Tyler Bray's father says NFL draft was 'brutal'

I think u r spot on! He would have really been great w/Cut just like Ainge, prob better

You guys act like Jim Chaney is a damn scrub of a coach. He's highly regarded as one of the best OC out there. Good grief. You guys are the kids in college who make every excuse as to why they did bad in a class instead of just maning up and saying I screwed up and need to try harder. Bray didn't put the effort in. I don't care who his coach is, you can't force the guy to put in extra work to get better.
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It is his Dad, who would not say that.

Of course the phone rings, but they did not want to waste a pick on his poor up bringing. I guarantee this all you Bray lovers, if Bray daddy had raised Brays son to be engaged, well spoken, looked like he cared with that "talent" he would have been picked. His dad can think about that.

So now we've moved from trashing Tyler Bray's character to trashing his Dad for his upbringing.
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So now we've moved from trashing Tyler Bray's character to trashing his Dad for his upbringing.

If Mr Bray doesn't want people to form that opinion, he shouldn't come off like his son while making a comment.
Nobody makes that assumption without his comments, which showed a little arrogance and a little disillusioned, which are charecteristics of Tyler and it obviously came out even more in interviews with teams.
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If Mr Bray doesn't want people to form that opinion, he shouldn't come off like his son while making a comment.
Nobody makes that assumption without his comments, which showed a little arrogance and a little disillusioned, which are charecteristics of Tyler and it obviously came out even more in interviews with teams.

Seriously? that interview was completely vanilla. It's a Dad talking about his son. I remember the same type interview when Michael Munoz went undrafted. Anybody making that assumption is creating a scenario in their mind to support an opinion they already have (which may be right or wrong. I don't know.)
You guys act like Jim Chaney is a damn scrub of a coach. He's highly regarded as one of the best OC out there. Good grief. Bray didn't put the effort in. I don't care who his coach is, you can't force the guy to put in extra work to get better.

No team felt like taking him. For everyone else the NFL chose not to draft, it is their own fault. No one came away from the draft blaming their head coarch or OC/DC for not being drafted.
It's a Dad talking about his son. I remember the same type interview when Michael Munoz went undrafted. Anybody making that assumption is creating a scenario in their mind to support an opinion they already have (which may be right or wrong. I don't know.)

This site is full of assumptions, and everyone has an opinion on why such a talent would go to waste. Starting with the parent is where I would go for answers. Coddled and aloof at a young age can equal arrogant and disillusioned down the line.
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This site is full of assumptions, and everyone has an opinion on why such a talent would go to waste. Starting with the parent is where I would go for answers. Coddled and aloof at a young age can equal arrogant and disillusioned down the line.

Could be . . . but it's completely goofy to pretend to be able to glean that from an interview with about 4 predictable answers.
Gruden killed him in his session with espn .

I agree...that was brutual to watch and of course in my biased mind I felt like gruden was kinda sticking it him some...but again I am biased...it doesnt help that Tyler is not an articulate communicator...best of luck to him
The biggest and most telling thing about his QB smarts and development is when I heard on the Sports Animal that the NFL coaches had him in a room, trying to get him to explain plays, and different options and play reads in hypothetical situations, kind of like, "What would you do if.."

The NFL people said Bray's was the single worst interview with a QB they've ever been apart of.
The biggest and most telling thing about his QB smarts and development is when I heard on the Sports Animal that the NFL coaches had him in a room, trying to get him to explain plays, and different options and play reads in hypothetical situations, kind of like, "What would you do if.."

The NFL people said Bray's was the single worst interview with a QB they've ever been apart of.

I'm not here trying to bash Bray but Gruden pretty much pointed this out as well. Bray just gets locked on to one guy and trust his arm so much to make the big throw that he forgets his check downs. Now that he's been told this over and over again, I think for him it's like do I go to my check downs or go deep or go to the middle etc. This is where the whole he didn't put the time in the tape room argument comes in. You have to be able to read a defense and know I got this man at 1 and after 1-2 seconds if nothing is there I look at my second opinion if nothing is there go to my third or throw it away. Practice and knowing your opponent inside and out is the only way to do this efficiently.
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All of this Bray hate is as pathetic as usual, and then moving on and blaming his dad for it?

I hope he goes on and sets records and every time he's on MNF says "**** UT" because of how pathetic you fairweather and flip flopping fans are.

Legions of the miserable, and it seems many don't deserve even that.
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Could be . . . but it's completely goofy to pretend to be able to glean that from an interview with about 4 predictable answers.

Probably so. But you could also come to the same conclusion by the way Tyler handled himself.
You do know several teams in this year's draft felt compiled to insure they had the QB after the 6th round they wanted, by drafted said QB.

Get back to me in Sept and tell me how many of those guys made the team.
I'm not here trying to bash Bray but Gruden pretty much pointed this out as well. Bray just gets locked on to one guy and trust his arm so much to make the big throw that he forgets his check downs. Now that he's been told this over and over again, I think for him it's like do I go to my check downs or go deep or go to the middle etc. This is where the whole he didn't put the time in the tape room argument comes in. You have to be able to read a defense and know I got this man at 1 and after 1-2 seconds if nothing is there I look at my second opinion if nothing is there go to my third or throw it away. Practice and knowing your opponent inside and out is the only way to do this efficiently.
None of which he will get sitting on an NFL bench or toting a clipboard for the Chiefs.

He's doomed.
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All of this Bray hate is as pathetic as usual, and then moving on and blaming his dad for it?

I hope he goes on and sets records and every time he's on MNF says "**** UT" because of how pathetic you fairweather and flip flopping fans are.

Legions of the miserable, and it seems many don't deserve even that.

Man, if you can't discuss the shortcomings of a player and his attitude that cost him a ton of money and maybe a career, then read something else.
I hope he grows up, gets a chance and kills it too. If he is man enough to make that happen, he won't be interested in I told you so's.
This site is full of assumptions, and everyone has an opinion on why such a talent would go to waste. Starting with the parent is where I would go for answers. Coddled and aloof at a young age can equal arrogant and disillusioned down the line.

Maybe so; it does happen.

But life isn't over at 22, and parents can and do pull up their socks and redress the past, and so do their now-adult kids.

It's completely up to all concerned as to whether they learn from this, suck it up, and grow, or if they make baffled statements to the media. That's what life is like, folks: it throws your curveballs and spitters, and you do or you do not figure out how to handle it.

I'm not a Bray basher. Not everyone grows up when you want them to grow up. That doesn't mean that they're doomed to silliness and irrelevance for the rest of their lives.

Every single one of us has the chance to reinvent ourselves, every single day. No one is doomed by the past, although it can be hard to shake off. :hi:
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I personally think that going to KC and being with Andy Reid is the best possible outcome for Bray, with the exception of San Fran. The Eagles are the hometown team in South Jersey and I have seen Reid do wonderful things with Qbs. Just look what he got in return for Kevin Kolb, A.J Feely, Detmer, and so on. Some of the guys he coached probably shouldn't have been in the league and he got the very best out of them and not only did they play well under him but he got quality drafts picks when it was time to trade them. If Bray is going to mature and be in the league a long time then Andy will be the guy to make it happen. This is coming from a die hard Steelers fan and someone who hates the Eagles. Andy got a bad wrap in Philly at times but it will be a while for the Eagles to find someone that wins 10 games on a consistent basis.

Great points...and LOVE he avi !!!
Maybe so; it does happen.

But life isn't over at 22, and parents can and do pull up their socks and redress the past.

It's completely up to them as to whether they learn from this, suck it up, and grow, or if they make baffled statements to the media.

I'm not a Bray basher. Not everyone grows up when you want them to grow up. That doesn't mean that they're doomed to silliness and irrelevance for the rest of their lives.

Every single one of us has the chance to reinvent ourselves, every single day. No one is doomed by the past, although it can be hard to shake off. :hi:

Maybe this is what he needed. A dose of reality can get all types of people rejuvenated. Its up to him now. Noone else to blame from here.
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All of this Bray hate is as pathetic as usual, and then moving on and blaming his dad for it?

I hope he goes on and sets records and every time he's on MNF says "**** UT" because of how pathetic you fairweather and flip flopping fans are.

Legions of the miserable, and it seems many don't deserve even that.

There's a big difference between bashing and telling the truth. 90% of the people I see who are critical of Bray have only restated what everyone else has said of him. Something isn't jiving when you go undrafted as a QB with Tyler's arm. It goes back to the metal aspect of the game and his heart. What it comes down to is Bray didn't put the work in to get drafted in the first rounds of the draft and that's the truth, but maybe, as Jack Nicholson would say,"You can't handle the truth!"
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i think young Mister Bray,was kicked to the curb by his former coaches,for his poor attitude and behavior,during his time at UT,pay backs a b1tch
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I hope he has tremendous success. He's got a ton higher ceiling than some of the lousy QB's that were drafted like EJ Manuel and Geno Smith. I think he'll have a productive NFL career.
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All of this Bray hate is as pathetic as usual, and then moving on and blaming his dad for it?

I hope he goes on and sets records and every time he's on MNF says "**** UT" because of how pathetic you fairweather and flip flopping fans are.

Legions of the miserable, and it seems many don't deserve even that.

Just because you go to UT doesn't mean you get unconditional support and respect. You have to earn that ****. That dude mailed it in constantly and didn't give a **** about the team. His own teammates dogged him in the interview process. I wonder why? He isn't worthy of the T. If he has success.. Fine I'm glad he got his act together but all this nonsense that we all have to love and cherish a player just because he came here and threw on a helmet is nonsense. You earn that.
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