Tyler Bray should have stayed.

I sincerely believe Bray and Rogers sabotaged the KY game in 2011. we should have won that game big.

I think Bray sabotaged the Vandy game in 2012. We may have lost that game and probably would have but I do believe Bray showed up at that game with the intentions of losing to make sure Dooley would be fired.

The comments made after the KY game and the film of Bray on the sideline of the Vandy game would tell me all I needed to know if I were evaluating him for the draft.
Gramps, you're the man. I have been chastised on VN because I made the EXACT same comments.
I remember when I said Bray showed selfish qualities early on in his career and that people on campus called him a douche. Also that his tattoo showed that he was all about himself. I got blasted by lots of people and even a mod. Now many people feel this way...irony.

Despite all this, it is in TNs best interest if he does well in the NFL.
Honestly, from what we have seen from Coach Jones so far, and his expectations for players. I think He and Bray would have butted heads. Unlike Dooley, I think Coach Jones would have sent him packing. Bray probably picked up on that after meeting with Jones and if his mind wasnt already made up that would have sealed the deal.

I am inclined to agree with you here. Coach Gillespie has already said that this is the most detail-oriented coaching staff he has ever been around. That attention to detail would have benefitted Tyler immensely, but it also would have probably driven him crazy, given his previous experience at UT.
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Tyler discussed the way it go with Jones/staff after the announcement. He passed and went pro instead. There is nothing left to say about him or the situation. He blew it. There was a former UT QB named Tony Robinson that had Tyler type talent and decided to do life his way. It didn't work either. Doesn't matter what the problems or issues are that keep a talented player from realizing their potential. The root of the problem usually comes from being self centered and unwilling to change.

What irks many of the posters on this board is fellow Vol fans deriding those of us that know something about the game and people when we don't blindly pump the sunshine or drink the kool-aid. What they don't realize is that by going along with what is wrong and making excuses for it, enables the person doing the wrong things. That person thinks they have a large group of people supporting them so they don't make necessary changes or improve. All of the people telling him he was great and talking about him like he was the second coming of PM did not help him get better. They actually contributed to him blowing it. Add in Dools coddling him for 3 years and you get what you get.

Sincerely hope he grows up and figures it out.
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I do not hate TB, but it does upset me that he admitted his mental prep and/or effort for a game was at a level of 7. That is pathetic for any player in an orange and white uniform in any sport. He is a young man not a teenager. He has a 16 yr old maturity level. He is 4 yrs behind in his game prep, his attitude, his discipline, everything. That is pathetic. He should have never been on the field until he was 21 yrs old and was coachable. He is a know-it-all player and that is just too bad. A QB coach like Coach Cut would have seasoned him as a sideline participant until he was ready if ever. He is not coachable and thus will not get an NFL opportunity. TB is probably a good and fun loving guy but his best days were in high school. Could be a great coach maybe someday because he loves the game. I hope he sits on the bench 4 yrs and grows up and gets his chance. TB is not sure what an NFL football player is. The big boys have money invested out of their own pockets and only a few get that chance. He should have never played a down for UT with an effort of 7. No wonder the program is in bad shape. The coaches are all job scared. Go gett'em B Jones.
Not in terms of recruiting. Whether it is fair or not, the name of the school carries a lot of weight, even if the coach has changed. Bray put up solid numbers at UT, against SEC competition, and did not get drafted. Recruits are going to be reminded of that by competing coaches. Hell, the last UT QB to see real playing time in the NFL was Peyton, and he played at UT over fifteen years ago. I can't even think of a UT QB since Manning that has even been 2nd string on an NFL roster.

With that logic, I guess Bama won't get a highly rated QB either seeing that the last Bama QB that got significant playing time was Ken Stabler. Dumb argument. New coaches. New system. Tyler cost himself getting drafted by having a poor attitude.

And 99Gator's list which in his eyes had valid points underlines what Bray's major issue was. Built in excuses to explain his failures. Definitely not the qualities of a leader. NFL teams look for leaders not guys that make a bunch of excuses.
i'll do a little exercise here and plead a case on behalf of mr. bray.

1. the physical talent is there. i think most agree on that. in the nfl, that typically trumps all at various points in the draft. i am not going to list all of the guys who were drafted who had character issues. they are numerous. and bray's issues don't involve drugs or a jail cell. but, these teams who research everything apparently didn't know erik ainge had a current drug problem or that danny wuerffel's arm wasn't strong enough, etc, etc, etc. or maybe they did and they were still drafted.

bottom line, someone drafted akili smith with the #3 overall pick. yet, tyler bray never was drafted.

2. what's so great about tennessee? again, think about this from bray's perspective.

year one. i start late my freshman year. probably my happiest year in knoxville.

year two. my offensive line can not run block. like on a comical level. yeah, it's fun slinging the ball around, but some help would be nice. oh, and i was injured.

year three. we fixed the offensive line. however, the defense decided to be this year's comedian. there were four occasions where we score 31 or more in conference games during the year and we lose those games. we gave up 48 to troy. i am the main guy people want to speak to in press conferences to explain why we are losing and i am the best damn thing going on this piece of crap squad.

after year three, coach moron is fired. while that's great, i have to deal with a new staff who is bringing in a new system. how much is he really going to worry about my future. i am a senior. we are going to get killed anyway. is he going to worry about the future of his program or is he going to worry about me? when the losses pile up (and they will), will he choose to bench me and move forward with the future of the program?

3. z. rogers, rivera, hunter, and patterson are all gone. well isnt that awesome

4. speaking of my attitude. surely people will remember i am 21 years old and my attitude can change. especially, if i am not put in a royally screwed up situation like tennessee where there was no leadership from the coaching staff and no leadership in the locker room. i mean who was i supposed to learn from about what it takes to be a great player. the minute i showed up to campus i was the best qb the school i had. my job was never threatened. it's hard for a young player to have the mental strength to put forward the extra effort when i am surrounded by a bunch of suck. so, yeah, excuse me if it got old being one of the few players who actually did his job at a reasonably high level and i didn't handle the culture of dooley very well.

5. it's still not going to be a good football team at tennessee.

6. it's a weak qb year in the nfl draft. really weak. like, somehow ryan nassib, tyler wilson and mike glennon were all rated ahead of me. do you really want to tell me that you'll draft bj daniels and a qb from southern utah over me because of immaturity at the age of 21. a 5th or 6th rounder is that much of a gamble?

3 kickers were drafted for crying out loud. from teams with a combined record of 17-31. teams that suck took picks on kickers, but there wasn't a team that would take a chance on da'rick rogers.

players may fail. but, that's not the point. there are players who were drafted who have no talent and will definitely fail.

sorry, i thought actually having talent was enough to have people take a chance on me since i never have been arrested or been linked to a drug problem. i'm sure no one with my issues was drafted

Odds are that Tennessee may need a couple of years to make noise in the conference again. But definitively saying they won't be a good football team kills any credibility this nonsense you posted holds any water. That and losers make excuses.
I'm no Dooley fan here, but I hear a lot of bashing on him that's probably undeserved. Dooley wasn't the QB coach, but Dooley did hire the QB coach or he at least inherited him. That man was Jim Chaney. A coach that has two QBs in the NFL today, one of which is a SB winner. When he left this program he went to Arkansas in the same position. That right there tells me he knows how to coach coachable QBs and is respected in coaching circles.

A well respected VFL Offensive Lineman, who retired from the NFL just recenty, observed two years ago on this forum, that the protection was being called wrong by Bray at the line of scrimmage and that was one of the reasons we were not running the ball so well. We all know he does not read defenses well at the line of scrimmage. Something he basically admitted to, in the Gruden interviews. He didn't perform his check downs properly either, as Gruden to obviously pointed out. We could lay this at the feet of coaching, but he had a proven Position coach and two of the best receivers in the business to throw too. With the things we've seen over the last three years and with what happened yesterday, I think we all know where the problems lay. It's up to this young man to figure out how to get back on this horse and ride. He's the one that fell off. Not Dooley or Chaney.
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With that logic, I guess Bama won't get a highly rated QB either seeing that the last Bama QB that got significant playing time was Ken Stabler. Dumb argument. New coaches. New system. Tyler cost himself getting drafted by having a poor attitude.

And 99Gator's list which in his eyes had valid points underlines what Bray's major issue was. Built in excuses to explain his failures. Definitely not the qualities of a leader. NFL teams look for leaders not guys that make a bunch of excuses.
Are you forgetting Scott Hunter, who led Green Bay to a divisional title in 1972? How about Richard Todd of the Jets? 1610 completions for 20,610 yards , and 124 tds, all in the NFL. He must have gotten significant playing time to post those numbers.
He's from the Fresno area. No where near the beach and its closer to the south in terms of culture and cost of living.

Honestly, the level of ignorance displayed by folks when it comes to Bray and California has been embarrassing. I know it started with media calling him California Cool or whatever but fans from the South doggin' someone based on a media stereotype and flat out lie regarding the area and culture he grew up in is sad given how much we take exception to those kinds of lies and stereotypes when people throw them at us and that goes for fans assuming a player's a thug because of where they are from or what color they are as well.
Glad he's gone glad he didn't get drafted dont care if he succeeds or not was lazy and didn't care at all good riddance.
Bottom line. He's an idiot. Do we really wish that someone who basically admitted to quitting in games stay another season? No. Peace out. Waste of talent.

He has the natural ability but doesn't give a damn about team. He told Gruden that he gave about 70%Â… Geez thanks!! That probably cost UT a few games, you think? At least that attitude alone would.

exactly, if he said that, he deserves to be left out. this will be the last we see of him.
Honestly, the level of ignorance displayed by folks when it comes to Bray and California has been embarrassing. I know it started with media calling him California Cool or whatever but fans from the South doggin' someone based on a media stereotype and flat out lie regarding the area and culture he grew up in is sad given how much we take exception to those kinds of lies and stereotypes when people throw them at us and that goes for fans assuming a player's a thug because of where they are from or what color they are as well.

stupid post.
Glad he's gone glad he didn't get drafted dont care if he succeeds or not was lazy and didn't care at all good riddance.

I am glad he is no longer a part of the team but I do hope he gets his life situated and becomes successful. I am hoping him not getting drafted may wake him up. I would NEVER wish that he or any other kids fails in life. He made many mistakes at UT that he will have to live with for the rest of his life.

Have you not made mistakes in your life? If not you are the only human on earth that has not. Give the kid a break.
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I am glad he is no longer a part of the team but I do hope he gets his life situated and becomes successful. I am hoping him not getting drafted may wake him up. I would NEVER wish that he or any other kids fails in life. He made many mistakes at UT that he will have to live with for the rest of his life.

Have you not made mistakes in your life? If not you are the only human on earth that has not. Give the kid a break.

I didn't say I hope he fails I said I don't care I will not be following him like I do all ut players
His Gruden's QB camp was so generic. When he talks about how he hates to lose all I could think is he doesn't REALLY hate losing... look at all the numbers he put up? That's all he cares about and that's where he gets his confidence. He could've been sooo much better if he had that killer instinct... but he doesn't and you have to have that to win at a high level
SIAP but Bray's draft status was as good as it was going to get. He would not have played this year under CBJ. I say this because I just have the feeling the entire staff is a no BS group. Bray couldn't go 12 months without screwing up.
I am glad he is no longer a part of the team but I do hope he gets his life situated and becomes successful. I am hoping him not getting drafted may wake him up. I would NEVER wish that he or any other kids fails in life. He made many mistakes at UT that he will have to live with for the rest of his life.

Have you not made mistakes in your life? If not you are the only human on earth that has not. Give the kid a break.

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Are you forgetting Scott Hunter, who led Green Bay to a divisional title in 1972? How about Richard Todd of the Jets? 1610 completions for 20,610 yards , and 124 tds, all in the NFL. He must have gotten significant playing time to post those numbers.

Richard Todd played in when? the early to mid 80s?

Back to my point though, I was just pointing out the fallacy of a highly rated QB shying away from committing with the Vols based on some bonehead kid who couldn't pull his head out of his arse during his tenure at UT. Not to mention, different regime. Dooley's gone. CBJ has a better track record of coaching kids up with lesser resources. Shouldn't be as hard to sell kids for CBJ with what all he has to work with at UT.
Richard Todd played in when? the early to mid 80s?

Back to my point though, I was just pointing out the fallacy of a highly rated QB shying away from committing with the Vols based on some bonehead kid who couldn't pull his head out of his arse during his tenure at UT. Not to mention, different regime. Dooley's gone. CBJ has a better track record of coaching kids up with lesser resources. Shouldn't be as hard to sell kids for CBJ with what all he has to work with at UT.
He played after Stabler.

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