Tyler Bray's father says NFL draft was 'brutal'

I've always given Bray the benefit of the doubt concerning his atitude. While watching Justin Hunter's interview with the Titans, he was asked if he had talked to any of his Vol teammates. Justin replied that he had talked to DaRick and Tyler and they joked with him about being "stuck in Tennessee." That my friends is why DaRick and Tyler did not get drafted, immaturity. Don't take my word for it, go check out the interview at the Titans website.

I think I would prefer that compared to stuck in Buffalo. :crazy:
If the draft was brutal, maybe Daddy Bray should look over at Tyler and tell him this is what happens when you act like a goof.
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As a father, we would have given the portable Defibrulator a workout!!

"UhOh! Dad is having the Big One again! CLEAR!....WUMP!"


No defense gave up over 50 points

TN was down less than a TD for the last 5 minutes of that game, and he coughed it up 3 times. Which also means that the Defense, despite giving up points, gave the ball back to him 3 times so he could make a play. He turned it over, they got it back. He turned it over, they got it back. He turned it over-victory formation time.
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I'm so sick of people saying Tyler never beat a ranked team. It was not his fault the defense was the worst in the nation. Any halfway decent defense last year and we would have 10 wins.

No defense gave up over 50 points

Well, the D produced a touchdown directly (int return) and caused 2 fumbles deep in UGA territory which UT converted to TD's. AND they kept UGA out of the endzone in the 4th quarter to give UT a shot.

It was everything else around those few bright spots that leaves one scratching their head. How do you give up 51 points in 3 quarters?
Just shows you that you should not believe all the BS the Scouts/Teams tell you as they get your hopes up only to be dashed! Not a good decision to go Pro but hopefully the Chiefs will put him on the Roster. Good luck Tyler.
I personally think that going to KC and being with Andy Reid is the best possible outcome for Bray, with the exception of San Fran. The Eagles are the hometown team in South Jersey and I have seen Reid do wonderful things with Qbs. Just look what he got in return for Kevin Kolb, A.J Feely, Detmer, and so on. Some of the guys he coached probably shouldn't have been in the league and he got the very best out of them and not only did they play well under him but he got quality drafts picks when it was time to trade them. If Bray is going to mature and be in the league a long time then Andy will be the guy to make it happen. This is coming from a die hard Steelers fan and someone who hates the Eagles. Andy got a bad wrap in Philly at times but it will be a while for the Eagles to find someone that wins 10 games on a consistent basis.
I fell terrible for bray. He's way better than an udfa. I think guys like Jamarcus Russell have left teams afraid to take chances on guys with "character" issues, even if they have amazing arm talent. And really I think the fact that bray is labeled as a questionable character is nuts. His rap sheet includes...throwing a beer bottle and wreck less driving on a jet ski (how's that even possible)?! Just sucks.
I'm just glad he got picked up and has an opportunity to prove himself. He has a great chance to prove himself as a man, a teammate, and a leader. Can't ask for much more than that
I fell terrible for bray. He's way better than an udfa. I think guys like Jamarcus Russell have left teams afraid to take chances on guys with "character" issues, even if they have amazing arm talent. And really I think the fact that bray is labeled as a questionable character is nuts. His rap sheet includes...throwing a beer bottle and wreck less driving on a jet ski (how's that even possible)?! Just sucks.

It's called character. If you are going to be a back up QB in the NFL you have to be a hard worker. Bray hasn't shown he's willing to put the work in. Cracks me up to see so many people caught up in his arm, and then they fail to see a guy who doesn't have the "it" factor in him right now. Yea, maybe he'll wake up because he wasted three great years here. Bray did an interview and they asked him how'd you gain weight and his response was oh better nutrition out of college. Really Bray? I've seen UTs nutriention plans for their athletes and they seam to be doing just fine under CBJ. He gained weight because he was forced to actually work his butt off to try to get drafted. That's his problem tho, he uses UT and Dooley as his way out instead of owing up to the fact that even with two top WR and a great O-line he still couldn't win as the QB. He has a ton of growing up to do, and the Gruden interview did him ZERO favors as well. Wish him good luck, and it's time to move on with CBJ and our new QB.
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I don't want to throw either one of them under the bus any more than is being done, but
maybe his dad could've taught him a little more humility instead of talking about "all that talent". Everybody wants to blame Dooley. Maybe it's on his dad and himself, just a little bit. Yes, Dooley is a dumbass, but parents expect some coaches to correct their errors that took 18 yrs to hone and you have to undo a couple of years.
Its my opinion after hearing stories about the dad that Tyler's attitude problems begin there. I know I'm assuming, but so be it.
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Lol, he sounds as clueless as his son.

“I personally think with that kind of talent, to sit through something like that, it just amazes me.’’

"I know I’m his parent, but I don’t see how 11 quarterbacks get picked, and the best quarterback physically is not picked,’’ Jeff Bray said."
I fell terrible for bray. He's way better than an udfa. I think guys like Jamarcus Russell have left teams afraid to take chances on guys with "character" issues, even if they have amazing arm talent. And really I think the fact that bray is labeled as a questionable character is nuts. His rap sheet includes...throwing a beer bottle and wreck less driving on a jet ski (how's that even possible)?! Just sucks.

Actually he is not better than that given the fact that the draft was held last weekend and he was not picked. And guys like Russell should give teams pause. Otherwise you would see more busts than we have already.
It's called character. If you are going to be a back up QB in the NFL you have to be a hard worker. Bray hasn't shown he's willing to put the work in. Cracks me up to see so many people caught up in his arm, and then they fail to see a guy who doesn't have the "it" factor in him right now. Yea, maybe he'll wake up because he wasted three great years here. Bray did an interview and they asked him how'd you gain weight and his response was oh better nutrition out of college. Really Bray? I've seen UTs nutriention plans for their athletes and they seam to be doing just fine under CBJ. He gained weight because he was forced to actually work his butt off to try to get drafted. That's his problem tho, he uses UT and Dooley as his way out instead of owing up to the fact that even with two top WR and a great O-line he still couldn't win as the QB. He has a ton of growing up to do, and the Gruden interview did him ZERO favors as well. Wish him good luck, and it's time to move on with CBJ and our new QB.

Agreed. The people here talking about his arm and his talent, which are one in the same, do not get how the NFL operates, or how the game is played. He took a dump and was benched against Vandy. Those guys are not drafted into the National Football League.
It is his Dad, who would not say that.

Of course the phone rings, but they did not want to waste a pick on his poor up bringing. I guarantee this all you Bray lovers, if Bray daddy had raised Brays son to be engaged, well spoken, looked like he cared with that "talent" he would have been picked. His dad can think about that.
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A 6th round QB (outside of Tom Brady) is a wasted pick. You're better off picking up a lineman or defensive help.

You do know several teams in this year's draft felt compiled to insure they had the QB after the 6th round they wanted, by drafted said QB.
It is his Dad, who would not say that.

Of course the phone rings, but they did not want to waste a pick on his poor up bringing. I guarantee this all you Bray lovers, if Bray daddy had raised Brays son to be engaged, well spoken, looked like he cared with that "talent" he would have been picked. His dad can think about that.

I agree!
i can't understand why a team didn't draft him.a late round pick wouldn't have been a lot to risk.
I understand Bray seems to have some character issues and certainly is lacking in mental aptitude in comparison to some other quarterbacks, but his sheer physical talent is just amazing. It's disappointing that he has all that talent and hasn't really matured enough to be as good as he is capable of.

I truly hope that he grows leaps and bounds in KC, because in my opinion his arm is something special and he could really be an outstanding quarterback.

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