UFC 158 - March 16th @ 10PM ET

I asked you what you meant because you made a stupid statement about "fighting to win." If you meant "fighting to finish," then that's what you should have said.

Btw it's the interweb and I'll say whatever the fawk I want. So deal with it or stfu
If you don't understand fighting to win as opposed to fighting not lose you are dumber than I thought. Especially since I gave examples of guys. You are such a butthurt little girl. Lol

Who the **** fights to lose? Everyone should fight not to lose. If not, they're in the wrong business.
So he chose to hold Diaz instead of damage him? Lol Most boring champ ever.

I said it wasn't the most entertaining but I do appreciate what he does. Diaz had a kamora but couldn't pull it off because he simply wasn't powerful enough.
Instead of saying he needs to finish to be one of the best, you should have said he needs to finish to be considered exciting. Not my fault you make dumb statements.

I'll say whatever I please internet police. Anyone with half a brain knew what I meant. Not my fault mommy didn't hug you so now you beg for attention at every opportunity. Have you noticed most people in here don't talk to you, but they do me? Guess why
I'll say whatever I please internet police. Anyone with half a brain knew what I meant. Not my fault mommy didn't hug you so now you beg for attention at every opportunity. Have you noticed most people in here don't talk to you, but they do me? Guess why

Another weak ass response. And you have yet to answer my question.
Lol fawk your question, anyone who has actually played sports would understand what I said. Go watch power rangers or something basement boy.

More lame ass jokes. I'll take this response to mean that you can't answer my question and that your are still a simple-minded hick that can't back up his own statements.
I think you need to finish to be considered one of the best. Sure it's impressive to go 5-rounds and dominate a fight, but the continual inability to finish fights is unimpressive. He's clearly the best in his weight class today, but one of the best ever? Probably not.
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More lame ass jokes. I'll take this response to mean that you can't answer my question and that your are still a simple-minded hick that can't back up his own statements.

I'll take that as I'm right. I do like that I so easily make you butthurt, it makes me chuckle greatly.

Honestly after reading your posts in other forums, it's pretty obvious you have never played an organized sport. Therefore you don't fully grasp certain concepts. You are probably awesome at Larping or something though, so congrats. You argue the dumbest stuff, and get psycho when someone doesn't answer a question that doesn't need an answer. Your shtick will wear thin on everyone eventually, maybe it already has since people rarely acknowledge your posts. But from now on I won't indulge you in your cry for attention. If you ever wanna debate something worth debating I'm game. Otherwise I'm done letting/aiding you ruin our threads.
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I think you need to finish to be considered one of the best. Sure it's impressive to go 5-rounds and dominate a fight, but the continual inability to finish fights is unimpressive. He's clearly the best in his weight class today, but one of the best ever? Probably not.

You are a smart man huff. I knew I liked you for a reason. :)
Who the **** fights to lose? Everyone should fight not to lose. If not, they're in the wrong business.

That's not exactly true.

If your fights are boring, less people pay to watch you which means you'll be paid less when negotiating contracts. And there are some fighters that start piling up losses quickly but Dana keeps them around because they put on good fights. Where as there have been fighters with solid records that Dana doesn't hesitate to dump when they lose a couple in a row after they've fought enough times to see they're not exciting to watch.

Another example of losers being rewarded would be Chael Soennen. He lost his only title fight in WEC and lost his only two title fights in the UFC. He's 6-5 in the UFC. He's lost two of his last four fights. He's coming off a loss. And his next fight is for a title in a class he doesn't even fight in. Against arguably the best fighter in UFC. Bones has never been beaten. On top of all that, he's expected to lose.

So, I disagree with your argument as far as UFC goes. If you win and you're boring, you'll be paid less than fighters who lose and put on exciting fights. Again, look at Chael Soennen and all of the undeserved title shots he's received. It's because he sells, not because he's good or even expected to beat Bones in this up and coming fight. I bet he's being paid a lot to lose too.
If this is mixed marital arts then all the arts should be weighed equally. Wrestlers get points for a take down but jitz guys should get points for guard.

If this is a "fight" then stopping the fight should be the goal. The person in position to stop the fight should be considered the guy with "octagon control". Or in other words, the guy who's winning.
Do some research on how many fights end on the ground where guard is involved. Then try and explain to me why anyone above a 5yr old would think the guy on top is winning.
That's not exactly true.

If your fights are boring, less people pay to watch you which means you'll be paid less when negotiating contracts. And there are some fighters that start piling up losses quickly but Dana keeps them around because they put on good fights. Where as there have been fighters with solid records that Dana doesn't hesitate to dump when they lose a couple in a row after they've fought enough times to see they're not exciting to watch.

Another example of losers being rewarded would be Chael Soennen. He lost his only title fight in WEC and lost his only two title fights in the UFC. He's 6-5 in the UFC. He's lost two of his last four fights. He's coming off a loss. And his next fight is for a title in a class he doesn't even fight in. Against arguably the best fighter in UFC. Bones has never been beaten. On top of all that, he's expected to lose.

So, I disagree with your argument as far as UFC goes. If you win and you're boring, you'll be paid less than fighters who lose and put on exciting fights. Again, look at Chael Soennen and all of the undeserved title shots he's received. It's because he sells, not because he's good or even expected to beat Bones in this up and coming fight. I bet he's being paid a lot to lose too.

I agree with some of what you are saying. The whole clichéd term "fighting not to lose" is completely asinine.

Even though guys are underdogs in fights, I can guarantee you they are going out there to win.
I agree with some of what you are saying. The whole clichéd term "fighting not to lose" is completely asinine.

Even though guys are underdogs in fights, I can guarantee you they are going out there to win.

Diez got the fight over Hendricks because Diez sells tickets and GSP doesn't. If GSP was a draw they would put the best available fighter in there, which wasn't Diez.
I'll take that as I'm right. I do like that I so easily make you butthurt, it makes me chuckle greatly.

Honestly after reading your posts in other forums, it's pretty obvious you have never played an organized sport. Therefore you don't fully grasp certain concepts. You are probably awesome at Larping or something though, so congrats. You argue the dumbest stuff, and get psycho when someone doesn't answer a question that doesn't need an answer. Your shtick will wear thin on everyone eventually, maybe it already has since people rarely acknowledge your posts. But from now on I won't indulge you in your cry for attention. If you ever wanna debate something worth debating I'm game. Otherwise I'm done letting/aiding you ruin our threads.
And I'm supposed to be the butthurt one?
I think it's sad that you have to resort to trying to be funny and deflect a simple question. I really feel sorry for you that you can't own your statements and refuse to back them up. I get that it's hard for you to articulate your thoughts into actual sentences, but it's pathetic that you won't even attempt to own your statements. And conveniently, your excuse is "it's not worth debating."

If you want to engage debate, which I have asked for multiple times with you, then own your statements. Or, if you realize you have said something stupid, simply apologize and correct yourself. All of this deflecting to try and put the attention on me is sad at best, and pathetic at worst.
I think you need to finish to be considered one of the best. Sure it's impressive to go 5-rounds and dominate a fight, but the continual inability to finish fights is unimpressive. He's clearly the best in his weight class today, but one of the best ever? Probably not.

My question is why? I don't mind if that's your opinion, I just want to know how you reached that opinion.

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