their heart of hearts the awful lie that they are inferior by birth. Rather than recognize it is a culture of victimhood (rather than hard work, excellence and Godliness) that keeps them in chains to the political hucksters that claim to represent them.
Did black people in Africa not sell black people in Africa? I’m sure most black people believe whitey raided villages and captured slaves.

Remember you are arguing with people who point out one tribe raided and sold people from another tribe, but the tribal warfare and way of life wouldn't have been a problem had the soon to be slave not been forcibly taken from Africa by white people. Next we'll be told that tribalism is a great thing; that despite the obvious, it is the framework that makes great civilizations. It takes a tribe to raise a child to destroy others ... think I heard something like that from either big mike or hiliary.
Which Dr. Allen (decedent of slaves) who wrote that, stated it’s taken out of context. Kamala needs to understand what “gaslighting” is if she’s going to toss it around.
It was quoted verbatim from the curriculum. If it needed additional context, then he should have been the one to add it in the text. At best, that is his own fault. That is a pathetic excuse.

Taken from the movie "Gaslight" from 1944 ... Gaslighting is manipulating a person/people over time by denying seemingly indisputable, established facts, in effort to cause them to question their own perception of reality involving events which they have either seen evidence of, or experienced themselves.

It is a very good movie by the way.

Trying to suggest that there were personal benefits to having been a slave ... would be gaslighting - if done on message for an extended period of time. The most notorious gaslighters in history have been holocaust deniers.
Florida's new Black history curriculum says "slaves developed skills" that could be used for "personal benefit"

I've never been more embarrassed to be a Floridian. Honestly, this Legislatures, kowtowing to the extreme white resentment class, makes the state look positively azz backward.

Welcome to the new GOP and new right-wing----very upset that it's not 1950 anymore (or is it 1850?) and determined to take us back in time. I'm frankly rather tired of hearing about slavery constantly--it's a bit of black-activist racket--but at the same time trying to pretend that slavery was good for blacks is jumping the reality tracks. But the political right has been doing that in a variety of ways for a few years now, especially with its many constant reliance on laughably conspiracy theories and disinformation of all kinds.
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Welcome to the new GOP and new right-wing----very upset that it's not 1950 anymore (or is it 1850?) and determined to take us back in time. I'm frankly rather tired of hearing about slavery constantly--it's a bit of black-activist racket--but at the same time trying to pretend that slavery was good for blacks is jumping the reality tracks. But the political right has been doing that in a variety of ways for a few years now, especially with its many constant reliance on laughably conspiracy theories and disinformation of all kinds.
Remember when Biden said republicans would put black people back in chains? Now try this post again
Homeboy didn't get the memo about the cessation of digging while in a hole.

There you have it!

Watters is crediting the act of slavery for developing skills of the enslaved. What Watters doesn't account for, is those slaves could have developed those same skills as free men and women, and without being raped, whipped and beaten. Slavery deserves no credit for their skills.

The idiots on Fox News are driving home our point for us.

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