Tyler Bray should have stayed.

With that logic, I guess Bama won't get a highly rated QB either seeing that the last Bama QB that got significant playing time was Ken Stabler. Dumb argument. New coaches. New system. Tyler cost himself getting drafted by having a poor attitude.

And 99Gator's list which in his eyes had valid points underlines what Bray's major issue was. Built in excuses to explain his failures. Definitely not the qualities of a leader. NFL teams look for leaders not guys that make a bunch of excuses.

i didn't say bray did not have a poor attitude. i'm saying that bray should still have been drafted despite his attitude.

i was also implying that the environment that he was in at the university of tennessee did not help to foster a better attitude, work ethic, etc, etc, etc, because your football program was run by someone who was incompetent.

so, as an example, had tyler bray attended alabama, he would have been forced to develop a better attitude, work ethic, etc, etc, etc....because he either would have or he would have been gone.

but, at tennessee, he could start every game and never have his starting position even questioned. it didn't matter what he did or did not do in the "attitude" department.

i personnally think it is ridiculous to have expected an 18 year old cocky kid to come to a program and be exposed to disfunction and ineptitude and somehow develop work ethic and leadership skills.

some of you want to look at a team where it was not a given that the team would give 100% effort for 4 quarters and lay blame at the feet of one player or another.

i'm sorry, that's the head coach.
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i didn't say bray did not have a poor attitude. i'm saying that bray should still have been drafted despite his attitude.

i was also implying that the environment that he was in at the university of tennessee did not help to foster a better attitude, work ethic, etc, etc, etc, because your football program was run by someone who was incompetent.

so, as an example, had tyler bray attended alabama, he would have been forced to develop a better attitude, work ethic, etc, etc, etc....because he either would have or he would have been gone.

but, at tennessee, he could start every game and never have his starting position even questioned. it didn't matter what he did or did not do in the "attitude" department.

i personnally think it is ridiculous to have expected an 18 year old cocky kid to come to a program and be exposed to disfunction and ineptitude and somehow develop work ethic and leadership skills.

some of you want to look at a team where it was not a given that the team would give 100% effort for 4 quarters and lay blame at the feet of one player or another.

i'm sorry, that's the head coach.
Nick Saban has built up enough capital to sit a player like Bray on the bench. If Dooley had benched him, there would have been an outcry from the fans after they lost a couple of games.

Tennessee lost these games anyway, but if we had lost to Missouri, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi State, Florida, and Vandy with Bray on the bench for the whole game, fans would have been outraged because "we would have won if that idiot hadn't benched Bray." Dooley was screwed the minute that he took the job.
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gosh, i just hope he comes back to Knoxville and starts his own radio sports talk show some day :dry:
I hope everything works out for him. I think he should have stayed but in the end it was his decision and I would never wish anything bad on him.
I sincerely believe Bray and Rogers sabotaged the KY game in 2011. we should have won that game big.

I think Bray sabotaged the Vandy game in 2012. We may have lost that game and probably would have but I do believe Bray showed up at that game with the intentions of losing to make sure Dooley would be fired.

The comments made after the KY game and the film of Bray on the sideline of the Vandy game would tell me all I needed to know if I were evaluating him for the draft.

Without being certain of that much, I would say that D. Rogers and T. Bray abused their talent as power to rebel against the coaching staff, to the point of open mutiny.
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I've just completed reading the thread here. On topic, he should not have stayed. If you've got to learn a new offense, might as well get paid for it. That's number 1. In no way would CBJ change his offensive philosophy for one, albeit talented player. The two were not a good fit. That's #2. #3 is CBJ shouldn't, at least and wouldn't, I hope... put up with the "TUDE" and an "improvement of work ethic to 7 or 8".

As for the rest. Tyler Bray had an opportunity at UT, learn from Kiffin and from Chaney. As the Gruden/ESPN camp thing showed...and painfully so, he didn't choose to take advantage of it. His choice. I'm sure Dooley and Chaney and Manning, and Baggett and all sorts, talked to him about his POTENTIAL. Apparently, he didn't listen, he didn't care. His choice.

Let me say this. One, (1), Uno, player had a coach all four years...Bray. He didn't have to change the offense starting after Kiffin...every other player was learning from new position coaches, defensive schemes, etc...

Bray could, NO!, Should have progressed, his choice. His ability to read a defense, identify the Mike, change the plays, footwork...not him, nooooooo not TYLER, if he just throws it HARDER, he can throw into dbl coverage, lol.

Finally, as 99 keeps saying, the NFL takes chances on guys that are criminals, have drug issues etc...all the time. Why not here, in this instance?

Bray has no references. No one will vouch and say , ah, he's just immature, but he can get it done, he's coachable. His coaches didn't, his team mates didn't, scouts didn't, opposing coaches didn't...Baggett? Dooley at Dallas? Chaney his OC? Haslam in Cleveland? Manning in Denver? McKenzie in Oakland, Tomlin in Pittsburgh who went to dinner with him and came to UT's pro day, I believe the only head coach to do so...

Bray is like any other going into the work force, he has a resume, he has his references and the company will look at all that and make a decision. Unlike the real world, he's still gonna get a shot, the rest of us wouldn't get that. Good luck to him, I hope he makes it.
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I'll let Freak know to change your name to Vol$untiltheylose.

Until they lose? If you want to make up words and argue with urself your welcome to. I like all the other players graduating now. Who said anything about win loss record idiot? I said he's lazy and didn't care and btw he was lazy and he didn't care and every1 knows it so piss off. I hate idiots who make up arguments for other people then run with it? Why don't you and the 3 people who liked that post show me where I talked about win loss and how I only support vols if they win? Such dip****s on here .
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Until they lose? If you want to make up words and argue with urself your welcome to. I like all the other players graduating now. Who said anything about win loss record idiot? I said he's lazy and didn't care and btw he was lazy and he didn't care and every1 knows it so **** off.

Brilliant to speak to a mod that way.

You must be what in the 6th grade.
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Until they lose? If you want to make up words and argue with urself your welcome to. I like all the other players graduating now. Who said anything about win loss record idiot? I said he's lazy and didn't care and btw he was lazy and he didn't care and every1 knows it so piss off. I hate idiots who make up arguments for other people then run with it? Why don't you and the 3 people who liked that post show me where I talked about win loss and how I only support vols if they win? Such dip****s on here .

I love this place.
Brilliant to speak to a mod that way.

You must be what in the 6th grade.

There's no way I can mod an articulate masterpiece like that; especially when it's aimed at me. He's got his opinion ... I think it sucks ..... If he was beside me right now I'd buy him a beer for making me laugh. God bless Volnation.
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Until they lose? If you want to make up words and argue with urself your welcome to. I like all the other players graduating now. Who said anything about win loss record idiot? I said he's lazy and didn't care and btw he was lazy and he didn't care and every1 knows it so piss off. I hate idiots who make up arguments for other people then run with it? Why don't you and the 3 people who liked that post show me where I talked about win loss and how I only support vols if they win? Such dip****s on here .

Time to update...yes, I am #4
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why stay in college when you can make big money in the pros??? he wouldn't get any better playing another year---he can learn with the best in the nfl
i'll do a little exercise here and plead a case on behalf of mr. bray.

1. the physical talent is there. i think most agree on that. in the nfl, that typically trumps all at various points in the draft. i am not going to list all of the guys who were drafted who had character issues. they are numerous. and bray's issues don't involve drugs or a jail cell. but, these teams who research everything apparently didn't know erik ainge had a current drug problem or that danny wuerffel's arm wasn't strong enough, etc, etc, etc. or maybe they did and they were still drafted.

bottom line, someone drafted akili smith with the #3 overall pick. yet, tyler bray never was drafted.

2. what's so great about tennessee? again, think about this from bray's perspective.

year one. i start late my freshman year. probably my happiest year in knoxville.

year two. my offensive line can not run block. like on a comical level. yeah, it's fun slinging the ball around, but some help would be nice. oh, and i was injured.

year three. we fixed the offensive line. however, the defense decided to be this year's comedian. there were four occasions where we score 31 or more in conference games during the year and we lose those games. we gave up 48 to troy. i am the main guy people want to speak to in press conferences to explain why we are losing and i am the best damn thing going on this piece of crap squad.

after year three, coach moron is fired. while that's great, i have to deal with a new staff who is bringing in a new system. how much is he really going to worry about my future. i am a senior. we are going to get killed anyway. is he going to worry about the future of his program or is he going to worry about me? when the losses pile up (and they will), will he choose to bench me and move forward with the future of the program?

3. z. rogers, rivera, hunter, and patterson are all gone. well isnt that awesome

4. speaking of my attitude. surely people will remember i am 21 years old and my attitude can change. especially, if i am not put in a royally screwed up situation like tennessee where there was no leadership from the coaching staff and no leadership in the locker room. i mean who was i supposed to learn from about what it takes to be a great player. the minute i showed up to campus i was the best qb the school i had. my job was never threatened. it's hard for a young player to have the mental strength to put forward the extra effort when i am surrounded by a bunch of suck. so, yeah, excuse me if it got old being one of the few players who actually did his job at a reasonably high level and i didn't handle the culture of dooley very well.

5. it's still not going to be a good football team at tennessee.

6. it's a weak qb year in the nfl draft. really weak. like, somehow ryan nassib, tyler wilson and mike glennon were all rated ahead of me. do you really want to tell me that you'll draft bj daniels and a qb from southern utah over me because of immaturity at the age of 21. a 5th or 6th rounder is that much of a gamble?

3 kickers were drafted for crying out loud. from teams with a combined record of 17-31. teams that suck took picks on kickers, but there wasn't a team that would take a chance on da'rick rogers.

players may fail. but, that's not the point. there are players who were drafted who have no talent and will definitely fail.

sorry, i thought actually having talent was enough to have people take a chance on me since i never have been arrested or been linked to a drug problem. i'm sure no one with my issues was drafted

maybe Bray agrees with this. NFL exec's managing multi-million dollar franchises with one singular goal, win the super bowl, make decisions based on more info than me or anyone here is privy to. there's a reason 32 teams passed on Bray. that wasn't an oversight or a coincedence.
Nick Saban has built up enough capital to sit a player like Bray on the bench. If Dooley had benched him, there would have been an outcry from the fans after they lost a couple of games.

Tennessee lost these games anyway, but if we had lost to Missouri, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi State, Florida, and Vandy with Bray on the bench for the whole game, fans would have been outraged because "we would have won if that idiot hadn't benched Bray." Dooley was screwed the minute that he took the job.

Or he could have, maybe, i don't know, recruited a quality quarterback
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I was very high on Bray when he committed to Tennessee, but it turned out he was a classic case of a million dollar arm and a ten cent brain.
And I see some people are blaming Dooley and saying he dogged him to pro coaches?
You think a coach on the skirts of maybe losing a career in coaching is going to cost the kid a job? Same kid he stuck up for his entire career?

Some people have so much misinformation mixed with hate, I don't know how you make it through the day sometimes.

Brays film, body language and especially interviews killed him in this process. Pro coaches and gms don't like to spend money on a player/leader that is seen caving into frustration multiple times in games.
Nick Saban has built up enough capital to sit a player like Bray on the bench. If Dooley had benched him, there would have been an outcry from the fans after they lost a couple of games.

Tennessee lost these games anyway, but if we had lost to Missouri, Georgia, South Carolina, Mississippi State, Florida, and Vandy with Bray on the bench for the whole game, fans would have been outraged because "we would have won if that idiot hadn't benched Bray." Dooley was screwed the minute that he took the job.

Agreed, except WE were screwed from the minute Dooley took the job. Bray may pan out (ducking) because of the tangibles, he just has to get his attitude right. Last call, Tyler!?!?
Not in terms of recruiting. Whether it is fair or not, the name of the school carries a lot of weight, even if the coach has changed. Bray put up solid numbers at UT, against SEC competition, and did not get drafted. Recruits are going to be reminded of that by competing coaches. Hell, the last UT QB to see real playing time in the NFL was Peyton, and he played at UT over fifteen years ago. I can't even think of a UT QB since Manning that has even been 2nd string on an NFL roster.

Tee was 2nd string in Oakland for a time.
There's no way I can mod an articulate masterpiece like that; especially when it's aimed at me. He's got his opinion ... I think it sucks ..... If he was beside me right now I'd buy him a beer for making me laugh. God bless Volnation.

That's cute yet you failed to point out where I mentioned win loss record and not liking bray because he lost. That's cute that your a mod and attack people with made up nonsense but I'd like you to point out where I mentioned not liking him because he lost. Volsuntiltheylose right? Don't ditch the point you made **** up and argued something I never even mentioned. Or you can just Continue on slandering with your ad hominem nonsense if you even know what that means. I would just say something back that makes fun of me and ignores the point again. Or delete it for no reason.
3. z. rogers, rivera, hunter, and patterson are all gone. well isnt that awesome

From your list, I think #3 was the biggest one in this case. In fact, when Gruden asked him why he decided to come out early, that was the first thing he said IIRC.
That's cute yet you failed to point out where I mentioned win loss record and not liking bray because he lost. That's cute that your a mod and attack people with made up nonsense but I'd like you to point out where I mentioned not liking him because he lost. Volsuntiltheylose right? Don't ditch the point you made **** up and argued something I never even mentioned. Or you can just Continue on slandering with your ad hominem nonsense if you even know what that means. I would just say something back that makes fun of me and ignores the point again. Or delete it for no reason.

1) Good Lord. It was a joke.

2) That post of yours that got deleted wasn't dumped by me. I've let you flame me, curse at me, and basically call me a complete moron. I think I'm playing very fair.

3) It's not exactly a hard leap to make that someone such as yourself would probably be able to ignore TB's bad behavior if we had played defense and won 8 games last year . . . and I'm not even sure I'd completely blame you for it. Overall, whatever they do, I just don't like it when college kids get treated by fans like they're disposable
Vol$4Life said:
That's cute yet you failed to point out where I mentioned win loss record and not liking bray because he lost. That's cute that your a mod and attack people with made up nonsense but I'd like you to point out where I mentioned not liking him because he lost. Volsuntiltheylose right? Don't ditch the point you made **** up and argued something I never even mentioned. Or you can just Continue on slandering with your ad hominem nonsense if you even know what that means. I would just say something back that makes fun of me and ignores the point again. Or delete it for no reason.


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