Tyler Bray Impressing in Kansas City

There's a disease in this thread called Bray obsessing. Attempts to remedy it with inoculations of Bray is Gone have proven ineffective. Pills for reducing Beating A Dead Horse symptoms don't work either. Since the disease only worsens by letting it run its never-ending course, the only solution is to either die or vacate the planet. However, since the Bray Obsession is actually a mutated version of the Andromeda Strain, "Abandon all hope, ye who enter here."

The Dooley dead horse carcus was beaten halfway to China, they have moved on to the dead horse known as Bray.
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The Dooley dead horse carcus was beaten halfway to China, they have moved on to the dead horse known as Bray.

Man, that virus sure does mutate. Next I guess it will be something like dead swine flu. Airborne deceased pigs would be quite a sight.
I can't wait for the fans that hated on him to start riding his nuts when he's successful in the NFL. And I don't mean critical of him, I mean 'hated on him'

Other than smashing windshields with beer bottles, riding a wave runner like an idiot, and quitting on Kentucky...he made pretty good decisions.

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