'24 TX OT Bennett Warren (Tennessee)

I think people are becoming overly reliant on this idea that the portal will fix everything.
It doesn’t fix everything. It allows you to miss on your first guy and not have to take some flier on a 3* developmental guy.

Say Michigan wins out for Warren. Is the better option to take a lesser developmental OT in a subpar OT class? Or would you rather go after a guy that has proven they can play at the D-1 level?

I understand this isn’t something you want to rely on consistently for one position group the way we have for OT, but it’s integral to building a competitive roster.
It doesn’t fix everything. It allows you to miss on your first guy and not have to take some flier on a 3* developmental guy.

Say Michigan wins out for Warren. Is the better option to take a lesser developmental OT in a subpar OT class? Or would you rather go after a guy that has proven they can play at the D-1 level?

I understand this isn’t something you want to rely on consistently for one position group the way we have for OT, but it’s integral to building a competitive roster.
That's assuming a good OT hits the portal and then you beat out every other school chasing him.
What's with Michigan saying go blue?

Theyre arguably 50% yellow

Can you really claim one single color when you don a separate color like they do with yellow?

Refuse to say "maze" it's yellow.

Like the Steelers. They aren't black and gold. It's freakin yellow.


You realize we say Go Big Orange all the time, right? What about white?
That's assuming a good OT hits the portal and then you beat out every other school chasing him.
Just about any decent G5 OT is going to explore their opportunities in the portal.I’m sure we’re also tampering at the same level as our peers, so if there’s someone we want to make a run at I’m sure we’re not waiting until they’re officially in the portal.

I’d love to be snagging 5* OTs, but we’re not currently. The options behind Warren seem to be developmental 3*s that we haven’t liked enough to invest very heavily in recruiting so far. I’d much rather go after a guy with some D-1 experience and strength and conditioning like Campbell and Karic.
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Lol. Totally.
Hopefully Mom, or whoever, climbs down from their academic ivory tower, reads this thread and realizes it doesn’t matter. Let the kid play football where he wants.

Yeah. Then if she reads this thread she will get to see you insulting her parenting choices! How about let the parents and their son decide what is best for their family. We want this kid for 3-4 years of football, they are deciding his path for the rest of his life. Maybe they have a more robust decision making process besides what fans of a school voice on a message board.
It doesn’t fix everything. It allows you to miss on your first guy and not have to take some flier on a 3* developmental guy.

Say Michigan wins out for Warren. Is the better option to take a lesser developmental OT in a subpar OT class? Or would you rather go after a guy that has proven they can play at the D-1 level?

I understand this isn’t something you want to rely on consistently for one position group the way we have for OT, but it’s integral to building a competitive roster.

Let Coach Hype figure it out.

He's got this.
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I think people are becoming overly reliant on this idea that the portal will fix everything.

Doesn’t really matter what VN’s opinion of the portal is tho does it? Nobody here is building a roster.

I’m just poking fun but this gives me an idea of something that would be great: every now and then a fan that has strong opinions on roster building / the program overall should have to discuss their “concerns” with Heupel on Vol Calls or something. Like a 10 min convo.

I would pay money to watch this.
Great post. This is his mom’s bio on Rice’s website…. I’d say they’re definitely much more concerned with academic status and pedigree more than anything else
So how does the name of UT on the diploma compare to the Hampton name on her original piece of paper? Asking for a friend how people would compare Hampton vs Tennessee?
So how does the name of UT on the diploma compare to the Hampton name on her original piece of paper? Asking for a friend how people would compare Hampton vs Tennessee?

Asking for a friend if she is choosing between Hampton and UT for her own academic career currently?
So how does the name of UT on the diploma compare to the Hampton name on her original piece of paper? Asking for a friend how people would compare Hampton vs Tennessee?

Considering I didn’t even know Hampton was a college, that should tell you enough.
Asking for a friend if she is choosing between Hampton and UT for her own academic career currently?
She took her no name Hampton degree as a stepping stone to Dook. Dook obviously wasn’t bothered by the Hampton name on her BA.

Getting a BA from UT vs Michigan in Kinesiology is not going to be that much of a hinderance if any.

it will be what he does with that BA.
She took her no name Hampton degree as a stepping stone to Dook. Dook obviously wasn’t bothered by the Hampton name on her BA.

Getting a BA from UT vs Michigan in Kinesiology is not going to be that much of a hinderance if any.

it will be what he does with that BA.

Career academic - whose son is the highly coveted football recruit - values Michigan education over UT’s.

Why are you trying to reason otherwise? It literally does not matter what you think about the schools.
Hampton is a private historically black college that is one of the better research universities in the country. Not exactly a no name college.
The town of Hampton doesn‘t offer a degree but the can give you a training course on mobile Meth labs.
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