Well if he wants to dig ditches for the rest if his life he should hang out with daddy who likes to pick fights. Stay classy bro Posted via VolNation Mobile
I've got another number.....zero.....as in zero national titles since Tennessee, Alabama, Florida, LSU and Auburn all won their last national title(s).
Dude, I live in Cobb Co. I got my MBA from KSU. I'm a member of the alumni assoc. I know many, many kids that go to KSU, have applied to KSU etc. Your "friend" didn't get into KSU with a 1.9. Take the lie somewhere else.
I can't believe how this "Dawg 4 life" gets everybody so excited all the time. Half of you guys probably wait around just to see what he responds. If UGA is so bad then I don't understand how there's always an average of 3 threads a month to take shots at UGA. I can't remember of the phrase from psychology class that describes that kind of behavior.
Stupid stadium?!?! You can't come up with a better shot than that Jr? And I think that many, many people would disagree on your description. In fact, most people.