Tyler Bray's father says NFL draft was 'brutal'

His attitude killed him with most vol fans, it was like he didnt care at the end and the vandy game he looked like he quit he was not the only one.

I still think its possible he threw that game in an effort to get Dooley fired. I also think Dooley returned the favor when he met with gruden in the off season and gave gruden specifics to grill bray on.
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Absolutely not, I have always been a Bray fan and contribute a lot of his failure to coaching.....JMO


There were stories of Cutcliffe coming in and telling Ainge to take his earings out and tie his shoelaces, etc. Install some discipline and teach game smarts.

Imagine what Cutcliffe could have done with Bray. It might be downright scary how good he could be.
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went undrafted. The draft is as much subjective as objective. Even with his faults, he should have been drafted. Some of the QBs who were have Zero chance of making a mark--less than Bray. Mind you, I'm not saying that Bray will be great, but not to get drafted was strange. Same with the WR who got kicked off the team--didn't he lead the SEC in receptions? You draft the (undersized, troubled) Honey Badger but not him?
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Bray is definately at a cross roads. He's been at many prior and hasn't seemed to change his MO. Call me skeptical but I see him getting a shot and getting picked like nobodies business due to higher competition and same old work ethic from Bray.
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He won't make as much money, but he's actually in a much better situation. He's on a roster with Alex Smith, Ricky Stanzi, some dude named Alex Tanney, and Chase Daniel.

Long term, he couldn't picked a better situation. Smith probably wins the job, but IMO, Bray makes this roster as at least the 3rd QB. Once Smith gets hurt as he does or struggles as he also does, Bray may be starting. He just has to prove it on the field. If he does that, I'm not sure the Chiefs have a better QB than him on the roster.
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I still think its possible he threw that game in an effort to get Dooley fired. I also think Dooley returned the favor when he met with gruden in the off season and gave gruden specifics to grill bray on.

And I think the moon landing was a hoax...:loco:
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I liked Bray during his time here and wish him the best at KC.

However, he is where he is due to his own attitude. He wasn't passed over due to a lack of talent. He was passed over due to maturity issues, work ethic and likely a whole litany of problems that you don't want with any NFL player... much less a QB.

NFL history is a go-to list of high talent QBs that have failed because of work ethic, attitude, maturity, etc. The NFL has finally wised up and now that Al Davis is dead... nobody drafts based on "arm talent" any more.

Look at Bray's stats against SEC. No NFL scout is going to care what he did against Troy/Georgia Southern.

167/300 2038y 19TD 12INT

Now against SEC teams with winning records:

110/212 1341y 11TD 12INT in 6 games

Seal-clubbing isn't impressive to NFL scouts. Now compounded with the fact that he was throwing to a 1st and also a 2nd Round WR and protected by an OL that will likely see at least 4 members drafted with it likely that all are in the first 3 rounds (they gave up an NCAA #4 best 8 sacks all year)... things start adding up.
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I feel bad for all of them, but did anybody do any kind of objective analysis before he declared? If so, they had to consider the bad with the good and realize that he could have some issues in the drarft.

Further, it appears that all he worked on were the physical things--like blowing up 25 pounds in two months, which I am sure further raised some eyebrows. Yet, on the mental side, where his weaknesses were known to be, he apparently was completely unprepared to meet with Gruden or the league GMs. He just doesn't seem to get it.
I'm so sick of people saying Tyler never beat a ranked team. It was not his fault the defense was the worst in the nation. Any halfway decent defense last year and we would have 10 wins.
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I've always given Bray the benefit of the doubt concerning his atitude. While watching Justin Hunter's interview with the Titans, he was asked if he had talked to any of his Vol teammates. Justin replied that he had talked to DaRick and Tyler and they joked with him about being "stuck in Tennessee." That my friends is why DaRick and Tyler did not get drafted, immaturity. Don't take my word for it, go check out the interview at the Titans website.
After reading what his dad had to say I understand where Tyler gets it. So much for being humble, and learning a lesson. Nope-let's get bitter instead!

Buddy, your son was not drafted because of his meltdowns in big games, inability to play well against top notch SEC defenses, and per the NFL Channel on Sirius quoting an unnamed GM "one of the worst whiteboard performances he had ever seen."

This isn't 1990 where Jeff George can get away with being a headcase and still get drafted #1 due to his rocket arm. The NFL has grown up in terms of how they evaluate players.
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I'm so sick of people saying Tyler never beat a ranked team. It was not his fault the defense was the worst in the nation. Any halfway decent defense last year and we would have 10 wins.

So the defense turned the ball over 3 times in 10 seconds against Georgia? Ok. Good note.
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I'm so sick of people saying Tyler never beat a ranked team. It was not his fault the defense was the worst in the nation. Any halfway decent defense last year and we would have 10 wins.

So how should a scout/team grade his performance?

I gave you his stats versus the SEC and then took out his stats against 5-7 Missouri and 2-10 Kentucky.

That isn't qualifying his wins or losses. Just the SEC squads with a winning record.

And his stats speak for themselves. There isn't a "this is the defense's fault" wiggle-out. Bray played like a UFA in those games.

The South Carolina game is honestly the only game of any importance that Bray can point to to legitimize the last year of his college career. He did play very well in that game but from an analytical perspective... that's 1 game. That isn't enough.
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He hung 44 points on Georgia and was going for 51 before a blindside sack. Bray played some good ball for us I wish him well.

He was responsible for Byron Moore's pick 6, and Patterson's reverse for a TD?

He turned the ball over 4 times, or was it 5? I get why people liked this kid-I for one thought he was going to be great after he broke out as a freshman against South Carolina. But, he wasn't.
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Would you agree that Tyler didn't exactly help himself out on the Gruden Camp feature?

Oh, you mean where Gruden broke down his INT against Bama while throwing into triple coverage-showing him a wide open check-down in Marlin Lane with about 20 yards in front of him?

He shows this to Tyler, and Tyler responds with saying he should have thrown the pass he threw into triple coverage on more of a line. What?! Jon Gruden just told you where you should have gone with the ball, and your response is that you should have thrown your ill-advised pass harder? This is why he did not get drafted. One of many many reasons, but it pretty much sums it up. Let me break it down for the folks that think the NFL only cares about big time arms-they don't, and they hate those kind of responses.

Bray has a better arm than 90% of current NFL QBs, and was not drafted. That's how much they care about big arms when that's all a player can bring to the table.
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It was the only full season. He only played 11-12 games in the first two.

Well, then I guess we need to credit our only bowl trip in those three years to Matt Simm's victory over UT Martin and UAB... Wilcox was a good DC. Sunseri, not so. That's not debatable. Sunseri didn't fumble in the last possessions against SCar and UGA...Can't blame the defense for that...I liked Bray. All I'm saying is that I was not shocked when he wasn't drafted. Never had any draft-worthy performances IMO. Ainge, yes. I was surprised when Crompton was drafted. Not surprised when he was let go though.
Outside of the 3rd round for a qb it really doesn't matter. You still have to make the team. A 6th round pick or UDFA is about the same thing for a qb. The fact that his phone was ringing off the hook after the draft tells you he has an NFL arm.
Or it tells you that he doesn't.

If there are so many interested in Bray, why not grab an "NFL arm" in the 6th or later round?

I think he got a lot of feelers not interest; teams looking for a cheap date.
I'm so sick of people saying Tyler never beat a ranked team. It was not his fault the defense was the worst in the nation. Any halfway decent defense last year and we would have 10 wins.

With a halfway decent defense, Dooley is a ten win coach and has a top ten team. :crazy:
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I still think its possible he threw that game in an effort to get Dooley fired. I also think Dooley returned the favor when he met with gruden in the off season and gave gruden specifics to grill bray on.

This sounds like a UFO Cover-up Conspiracy. "I've got absolutely no proof, but hey it makes sense to me, what else could it be."
A 6th round QB (outside of Tom Brady) is a wasted pick. You're better off picking up a lineman or defensive help.

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