Turns out, slavery is good ... for the slaves

Talking about it and giving a bunch of "examples of people who benefitted" that weren't slaves. Lmao can't make this up, it keeps getting worse

A bunch of examples or 1 example of many that he listed off the top of his head during an interview?
So 20 years is too long a gap to feel the effects of slavery? Interesting

I know you can read what it says right there. "Some slaves developed...some examples include: Ned Cobb (not a slave), Henry Blair (not a slave), Lewis Latimer (not a slave) and John Henry (not a slave)."

Yes, these are definitely the "experts"
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Yes those are definitely things people said, GroverStrawman. Quoted my post and still dodged the question
What question did I need to answer. I have turned. Full agreement with you guys. Agreed on the strongest terms there should not be any nuance when discussing slavery or the Holocaust.

Why the name calling? GroverStrawman? You hurt me so.
Not what he said
He's mocking them being in the conversation of "benefitting from slavery" when he was born 20 years after. We hear the effects are still there today, hence the need for reparations. If a guy only 20 years removed is mocked as "benefitting" then there couldn't be a reasonable effect after the emancipation
A bunch of examples. That tweet is clickable, you know.

When their actual critique is “it was her slave mother who taught her” while they were both slaves, I’m not impressed by the critique.

If this same professor had said something you agreed with, you’d give them credit for people who the way I read it he listed off the top of his head during an interview.

But instead of giving him the benefit of the doubt you tear the man down for your own political reasons. That’s gross
I know you can read what it says right there. "Some slaves developed...some examples include: Ned Cobb (not a slave), Henry Blair (not a slave), Lewis Latimer (not a slave) and John Henry (not a slave)."

Yes, these are definitely the "experts"
Were their parents slaves?
Not a one of you whining about this has made any statement against the 50 millions slaves still in this world.... You voted for arguably the most racist POTUS and now your upset about an empowerment point in schools...
When their actual critique is “it was her slave mother who taught her” while they were both slaves, I’m not impressed by the critique.

If this same professor had said something you agreed with, you’d give them credit for people who the way I read it he listed off the top of his head during an interview.

But instead of giving him the benefit of the doubt you tear the man down for your own political reasons. That’s gross

Gross would be "I like Ron DeSantis and don't think he's 'in favor of slavery', so any inclusions describing the positives of slavery are fine with me" (inclusions added, btw, due to Ron's "Stop WOKE Act" that says you can't make white people feel bad)
At first blush, these lame defenses of the standard about personal benefit seem designed to offer up examples of what I was talking about -- that somehow one could excuse or at least minimize the immorality of slavery by rationalizing that "some good" came of it down the road. Of course, everyone recognizes that to be utter nonsense.

But on close inspection, this defense -- as pathetically weak as it is -- suggests to me that it was planned all along. To lure in the anti-woke MAGA right. To give the resentment class a shelter from all the things they fear from the black citizenry.

I am thus of the mind that this hilariously bad defense of the standard at issue is intentionally pathetic. Its a wink and a nudge to those who say "we are tired of hearing about slavery as an excuse for the plight of blacks." I mean, what more MAGA messaging could there ever be?
Gross would be "I like Ron DeSantis and don't think he's 'in favor of slavery', so any inclusions describing the positives of slavery are fine with me" (inclusions added, btw, due to Ron's "Stop WOKE Act" that says you can't make white people feel bad)
But this was written by two black guys. Care to comment on that, specifically?
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Not a one of you whining about this has made any statement against the 50 millions slaves still in this world.... You voted for arguably the most racist POTUS and now your upset about an empowerment point in schools...
Hey! This irrelevant. Only DeSantis and the Florida Board of Education are in favor of slavery. Nuance be damned!

At first blush, these lame defenses of the standard about personal benefit seem designed to offer up examples of what I was talking about -- that somehow one could excuse or at least minimize the immorality of slavery by rationalizing that "some good" came of it down the road. Of course, everyone recognizes that to be utter nonsense.

But on close inspection, this defense -- as pathetically weak as it is -- suggests to me that it was planned all along. To lure in the anti-woke MAGA right. To give the resentment class a shelter from all the things they fear from the black citizenry.

I am thus of the mind that this hilariously bad defense of the standard at issue is intentionally pathetic. Its a wink and a nudge to those who say "we are tired of hearing about slavery as an excuse for the plight of blacks." I mean, what more MAGA messaging could there ever be?
I'll ask you too then... This was written by two black men. How does that reconcile with Ron Desantis and MAGA agenda?

I can see the point of saying that through horrors, these individuals triumphed and should be seen as heroes in their own right thus honoring them over the bad circumstance in their life. I don't see, in what I've read so far, it suggesting that slavery was a good thing despite some of y'all's attempt at hyperbole.
Not a one of you whining about this has made any statement against the 50 millions slaves still in this world.... You voted for arguably the most racist POTUS and now your upset about an empowerment point in schools...

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Gross would be "I like Ron DeSantis and don't think he's 'in favor of slavery', so any inclusions describing the positives of slavery are fine with me" (inclusions added, btw, due to Ron's "Stop WOKE Act" that says you can't make white people feel bad)

I don’t actually like DeSantis. My most recent post about him was opposing his moves against bud light. But I do find it funny that you think the governor wrote curriculum here or that the “stop woke act” is why this one sentence exists. Both are laughable
Doesn’t change a thing I said 🙃
Maybe you wouldn't change it but it makes the details of your take appear foolish. You just harped on accuracy of naming people as benefactors of slaves and then turned around to blame desantis and a bill that had no input on the single line on one page.
I don’t actually like DeSantis. My most recent post about him was opposing his moves against bud light. But I do find it funny that you think the governor wrote curriculum here or that the “stop woke act” is why this one sentence exists. Both are laughable

Hello, it's the article you posted :)
The rules update Florida state academic standards in social studies for African American history to align with changes from HB 7 during the 2022 Legislative Session.
Hello, it's the article you posted :)

That’s basically meaningless. All curriculum has to align with those changes. The idea that this means that exact line came about due to those changes is laughable. You’re smart enough to realize that right?

If the authors of the curriculum were in some way forced to add this to comply they could have openly said so. Yet they didn’t. Instead they openly defending the entirety of the curriculum as written.
I'll ask you too then... This was written by two black men. How does that reconcile with Ron Desantis and MAGA agenda?

I can see the point of saying that through horrors, these individuals triumphed and should be seen as heroes in their own right thus honoring them over the bad circumstance in their life. I don't see, in what I've read so far, it suggesting that slavery was a good thing despite some of y'all's attempt at hyperbole.

Which particular book? Not the standard.
That’s basically meaningless. All curriculum has to align with those changes. The idea that this means that exact line came about due to those changes is laughable. You’re smart enough to realize that right?

This line is new, as part of an "update", based on the bill. What are we doing here lol

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