U.S. Navy Not Fit For War

and this -

“Because the bikes are electric, they are easier to maintain than other vehicles, and also significantly increase the distance that Recon Marines can cover when it is dark out, Bender said.”

Say what?

I thought that was curious. If you've ever ridden a dirt bike wearing night vison you know it's an adventure.

Maybe with the new 3d stuff it's a lot better.
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Five Senate Republicans Turn Against Tommy Tuberville in His Fight Against the Biden Pentagon’s Abortion Policy​

Five Senate Republican defense hawks turned on Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) on Thursday, publicly slamming him on the Senate floor for his hold on military promotions over the Pentagon’s refusal to negotiate on its pro-abortion policy.

The Republican senators included Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Todd Young (R-IN), Mitt Romney (R-MA), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), and Joni Ernst (R-IA).

Tuberville exercised his hold on the Senate’s ability to confirm on a blanket basis several hundred military promotions after the Biden Pentagon issued a policy that would pay for the travel, time off, and accommodation for service members traveling for abortions.

The Biden Pentagon issued the policy after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Tuberville believes the policy violates the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funds from funding abortions. His hold does not prevent the Senate from confirming any military promotion on an individual basis, just from the blanket confirmation of hundreds at a time.

One by one, each senator criticized Tuberville and called for a motion to vote on a military officer up for promotion. Tuberville objected to each motion.

Romney called Tuberville’s hold an “abuse of the power we have as senators.”

The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway previewed the senator’s move in a post:

I’m hearing McConnell deputies and allies, including Lindsay Graham, Joni Ernst, Todd Young, and Dan Sullivan, told colleagues today they’re planning an attack on Tommy Tuberville’s hold on military promotions, modeled after Elizabeth Warren’s attack a few months ago. Tuberville has blocked unaccountable, review-free unanimous consent for military promotions — all due to the Pentagon’s completely illegal abortion funding policy. During his hold on this easy approval (that would otherwise occur without even a vote) it’s been discovered that more than 40% of the nominees are beholden to DEI and other left-wing ideology at odds with an effective fighting force. The plan to run interference for Biden admin and its woke Pentagon is reportedly scheduled for 6p tonight. Just fyi. We’ll see who exactly is involved and what happens.


Five Senate Republicans Turn Against Tommy Tuberville in His Fight Against the Biden Pentagon’s Abortion Policy​

Five Senate Republican defense hawks turned on Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) on Thursday, publicly slamming him on the Senate floor for his hold on military promotions over the Pentagon’s refusal to negotiate on its pro-abortion policy.

The Republican senators included Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Todd Young (R-IN), Mitt Romney (R-MA), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), and Joni Ernst (R-IA).

Tuberville exercised his hold on the Senate’s ability to confirm on a blanket basis several hundred military promotions after the Biden Pentagon issued a policy that would pay for the travel, time off, and accommodation for service members traveling for abortions.

The Biden Pentagon issued the policy after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Tuberville believes the policy violates the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funds from funding abortions. His hold does not prevent the Senate from confirming any military promotion on an individual basis, just from the blanket confirmation of hundreds at a time.

One by one, each senator criticized Tuberville and called for a motion to vote on a military officer up for promotion. Tuberville objected to each motion.

Romney called Tuberville’s hold an “abuse of the power we have as senators.”

The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway previewed the senator’s move in a post:

Graham joining Romney isn't a shock. Ernst however is.

I agree with Tuberville that everything should be voted on individually. From confirmations to spending. There should be no blanket bills.

Five Senate Republicans Turn Against Tommy Tuberville in His Fight Against the Biden Pentagon’s Abortion Policy​

Five Senate Republican defense hawks turned on Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) on Thursday, publicly slamming him on the Senate floor for his hold on military promotions over the Pentagon’s refusal to negotiate on its pro-abortion policy.

The Republican senators included Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Todd Young (R-IN), Mitt Romney (R-MA), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), and Joni Ernst (R-IA).

Tuberville exercised his hold on the Senate’s ability to confirm on a blanket basis several hundred military promotions after the Biden Pentagon issued a policy that would pay for the travel, time off, and accommodation for service members traveling for abortions.

The Biden Pentagon issued the policy after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Tuberville believes the policy violates the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funds from funding abortions. His hold does not prevent the Senate from confirming any military promotion on an individual basis, just from the blanket confirmation of hundreds at a time.

One by one, each senator criticized Tuberville and called for a motion to vote on a military officer up for promotion. Tuberville objected to each motion.

Romney called Tuberville’s hold an “abuse of the power we have as senators.”

The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway previewed the senator’s move in a post:

My gawd Graham and Romney are devils...

America’s Achilles' heel: Critical shipyards shortage threatens US naval dominance​

As China has doggedly pursued its stated goal of fielding a modern, capable, “world class” military, the U.S. has watched Beijing's navy grow. Meanwhile, America’s naval fleet has shrunk, plagued by construction delays, maintenance backlogs, and funding shortfalls.

The U.S. National Defense Strategy labels China as the U.S. military’s “pacing threat” while the Pentagon’s latest unclassified report on China’s military power notes that, numerically, China has “the largest navy in the world with an overall battle force of over 370 ships and submarines, including more than 140 major surface combatants.”


Navy Launches Missile From Robot Boat In The Middle East: Pentagon releases video of test from Unmanned Vessel that can strike with deadly precision​

  • The Navy's Task Force 59 carried out the test in international waters
The U.S. Navy said it had fired 'lethal munitions' from an unmanned vessel for the first time in international waters in the Middle East in an exercise it said took its capabilities to the 'next level.'

A target boat was destroyed in the drill, which was captured on video.

It was carried out last month by U.S. Naval Forces Central Command (NAVCENT) Task Force 59, the Navy's first unmanned and artificial intelligence task force.

Exercise Digital Talon was conducted in international waters surrounding the Arabian Peninsula.

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As China has doggedly pursued its stated goal of fielding a modern, capable, “world class” military, the U.S. has watched Beijing's navy grow. Meanwhile, America’s naval fleet has shrunk, plagued by construction delays, maintenance backlogs, and funding shortfalls.
Now make this make sense. How in the hell does the US Navy have a budget shortfall when Congress and every POTUS gives the military all the money they want?
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Come on, they make you wear a helmet…
Well if you use the helmet mount I guess. But you can still break arms, legs, ribs, etc… I’ll pass go after it.

And I’ve never seen these 3d NVGs you’re referring two. I’ve seen binocular optics to present the image to the user but they just had a single imaging sensor 🤷‍♂️. Not saying they don’t exist just never seen them
Well if you use the helmet mount I guess. But you can still break arms, legs, ribs, etc… I’ll pass go after it.

And I’ve never seen these 3d NVGs you’re referring two. I’ve seen binocular optics to present the image to the user but they just had a single imaging sensor 🤷‍♂️. Not saying they don’t exist just never seen them

I’ve never seen them in person but I‘m pretty sure they’re out there.

Five Senate Republicans Turn Against Tommy Tuberville in His Fight Against the Biden Pentagon’s Abortion Policy​

Five Senate Republican defense hawks turned on Sen. Tommy Tuberville (R-AL) on Thursday, publicly slamming him on the Senate floor for his hold on military promotions over the Pentagon’s refusal to negotiate on its pro-abortion policy.

The Republican senators included Sens. Lindsey Graham (R-SC), Todd Young (R-IN), Mitt Romney (R-MA), Dan Sullivan (R-AK), and Joni Ernst (R-IA).

Tuberville exercised his hold on the Senate’s ability to confirm on a blanket basis several hundred military promotions after the Biden Pentagon issued a policy that would pay for the travel, time off, and accommodation for service members traveling for abortions.

The Biden Pentagon issued the policy after the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. Tuberville believes the policy violates the Hyde Amendment, which prohibits federal funds from funding abortions. His hold does not prevent the Senate from confirming any military promotion on an individual basis, just from the blanket confirmation of hundreds at a time.

One by one, each senator criticized Tuberville and called for a motion to vote on a military officer up for promotion. Tuberville objected to each motion.

Romney called Tuberville’s hold an “abuse of the power we have as senators.

The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway previewed the senator’s move in a post:

I'd call Romney an abuse of a GOP senate seat. He's not fit to serve, and he's sure as hell not a republican.

Trillions and our navy is a mess.
We’ll send $100B to Ukraine, but won’t spend $10B to invest in sub capacity here. It’s outrageous.


The decline of our submarine industrial base is a particularly illustrative example. Under the budgets of President Ronald Reagan, the US Navy procured four attack submarines per year, and shipyard output matched demand. Contrast that with the post-Cold War drawdown, when stunningly, only three submarines in totalwere procured between 1991 and 1998.
I’m good with that. Hell, let’s have both.

Put ‘em side by side and see who can pump out more Virginias in a 3 year span.
We haven’t even bottomed out. Will be down to 49 attack subs before it starts rising again. Who knows what the CCP looks like while we take years to get ramped.
Although I don’t like the deficit spending under Trump, I supported his budget compromises to get more procurement And posted such.
We haven’t even bottomed out. Will be down to 49 attack subs before it starts rising again. Who knows what the CCP looks like while we take years to get ramped.
Although I don’t like the deficit spending under Trump, I supported his budget compromises to get more procurement And posted such.
A mitigating factor in the short run is the fact we have allies in the region with complimentary assets.

Japan has excellent diesel-electric boats.
South Korea has very good boats.
Australia is obviously trying to upgrade theirs.
Singapore has 6 or so German & Swedish boats.

China doesn’t have any friends with anything all that great.
I'd call Romney an abuse of a GOP senate seat. He's not fit to serve, and he's sure as hell not a republican.

Romney'sgot FAR too much personal integrity, high-level governing experience and intelligence to be a Republican these days.

It's too bad he's not a complete imbecile like Tuberville, who didn't even know the three branches of the federal government when he got elected. He publicly got it wrong. He's a PERFECT example of today's GOP: "Hey, Earl, Tuberville was a football coach in the state of Aly-bamy. He's dumb as a sack of rocks but I bet he'd be good in the U.S. Senate."

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