Tyler Bray Impressing in Kansas City

A real nice guy, is good to people, incredible arm, throws one of the best deep balls I've seen in a while, and if he becomes a little more serious about his approach to the game, he could have a nice career in the NFL.

This. People want to think that he's some sort of thug or a douche because of one incident he had after apparently drinking too much. His biggest problem was that he didn't have a coaching staff that would make him get serious about the game and would rather let him fly based off of arm potential exclusively. If you took freshman year Bray and actually had someone there to progress him in his mental evaluation of plays and force him to study game tape then he would have had a very successful campaign as a QB.
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uh....refresh my memory--what round was Tom Brady taken in the NFL draft?

7th. But I don't think he meant that late rounders are not successful. Just that a free agent would have more than one option, he could pick the situation he thinks is best, or pick the coach that would help him more.
Tyler is always very impressive until he faces a defense, then not so much.

Gramps gets it!

No excuse for the Vandy game last year....it's amazing how many folks overlook that pathetic performance....

But--what's behind him doesn't matter! GO VOLS! :salute:
uh....refresh my memory--what round was Tom Brady taken in the NFL draft?

Uh, the 6th round! However, your example is the exception, rather than the norm.

What rounds was Arian Foster drafted in? What about Priest Holmes? What about Brian Waters? What about Antionio Gates? What about Romo? What about Adam Viniteri?

Did you notice that all of these players were undrafted and that all of them made All Pro????
So.... Being critical of him, his playing, his decisions, etc., didn't play a part in his lessons?

I didn't hate on him, but he was a joke when it came to being a leader.

I agree. I don't care if he wins 12 SBs - he folded in the clutch when he was here. End of story.
I think Bray will be the starter in Kansas City within 3 years.

Could be less than that. Smith is not a game changer. If he gets hurt again aand Bray gets a shot, watch out. We all know he can sling the ball around. He just needs to mature and learn to be a leader.
Listen, I hope Bray makes it big in the NFL, I do--he's a UT guy. He's just the type of QB who impresses in shorts, with his arm, but I think it's going to be a lot tougher for him when times comes for him to perform in live NFL action, with a real NFL pass rush. He's going to have to make decisions quickly, know his receivers and his routes, make progressions, get rid of the ball and be accurate. He is used to standing in the pocket in shotgun, with a lot of time; he's not going to have much time to throw in the NFL. I hope he can continue to progress and impress--I'd love to see him succeed.
Players can only do so much if they're not taught anything. Im glad for Bray.
Andy Reid will not trust TB to run his offense for several years IMO. Reid is like Gruden when it comes QB's. Until he knows TB has learned the offense, has become a leader to the other players, and thinks right under pressure he will carry the clipboard. Throwing a good deep ball is one aspect out of at least a hundred that he will have to learn. Not knowing his football IQ, I can only say that in the past he was very far away from being a starting NFL QB in terms of reads, decision making, shorter timing routes, and leadership. He has no ability to be an athletic runner, so he has no choice but to be excellent at all of the rest.

Disagree on negative statements about Alex Smith. The guy had a half dozen OC's with new schemes and like 3 HC's in 6 years. Yet, he threw for nearly 4000 yards on a conservative, run first offense two years ago. That is exactly the kind of QB that Reid needs to build the west coast offense around. He can pull it down and run when he is forced out of the pocket. With his experience and KC's good run game, the fit is really good.
I like Tyler Bray. He was a good QB, like it or not. He also doesn't play defense. That's all I have to contribute.
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From my understanding, most agents tell their clients that if they don't get selected in the first 4 rounds of the draft, then they should hope to be a free agent.

You have a better chance as a free agent than as a 5th, 6th or 7th round choice. As a free agent, you can make the final decision as to which team to sign with.

As a late round draft selection, if he were selected by the Jets, who already have several q.b.'s on their roster, it would not be an ideal situation for Bray. However; if he could choose between, Pittsburgh, K.C. or the Jets, he could choose the one that gives him the best chance of making the team.

At the end of the day, I think his path will be similar to Crompton and Ainge. He will show potential but will bounce around the league to several different teams. He may make a roster, as one of the 52 active players, but he will not see any playing time, other than pre season. Then after two or three seasons, he will be out of the league....

If Bray had the talent of the 2 you mentioned, then I'd agree. Bray is more talented than both of them. As long as he keeps focused week-to-week, Bray will start in the NFL.
I like Tyler Bray. He was a good QB, like it or not. He also doesn't play defense. That's all I have to contribute.

Exactly. Had we held teams to less than 30 in every game, we'd have won 9 games this past season.
I have said before that I think there are 2 Tyler Brays, so nobody has the wrong opinion of him. His play in some games, or parts of games, was some of the most remarkable that I have ever seen in Knoxville. Some throws that he made couldn't have been made by any other qb that we've had. The people who only choose to remember those throws think that he is to be worshipped.

In other games, or halves, or series, he has had some of the absolute worst play of any qb that I have seen in Knoxville on any team. He has been worse at times than A.J. Suggs, Sterling Henton, Rick Clausen, and Steve Alatorre put together. Take this year's Vandy game, last year's Kentucky game, or the O&W game in 2011. At least I think that was the spring when he completed only 5 of 30 passes. He threw 6 interceptions against Vandy in 3 games. The people who choose to remember Bray in those games are frustrated with him because they have seen what he could have been.

So he was Bart Starr in one game , and Kenneth Starr the next. Terry Bradshaw in one drive, then Carrie Bradshaw the next. I don't know if Bray has ADD, and loses focus, or whether the game was not important enough to him, or whether he has mechanical issues with his throwing motion that made him horribly inconsistent. He is, at one time, either the best or worst qb that we have had. I don't blame people who praise him, or people who dislike him, because I really don't think that he applied himself at all. Some on here blame the coaches for not making him do this or that. I don't blame the teacher if the student doesn't learn.
Another legitimate criticism of Bray is that he doesn't seem to have much fight in him. Everybody wants to blame the defense for all of his problems, and I agree that was the worst defense that I have seen in Knoxville in my 50 years of going to games. However, the defense in his first 2 years wasn't that bad. It just seemed to me that Bray was unable to bring his game up a notch when the going got rough. He seemed to pack it in , and give up.

I don't hate the guy for it. I have seen people my whole life who are able to bring it up a notch when needed, and others who seem to not respond well to pressure, when the game is on the line. I hope that he changes, because he is a tremendous talent when on, and while things are going well. When the going got rough, he was unable to respond for whatever reason.
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i agree. I don't care if he wins 12 sbs - he folded in the clutch when he was here. End of story.

the f@$king defense gave up 40+ points a game. Get it through your heads. Hard to be clutch when the defense gives up a touchdown or FG on every down.
He's more talented and has a much bigger arm than either Chase Daniels or Stanzi...yeah, if he gets the mental part down, he'll likely be No.2 by season's end. Reid was the right coach for him. I just think it's a damn shame that he didn't think enough of Tyler to take him in Rds 5-7. Bray is better than anyone they took in those rds.
I disagree. It was marginal at best in 10 and 11.
Well, I'm not sure of the exact difference between marginal and not that bad. In 2010 and 2011, which is what I referred to, the defense never gave up as many as 40 points in any game in which Bray was the qb. They gave up 16 or fewer points 7 times when Bray was the qb in those 2 years. I'm sticking with not that bad.

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