UFC 148 - July 7th @ 10PM ET


Who should Silva fight next?

There is nobody left at middleweight.

There are plenty of people left. Right now it's looking like the 3 biggest possibilities are Mark Munoz, Chris Weidman, and former Bellator champ Hector Lombard. Munoz and Weidman will fight at Fuel TV 4, and if one is dominant they have a shot at title contention. If Lombard destroys Tim Boetsch, at UFC 149, he will probably get the next chance. Other fighters include Bisping, Belcher and Stann, who could move up in rankings depending on if they can put together some wins.

Personally I really want Rashad Evans to happen by this point. I can't think of a better boxer than Rashad who Silva has already faced. Plus Evans has the wrestling background that seems to give Silva some trouble.
By certain descriptions here, a fighter could throw his face in the thigh of an opponent and hope for an illegal hit stoppage.
Ok!, I've read the rules of the NSAC. A thigh to the head of a downed opponent is NOT illegal. From the knee to the toes yes but thighs no.
Ok!, I've read the rules of the NSAC. A thigh to the head of a downed opponent is NOT illegal. From the knee to the toes yes but thighs no.

Not only that, but the rule is about striking, not the momentum after the fact which is where the thigh touched his face. Its not an illegal hit at all, and anyone crying about it at this point, just doesnt understand the rule nor do they understand the term "strike" as used in MMA. The strike was a knee to the chest, if his ball sack hits Chael's chin as a result of body momentum, then it is not considered in the "Strike". I like Chael and wanted him to win this, but the fact is, the strike was completely legal.
Rules and Regulations - Unified Rules and Other MMA Regulations

From UFC.com

15. Fouls Return to Top

The following acts constitute fouls in a contest or exhibition of mixed martial arts and may result in penalties, at the discretion of thereferee, if committed:
Butting with the head
Eye gouging of any kind
Spitting at an opponent
Grabbing the clavicle
Kicking the head of a grounded opponent
Kneeing the head of a grounded opponent

It doesn't address the thigh. It also doesn't address kicking with the shin on the rule above it either, but you know that's gotta be illegal. Apparently it's a gray area? I don't know. I figure the rule isn't intended for only blows with the exact point of the knee. You think otherwise.
I'm with n_huff. I thought there should have been a stoppage. Whichever side you are on in the argument, both sides can agree that the knee was borderline whether it was legal or not.

The simple fact is if the ref stepped in the second Anderson threw the knee, I don't think hardly anyone would have argued the stoppage. Chael would have been given up to 5 minutes to compose himself. That's what should have happened, IMO.
Pearl, I don't wanna discount GSP's greatness. He's obviously one of the best ever. But while he has been dominant, he can't finish fights. I've become increasingly frustrated with the way he has fought over his last few fights. There's no reason with his level of domination that he shouldn't have finished most every one of his opponents.

But, IMO, if Anderson stuffed Chael's takedown attempts (didn't in the 1st, but did in the 2nd) he should have no problem stuffing GSP's takedowns. He might be the strongest 170 pounder, but he's still not as strong as the top notch 185ers like Chael. Couple that with the fact that Anderson might be the best and most precise striker in the world, and you have a recipe for disaster.
I'm with n_huff. I thought there should have been a stoppage. Whichever side you are on in the argument, both sides can agree that the knee was borderline whether it was legal or not.

The simple fact is if the ref stepped in the second Anderson threw the knee, I don't think hardly anyone would have argued the stoppage. Chael would have been given up to 5 minutes to compose himself. That's what should have happened, IMO.

Well I just disagree with you guys, if it were stopped I think that would have been terrible especially since the hit was legal. Giving Chael an out because he got thumped in the chest but it was close to the face would have been a crime imo.
BearCat, the other thing we haven't addressed (I didn't want to sidetrack the conversation) is that Silva had his hands through the cage for leverage/balance. That is indisputably illegal, so I'm thinking if they stop and stand them up they have 1 clear rule violation, and another gray area. If they had stood them up with 1.5 rule violations, nobody would have a reason to complain.....now if they had taken a point away from Silva for it, I'd probably say that was BS.
BearCat, the other thing we haven't addressed (I didn't want to sidetrack the conversation) is that Silva had his hands through the cage for leverage. That is indisputably illegal, so I'm thinking if they stop and stand them up they have 1 clear rule violation, and another gray area. If they had stood them up with 1.5 rule violations, nobody would have a reason to complain.....now if they had taken a point away from Silva for it, I'd probably say that was BS.

I agree, and I think he was warned a couple of times (not 100% sure about that), but fighters do it all the time.....kinduv like the 10 count punch in WWF lol. The thing we disagree on is this "gray area". I dont think its gray, the rules states that you cant "Strike" an opponent with the knee to the head while he is down. The knee strikes the chest and Lavigne had a perfect view of it. To stand up a fighter after a hit was really close to being illegal, but was clearly not illegal would be terrible imo, no matter how many warnings Silva got for using the cage.
whoahh....sorry, I misunderstood what you were talking about with the hands in the cage.....I thought you were talking about in the first round when Chael had Silva in GnP mode........not when he threw the knee strike. So you are saying that Silva used the cage to make the strike??????? I think that even more nonsense that saying that the strike was illegal. He didnt use to cage to get himself off the mat or to get out of a clinch against the cage, which is where you cant have yours hands in the cage. Silvas hand in the cage here is just his body's momentum carry itself into the cage with the strike to Chael's chest, he didnt use it for leverage for the strike. The rule is that you cannot hold the fence.....I dont see that he broke this rule......thats my opinion
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At the end of the day the thigh to the face isn't what hurt Chael it was the knee to the chest that hurt him, and it's Chael's fault he was in that situation anyway so he has no one to blame but himself.
At the end of the day the thigh to the face isn't what hurt Chael it was the knee to the chest that hurt him, and it's Chael's fault he was in that situation anyway so he has no one to blame but himself.

I still cant believe he went for the spinning backhand.............I have never seen him do that and miss so badly...thats what did him in, once he was on the ground and stunned from missing, it was over.

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