U.S. Navy Not Fit For War

Romney'sgot FAR too much personal integrity, high-level governing experience and intelligence to be a Republican these days.

It's too bad he's not a complete imbecile like Tuberville, who didn't even know the three branches of the federal government when he got elected. He publicly got it wrong. He's a PERFECT example of today's GOP: "Hey, Earl, Tuberville was a football coach in the state of Aly-bamy. He's dumb as a sack of rocks but I bet he'd be good in the U.S. Senate."
It’s Alabama…. D or R doesn't matter they elect idiots….., ie George Wallace
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Romney'sgot FAR too much personal integrity, high-level governing experience and intelligence to be a Republican these days.

It's too bad he's not a complete imbecile like Tuberville, who didn't even know the three branches of the federal government when he got elected. He publicly got it wrong. He's a PERFECT example of today's GOP: "Hey, Earl, Tuberville was a football coach in the state of Aly-bamy. He's dumb as a sack of rocks but I bet he'd be good in the U.S. Senate."

Romney is a worthless POS. End of discussion on that.

Tuberville is holding to something he apparently believes in. The senate could vote on individuals instead of making it a block vote, and in doing so completely ignore Tuberville's stance. That it isn't doing so likely means that there are poison pills in the mix, and somebody doesn't want them exposed and give up putting a flunkies in places they don't deserve.

My only problem with Tuberville's position is that he applied it to one thing which doesn't address the real issue. All legislation should be ONE ISSUE PER PIECE OF LEGISLATION no attachments, riders, or additional crap added. One damn piece of legislation written in plain, concise English, with one simple intent so that it can be rationally voted up or down. One intent per piece of legislation so you and I know exactly what our representatives propose and how they vote, so we can make rational decisions about whether they are representing us or not.
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Somehow, just hearing about this...

I probably got too many chuckles from this…

It was advocated for by the LGBTQ Initiatives Team, or LIT

said Lt. Col. Bree Fram, an LIT Transgender Policy Team co-lead, in a statement.

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Sad and IMO dumb.

I don’t dislike the idea of having some missile capabilities but still need the 105 is some of these planes.

And I’m “missile guy”. I’m constantly advocating for allocating capital and capacity to hypersonics and bigger, badder interceptors. I understand and support anti-ship vs armor in a high end future fight in the Pacific.

But missiles can’t do everything. And they are expensive. And their carry is constrained by their size.

We’re going to want that gun. Even in the high end future fight - we’re going to want that gun.
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However, two SM-6s have now for the first time intercepted a Medium-Range Ballistic Missile in its terminal phase of flight, Several months ago, the US Navy was able to take this step with the SM-6 and further evolve the weapon to address new threat circumstances.

We can also now utilize platforms such as Hawkeye and F-35 as “aerial gateways” to provide targeting and telemetry to SM-6 at ranges well beyond the horizon constrained range of the launch platform. Pretty cool.
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So the armed forces are still not woke? Eating itself alive as Liberalism destroys everything as it is never ending grievance.
I am not naive to think every recruit joins to serve country, but seems to me today they just want you to serve government.
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At the local Veteran's Day parade in the city SSC lives in. The local base "honor guard" was leading the parade with the Colors.

And the formation of five was completely out of step. Like they were just meandering down the road. The high school JROTC looked better than the AD people.

Had to bite my tongue to keep from going full NCO and barking at them to get in step.

Not the military I was in...
At the local Veteran's Day parade in the city SSC lives in. The local base "honor guard" was leading the parade with the Colors.

And the formation of five was completely out of step. Like they were just meandering down the road. The high school JROTC looked better than the AD people.

Had to bite my tongue to keep from going full NCO and barking at them to get in step.

Not the military I was in...

I can imagine your base instincts started kicking in with spittle flowing and the vanes in your neck starting to bulge.
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I can imagine your base instincts started kicking in with spittle flowing and the vanes in your neck starting to bulge.

Just disappointed more than anything. You are not only representing the base, but the community as a whole.
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Just disappointed more than anything. You are not only representing the base, but the community as a whole.

I get it. I was up in Clarksville a couple weeks ago and while eating lunch saw a couple NCOs (e-5 and a e-6) inside eating with their cover on.
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And they wonder why middle American's that have been the back bone of the US Military since WW1 aren't enlisting anymore.

Lol. Look at these military virtues that signal a “white supremacist ethos” -

Worst. Soldier. Ever.
- physically fit
- proficient in weapons & tactics
- courageous
- sense of camaraderie

So if you aren’t a scared fat-ass that can’t fire your weapon, you might be a racist soldier? Wtf.
And they wonder why middle American's that have been the back bone of the US Military since WW1 aren't enlisting anymore.

I don't understand how they could make the connection between military service and extremist violence. I didn't see one "patriot" move an inch when the govt was shutting down small businesses but allowing Walmart and Home Depot to stay open, when the govts were shutting down 1st Amendment rights of freedom of speech/freedom of assembly/ freedom of religion when the Covidians were shutting down Easter church services and when the police were enforcing mask mandates and vaccine passports.

This is fake news, imo. There is no military insurgency in the USA.
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Navy Seal Under Investigation for 'Extremist' Ties After Speaking Out Against So-Called Trans Rights​


Instead of hunting down terrorists or investigating the real corrupt guys within our government, i.e., the whole Biden family, innocent people fighting for the core values of America are being unfairly targeted by Democratic leadership.

A Navy Seal is reportedly under investigation for "extremist" ties after photos and videos of him talking to members of the Proud Boys at parental rights protests surfaced.

According to military.com, Chief Special Warfare Operator Bryce Henson, who also goes by the pseudonym Ben Richards, is facing relentless attacks against him following allegations of "possibly participating with, or supporting, extremist causes."

Henson has drawn attention to himself for standing up against the Left's woke indoctrination of children through classrooms. He has participated in several parental rights protests and has pushed back on LGBTQ reading materials found in schools.


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