Tyler Bray Impressing in Kansas City

Gramps gets it!

No excuse for the Vandy game last year....it's amazing how many folks overlook that pathetic performance....

But--what's behind him doesn't matter! GO VOLS! :salute:

Dooley was looking for a reason to pull him and make a statement. The game went to crap when Worley came in and then Dooley brought Bray back into the mess. That whole fiasco is on Dooley as much if not more than on Bray.
It wasn't vs UGA when that terrible D gave him 3 chances to win the game late... with him choking away each one.

He had it in his hands to beat Mizzou.

The D wasn't his problem vs UNC in '11 or UK in '12.

The D didn't make Bray throw a late pick vs USCe last year to seal that game either.

Can you name even one game where Bray came through with the game on the line during his career? (Not counting Troy btw)

Bray did fine in every game except UK that you mentioned. He had it taken from his hands vs Mizzoo, Clowney took it from him against USCe, he played his azz off against UNC, UGA was way better than us and he kept us in it.
If Bray had had a single season under Cutcliffe, he would have been a first rounder.

He was a young man in need of coaching, and he got Derek Dooley and the Bamboo Brain Trust.

This, in my opinion, pretty much is spot on. Can you imagine how far Bray's talent could have taken us had he had a coach to coach him up and push him to be the best. It is the coach's responsibility to get the best out of his players. That is how you separate the good coaches from the average ones. I have faith that Butch will improve in this area dramatically!
Dooley was looking for a reason to pull him and make a statement. The game went to crap when Worley came in and then Dooley brought Bray back into the mess. That whole fiasco is on Dooley as much if not more than on Bray.
Worley entered the game with 6:56 left in the half after Bray had completed 6 of 17 for 79 yards with one interception. Worley was the qb for 2 possessions, completed 8 of 11 for 51 yards, and drove the team to a field goal. He would have had a TD, except Hunter forgot to put his hands up and the perfectly thrown pass hit him in the facemask.

So Worley had 2 possessions, and Tenn was ahead 7-6 when he entered the game. When he left the game Vandy was up 13-10 at the half. While Worley was in, Vandy scored 4 more points than Tenn., 7 versus 3.

Now, Dooley does make a mistake. He puts Bray back in to play the entire 2nd half, and he completes 5 of 12 passes for a grand total of 24 yards, while throwing another interception. The final score was 41-18. It was Vandy 7 Tenn 3 with Worley in for 6:56, and Vandy 34 Tenn 15 with Bray in for 53:04. I am not sure that you can pin this one on either Dooley or Worley.
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Worley entered the game with 6:56 left in the half after Bray had completed 6 of 17 for 79 yards with one interception. Worley was the qb for 2 possessions, completed 8 of 11 for 51 yards, and drove the team to a field goal. He would have had a TD, except Hunter forgot to put his hands up and the perfectly thrown pass hit him in the facemask.

So Worley had 2 possessions, and Tenn was ahead 7-6 when he entered the game. When he left the game Vandy was up 13-10 at the half. While Worley was in, Vandy scored 4 more points than Tenn., 7 versus 3.

Now, Dooley does make a mistake. He puts Bray back in to play the entire 2nd half, and he completes 5 of 12 passes for a grand total of 24 yards, while throwing another interception. The final score was 41-18. It was Vandy 7 Tenn 3 with Worley in for 6:56, and Vandy 34 Tenn 15 with Bray in for 53:04. I am not sure that you can pin this one on either Dooley or Worley.

So you're cool with pulling a quarterback in a game where his team is leading? Did you go to the Phil Fulmer School of Quarterback Carousel Mishandling?
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Worley entered the game with 6:56 left in the half after Bray had completed 6 of 17 for 79 yards with one interception. Worley was the qb for 2 possessions, completed 8 of 11 for 51 yards, and drove the team to a field goal. He would have had a TD, except Hunter forgot to put his hands up and the perfectly thrown pass hit him in the facemask.

So Worley had 2 possessions, and Tenn was ahead 7-6 when he entered the game. When he left the game Vandy was up 13-10 at the half. While Worley was in, Vandy scored 4 more points than Tenn., 7 versus 3.

Now, Dooley does make a mistake. He puts Bray back in to play the entire 2nd half, and he completes 5 of 12 passes for a grand total of 24 yards, while throwing another interception. The final score was 41-18. It was Vandy 7 Tenn 3 with Worley in for 6:56, and Vandy 34 Tenn 15 with Bray in for 53:04. I am not sure that you can pin this one on either Dooley or Worley.

If you pull him with a lead in a game why do you put him back in when you are behind? No QB would want to be shown up and then in the same game be asked to bring the team back. If you make a move to pull a starting QB then you need to live with it and have a plan to win the game without him.
So you're cool with pulling a quarterback in a game where his team is leading? Did you go to the Phil Fulmer School of Quarterback Carousel Mishandling?
I would guess that there was a lot more going on between Dooley and Bray behind the scenes than you and I will ever know.
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If you pull him with a lead in a game why do you put him back in when you are behind? No QB would want to be shown up and then in the same game be asked to bring the team back. If you make a move to pull a starting QB then you need to live with it and have a plan to win the game without him.
I think that Bray should have stayed on the bench during the second half. I said that Dooley made a mistake putting him back in.
Here are some of Bray's quarterback efficiency ratings in 2011 and 2012, and his rating against SEC schools versus out of conference.

Against SEC teams: 106.25
Non SEC teams : 207.4

Against SEC teams: 122
Non SEC teams : 199

Some 2011 games QB Rating
Montana :214.6
Buffalo :209.8


Florida: 116.9
Vandy: 104.5
Kentucky: 85.2

Some 2012 games QB Rating

Georgia State 286.2
Troy 198.5
Akron 167.2

SEC opponents

Florida 105.0
Georgia 107.1
Alabama 90.6
Vandy 65.4

Now I would expect his QB Rating to be better against weaker opponents, but I can't find a really good game against a top notch SEC opponent, as far as his efficiency rating. Good QB's have good games against good opponents too. I think that the pro scouts recognized his weakness against good defenses and drafted accordingly. Can he be fixed? We will see.

I wanted to add that the QB ratings are an average for EVERY conference and non-conf game. I just listed a few selected ones. In fairness to Bray, he had a good game against a 5-7 Missouri team, which was the only conference game that they won I think, and a very good performance against So. Car. in 2012. Those performances are figured in the conference averages.
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From my understanding, most agents tell their clients that if they don't get selected in the first 4 rounds of the draft, then they should hope to be a free agent.

You have a better chance as a free agent than as a 5th, 6th or 7th round choice. As a free agent, you can make the final decision as to which team to sign with.

As a late round draft selection, if he were selected by the Jets, who already have several q.b.'s on their roster, it would not be an ideal situation for Bray. However; if he could choose between, Pittsburgh, K.C. or the Jets, he could choose the one that gives him the best chance of making the team.

At the end of the day, I think his path will be similar to Crompton and Ainge. He will show potential but will bounce around the league to several different teams. He may make a roster, as one of the 52 active players, but he will not see any playing time, other than pre season. Then after two or three seasons, he will be out of the league....

That's not what you think, that's what you hope.
you can't put the Missouri or Carolina games on him last year. Our WRs dropped huge passes that were perfectly thrown against Missouri. Against Carolina the best player in football finally got through Tiny to basically end the game. Had that play not been made, we win that game.

How can you be sure of that?

BECAUSE, Gruden said so.
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So you're cool with pulling a quarterback in a game where his team is leading? Did you go to the Phil Fulmer School of Quarterback Carousel Mishandling?

They were winning in spite of him... He was absolutely horrible and it was reported that he was being insubordinate regarding Dools and the plays called/gameplan. Dooley screwed up when he put Bray back in IMO.
They were winning in spite of him... He was absolutely horrible and it was reported that he was being insubordinate regarding Dools and the plays called/gameplan. Dooley screwed up when he put Bray back in IMO.

or perhaps the coach who was miserable screwed everything up for years?
I can't wait for the fans that hated on him to start riding his nuts when he's successful in the NFL. And I don't mean critical of him, I mean 'hated on him'

One of those fans here. Just wanted to let you know that I like the Vols more than one player or the Chiefs. I will never forget the disrespect he displayed while here. Before you ask for examples of disrespect and immaturity, I give you the fact that he went undrafted as a result of it.

Lastly, doing ok at a minicamp is not a guarantee that you will be a successful qb much less a starter in the NFL. Why don't we see if he can just make the team this year, which is still in doubt as to if he will or not. Next, let's see how does when his practice time and reps are cut. Then he must get more mental reps and that will challenge his maturity, which I have afore mentioned was the reason why he went undrafted. Go Vols.
One of those fans here. Just wanted to let you know that I like the Vols more than one player or the Chiefs. I will never forget the disrespect he displayed while here. Before you ask for examples of disrespect and immaturity, I give you the fact that he went undrafted as a result of it.

Lastly, doing ok at a minicamp is not a guarantee that you will be a successful qb much less a starter in the NFL. Why don't we see if he can just make the team this year, which is still in doubt as to if he will or not. Next, let's see how does when his practice time and reps are cut. Then he must get more mental reps and that will challenge his maturity, which I have afore mentioned was the reason why he went undrafted. Go Vols.

Good to know you "hated on him" and weren't just critical of him, since that's what my post addressed.
From my understanding, most agents tell their clients that if they don't get selected in the first 4 rounds of the draft, then they should hope to be a free agent.

You have a better chance as a free agent than as a 5th, 6th or 7th round choice. As a free agent, you can make the final decision as to which team to sign with.

As a late round draft selection, if he were selected by the Jets, who already have several q.b.'s on their roster, it would not be an ideal situation for Bray. However; if he could choose between, Pittsburgh, K.C. or the Jets, he could choose the one that gives him the best chance of making the team.

At the end of the day, I think his path will be similar to Crompton and Ainge. He will show potential but will bounce around the league to several different teams. He may make a roster, as one of the 52 active players, but he will not see any playing time, other than pre season. Then after two or three seasons, he will be out of the league....

Such a HATER!!!

Sarcasm alert for those that don't get it. I think you make an excellent point and are probably dead on. I don't care for Bray and haven't since KY 11. I don't think he deserves to be talked of as a Vol. He let the team down repeatedly and refused to take the mantle of leadership. I don't wish ill of him in the NFL but I won't be pulling for him on Sundays. All in all I am glad he is gone and if he does well, I hope he announces his school as his HS in California.
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Man I specifically stated "not for being critical of him"

I was critical of him at times. But there are fans that seemingly laughed at his failures, wanted him to fail to validate their opinions, etc.

Thank you. That drives me crazy as well. I understand being critical of our players/former players, but like you said there were many that seemingly hoped he would fail.

Please name at least 4 as that would suffice as "many". Please link their posts also. I don't RECALL seeing anyone "hating" on TB. I saw a bunch of people saying that he showed a massive amount of disrespect for the team and UT (which he did), that he appeared under prepared and lazy (which he admitted), that he wasn't leader material (if you want TB as a leader, you don't know what a leader is), and that he quit in several games (which he admitted and was visible to all but those who adored him). I don't recall people glorifying his failures....there may have been one or two, but I defy you to quote many.

I never hated on him but I did say that he would go undrafted.
There's a disease in this thread called Bray obsessing. Attempts to remedy it with inoculations of Bray is Gone have proven ineffective. Pills for reducing Beating A Dead Horse symptoms don't work either. Since the disease only worsens by letting it run its never-ending course, the only solution is to either die or vacate the planet. However, since the Bray Obsession is actually a mutated version of the Andromeda Strain, "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."
Still can't believe we agreed to such a high buyout for a nobody. What was Hamilton smoking. Was UT football that low?

Hamilton got skewered for Kiffin's low buyout..went the other way with Dools...not much forward thinking
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