Tyler Bray should have stayed.

From Weidmer:

This is the same SEC whose top three teams last season -- Alabama, Georgia and Florida -- intercepted Bray seven times. And good as those programs were, none of them, if given a chance, could beat the worst team in the NFL last autumn, the Kansas City Chiefs.

Perhaps that's why one unnamed NFL scout reportedly told the Bleacher Report's Michael Schottey that Bray's whiteboard interview concerning Xs and Os was, "the worst he'd seen."
1) Good Lord. It was a joke.

2) That post of yours that got deleted wasn't dumped by me. I've let you flame me, curse at me, and basically call me a complete moron. I think I'm playing very fair.

3) It's not exactly a hard leap to make that someone such as yourself would probably be able to ignore TB's bad behavior if we had played defense and won 8 games last year . . . and I'm not even sure I'd completely blame you for it. Overall, whatever they do, I just don't like it when college kids get treated by fans like they're disposable

There is a real answer at least. Attacking me for no reason based off something I didn't say adds to the trollness of the board and I would think as a mod you would defer from doing so. And no I would never like Tyler Bray. Of course if he won more games I would like it, but that guy just didn't care. I sat right behind the team at the UK game in Lexington when we lost and that guy did not give a flip if we won or lost. I will not respect that and do not care what happens to him. If you are going to wear my schools logo do it with pride and effort. Even if your bad I will at least respect you. I have 10x more love for Zach Rodgers than I do Tyler Bray.
There is a bring out the torches approach by some on here if Tyler Bray is criticized and I can understand that when a Vol player who left it all on the field moves on...Matt Simms and Arian Foster took a lot of flak for how their college careers ended, but doubts toward their future success were directed at their playing ability not attitude and/or mental approach...the opposite is true for Bray...He has every opportunity to prove his doubters wrong with a committed work ethic...let that be his answer...quit acting like Pedro has offered TB his protection
Posted via VolNation Mobile
There is a bring out the torches approach by some on here if Tyler Bray is criticized and I can understand that when a Vol player who left it all on the field moves on...Matt Simms and Arian Foster took a lot of flak for how their college careers ended, but doubts toward their future success were directed at their playing ability not attitude and/or mental approach...the opposite is true for Bray...He has every opportunity to prove his doubters wrong with a committed work ethic...let that be his answer...quit acting like Pedro has offered TB his protection
Posted via VolNation Mobile

I just feel bad for Bray. He was recruited by Kiffin under the pretense that he was going to come here and play for some of the best coaches in the nation and for a team that was on the rise. Instead, he ended up playing for some of the worst teams in UT history under one of the worst coaches in SEC history. It always sucks to see guys get screwed over like that, but I guess that's just part of the business.
There is a bring out the torches approach by some on here if Tyler Bray is criticized and I can understand that when a Vol player who left it all on the field moves on...Matt Simms and Arian Foster took a lot of flak for how their college careers ended, but doubts toward their future success were directed at their playing ability not attitude and/or mental approach...the opposite is true for Bray...He has every opportunity to prove his doubters wrong with a committed work ethic...let that be his answer...quit acting like Pedro has offered TB his protection
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I don't have a problem with anybody criticizing Bray. Lord knows he provided a ton of ammo.

I only get worked up when I see people gloating about his not being drafted or pretending he wasn't very good. Face it. For good or for bad, for the last couple of years he was one of the few things we had going for us.

this is where all this stuff drives me nuts though.

just playing devil's advocate here.

where were these type of evaluations where jamarcus russell was concerned?

the scouting assessments are all over the place.

matt barkley is a great example. how can a guy who was believed to be a top 15 overall pick (without a doubt) turn into a fourth rounder by magic.

there is no way an evaluation can change that drastically without something happening that in this case, did not happen.

he either has the arm strength, size, brain, etc, etc, etc or he doesn't. that didn't change from one year to the next.
There's no way he should have stayed. It was better for everyone all around. Don't get me wrong, I think he is a good quarterback and maybe in an air raid spread like Mike van Gundy at OK St, it could have worked. (A Guy they did go after btw) But Bray is anything but a read option QB and that's what CBJ runs. Bray is a sit in the pocket, plant and sling the ball quarterback. He doesn't scramble, throw on the run or anything else of the sort. The system simply wouldn't benefit Bray. I do think that if CP stayed and polished up his route running and practiced for that wonderlic test, he'd be an even higher pick in next years draft. And he would have been awesome in CBJ's scheme.

Bray needed to go. It's best for everyone... including us, the fans and alum.
I don't have a problem with anybody criticizing Bray. Lord knows he provided a ton of ammo.

I only get worked up when I see people gloating about his not being drafted or pretending he wasn't very good. Face it. For good or for bad, for the last couple of years he was one of the few things we had going for us.

I don't disagree with that GA...gloating and being smarmy is a bad way to get a point across...and the kid had all the talent needed to be a star....did and does...the ball's in his court:thumbsup::wavey::focus:
There's no way he should have stayed. It was better for everyone all around. Don't get me wrong, I think he is a good quarterback and maybe in an air raid spread like Mike van Gundy at OK St, it could have worked. (A Guy they did go after btw) But Bray is anything but a read option QB and that's what CBJ runs. Bray is a sit in the pocket, plant and sling the ball quarterback. He doesn't scramble, throw on the run or anything else of the sort. The system simply wouldn't benefit Bray. I do think that if CP stayed and polished up his route running and practiced for that wonderlic test, he'd be an even higher pick in next years draft. And he would have been awesome in CBJ's scheme.

Bray needed to go. It's best for everyone... including us, the fans and alum.

First of all, who?

Secondly, I don't think you can practice for the Wonderlic. By the time you are 20 years old, you either have the skills to do well on it or you don't. It's not really something that studying is going to raise your score on.
I just feel bad for Bray. He was recruited by Kiffin under the pretense that he was going to come here and play for some of the best coaches in the nation and for a team that was on the rise. Instead, he ended up playing for some of the worst teams in UT history under one of the worst coaches in SEC history. It always sucks to see guys get screwed over like that, but I guess that's just part of the business.

He was screwed either way, given how poor of a coach Kiffin has proven to be...
Correction... real blame is on Mike Hamilton for hiring Dooley. Sunshine pumpers only get an assist for keeping him too darn long.

Yea blame Hammy- but not for the Dooley hire- Hammy had like 10 days to make that hire.

Blame Hammy for the Kiffin hire- Hammy had months to make that decision. And he comes up with lil Lane which instantly meant Chief was gone also.

The Kiffin hire and his subsequent flash departure set Vol football back 4-5 years. Honestly- UT would be in better shape had the lawyer been hired right after CPF.

Now that would have been a career ending decision.
From a friend following the draft:

If Andy Reid can’t fix Tyler Bray, no 1 can. Told not FB issues. Deep personality issues. Actually heard term “sociopath” in relation to Bray"

So... maybe the mental part was a lot worse than we thought.
From a friend following the draft:

If Andy Reid can’t fix Tyler Bray, no 1 can. Told not FB issues. Deep personality issues. Actually heard term “sociopath” in relation to Bray"

So... maybe the mental part was a lot worse than we thought.

Sociopath? Wow.

Obviously more than meets the eye in the interviews and pre draft evaluations.
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I just feel bad for Bray. He was recruited by Kiffin under the pretense that he was going to come here and play for some of the best coaches in the nation and for a team that was on the rise. Instead, he ended up playing for some of the worst teams in UT history under one of the worst coaches in SEC history. It always sucks to see guys get screwed over like that, but I guess that's just part of the business.

Boohoo, things happen. Some good, some bad. We deal with what we are dealt. Lets just say Bray didn't play his cards exactly right.

Btw, that's the nicest thing I have ever said about the dude.
There is little doubt that his head coach and offensive coordinator had nothing but bad things to say about Bray to the NFL folks. No other reasonable explanation for his not being drafted. His interview could not have been that bad that no one would take a chance on him.
why stay in college when you can make big money in the pros??? he wouldn't get any better playing another year---he can learn with the best in the nfl

He could learn from the best with Coach Jones, instead he can dummy team it up at best for a couple years.
There is little doubt that his head coach and offensive coordinator had nothing but bad things to say about Bray to the NFL folks. No other reasonable explanation for his not being drafted. His interview could not have been that bad that no one would take a chance on him.

somehow I doubt that with Chaney. However, like it or not, Dooley's word would definitely carry weight with NFL people and I doubt he was too kind
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There is little doubt that his head coach and offensive coordinator had nothing but bad things to say about Bray to the NFL folks. No other reasonable explanation for his not being drafted. His interview could not have been that bad that no one would take a chance on him.

I don't know. Judging from some tweets I've seen, he didn't come off well at all.
Not sure another year in college would have affected his draft status in any way............probably would have been worse if he had stayed IMO
I don't have a problem with anybody criticizing Bray. Lord knows he provided a ton of ammo.

I only get worked up when I see people gloating about his not being drafted or pretending he wasn't very good. Face it. For good or for bad, for the last couple of years he was one of the few things we had going for us.
Gruden was spot on. He has a cannon arm and you see flashes of wow, but he comes off lazy in preparation and dense in protection reads. Inconsistent.
Dooley didn't owe Bray any kind words to the NFL scouts. If someone thinks it's Dooley's fault that Bray didn't get drafted, then they never watched Bray in a game or over the course of the season. Bray's "warts" were obvious.
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Dooley didn't owe Bray any kind words to the NFL scouts. If someone thinks it's Dooley's fault that Bray didn't get drafted, then they never watched Bray in a game or over the course of the season. Bray's "warts" were obvious.

If Bray had Kiffin, I think its safe to say he would have been drafted.....thats just my opinion though, but he did wonders with Crompton
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