Uga Installing Charlie Ward Offense..........

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Originally posted by westsidevol@Mar 8, 2005 7:54 PM
Well, you probably did not know these things but now you do.  Does that make me a UGA fan for keeping up with what the Dawgs are doing ? NO. I just like to keep up with the competition so I know what to expect.

Here is the thing westside, you say that you like to keep up with competition but you only seem to talk about UGA. Honestly I don't care what you post about them, post away.

But I haven't seen you type much about any other team in the SEC even half as much as you do the Dawgs.

I can see why some think or know (which ever one it is) that you are a Dawg......Just an observation from someone who isn't very observant.

Well said OWB . . . It's all about knowing your audience. I live amongst all the UGA hype too and could probably tell you more than you'd ever want to know about Georgia's outlook . . . but I don't feel compelled to post in here about it.

I also know a lot about insurance, but that doesn't make for good posts either. :snoring:
I feel for ya GaVol, it would drive me nuts to be around all of those Dawgs all of the time. Have you ever considered moving or do you like it down there?
Nah, I like it down here. Except for that little stretch the last few years, it's been really easy to be a Vol fan in Georgia. On the whole, Georgia fans are some of the classiest rival fans you'll find.
Nah, I like it down here. Except for that little stretch the last few years, it's been really easy to be a Vol fan in Georgia. On the whole, Georgia fans are some of the classiest rival fans you'll find.

Thanks GAVOL I know we all get heated sometimes but I agree. While both of our teams has its share of idiots the majority are among the classiest in the SEC. I have been a member of this board for a while now and have never had anyone talk down to me or belittle my opinions(except for the occasional newby).
Originally posted by GAVol@Mar 8, 2005 10:27 PM
Nah, I like it down here. Except for that little stretch the last few years, it's been really easy to be a Vol fan in Georgia. On the whole, Georgia fans are some of the classiest rival fans you'll find.

Where do you live GAVOL. A resident Vol fan in GA myself.
Originally posted by westsidevol@Mar 8, 2005 5:30 PM
Checkerboard I was talking to the other guy not you.

For your information I am a graduate of UT and a longtime fan. I have lived in Neyland stadium. I am related to one of the current UT Qbs.

True on the Alabama thing but are they really someone you fear on gameday. Hey,I like beating them to....I grew up in the Bryant era when they used to kill us. But they are not a threat to us like UGA or Florida.

Then this proves that you are the same person who was banned from that other Vol Board.

Jon Crompton's mom was asked to verify if you were in truth related to Jon. Mrs. Crompton checked into it and said you were related to someone by marriage and that you were in Atlanta, but she had never even heard of you.

So, this proves you are a liar. You have repeatedly said you were not that same poster, now you have stepped into your own web of lies.

It is time for you to go and it seems like maybe it's time for the powers that be see to it.
Originally posted by orangewizard98@Mar 9, 2005 10:21 AM
Uh oh! Good observation, I can't believe I missed that. It should be real fun to hear him spin this one.

The only spinning should be the wheels of his dismissal from this board.

I don't mind arguing with Georgia fans. Our rivalry has become one of the best in all of college ball. But there is something fundamentally crooked and dishonest about a poster who is driven by this madness to subvert and cover his true allegiance.

I told this board a couple of weeks back that he would begin trumpeting the virtues of Georgia, and this is just what he has done.

There's nothing wrong with a GA fan coming on here and arguing for his team.

There is a very low, sneaky, fundamental blackness to what westside does.

Yes, this is the Internet and people lie all the time. However; when someone who is attempting to be taken seriously is caught red-handed, as I have proven now that he is lying, then it is time for that person to go, in the interest of all things ethical.

I would imagine fans from other teams are welcome here, as they should be.

This type of poster should not have privileges anywhere.

This poster has been busted.
I have been saying the same things. As soon as I seen him post over here for the first time I tried to tell everyone what he was all about. Of course he denied he was who I said he was and then try to deflect the attention by saying I was the one over on Volchat causing all kinds of trouble and that I had been threatened to be banned. Just completely making up lie after lie to hide his identity. Its a bit psychotic.
Originally posted by orangewizard98@Mar 9, 2005 10:41 AM
I have been saying the same things. As soon as I seen him post over here for the first time I tried to tell everyone what he was all about. Of course he denied he was who I said he was and then try to deflect the attention by saying I was the one over on Volchat causing all kinds of trouble and that I had been threatened to be banned. Just completely making up lie after lie to hide his identity. Its a bit psychotic.

Well, he can't possibly deny it now.

What a tangled web we weave .......
Old Vol why don't you quit lying to these people ?

I will tell you what.......I will bet you $1,000 that I can go and post on the UT board that you keep saying I was banned from. Will you take that bet. And believe me when I say I will collect it one way or the other. So unless you are a coward with a yellow streak down your back you will take this bet. But I know you won't because it will show everybody what kind of liar you are, spreading lies to support your own agenda.

So the ball is in your court.
Come on man, what are the odds that you have the same name, your post are extremely similar in nature, and just like the Westsidevol on Volchat, you too are related to a Tennessee QBJ(Jon Crompton)? Let me guess, its Jim Bob Cooter that you are related to, not Crompton?

The ban on you may have been lifted on Volchat for all I know. Vol12 might have decided to give you another chance.

For you to continue to to deny that you are the very same Westsidevol from Volchat is mind-boggling.

Whats your deal, man?
of course I am the same westside. I came on here and said that. Anybody with half a brain knew that was kidding on my part when I told you I was a different westside-geez how many westsides are there. Please don't tell me you are that gullible.

I am still waiting on Old Vol. And you need to watch your step to wizard as you are still lying saying I was banned from any website.

Now can we please get back to UT football.

I haven't lied about anything, you are the only one that has been doing any of that. Vol12 himself said that he banned you. Maybe he never really did, and just told you not to post for a while or something. I do KNOW what he said though. I read it with my own eyes. But yes, we can get back to football.
Originally posted by westsidevol@Mar 9, 2005 11:13 AM
of course I am the same westside. I came on here and said that. Anybody with half a brain knew that was kidding on my part when I told you I was a different westside-geez how many westsides are there. Please don't tell me you are that gullible.

I am still waiting on Old Vol. And you need to watch your step to wizard as you are still lying saying I was banned from any website.

Now can we please get back to UT football.

You never admitted that.

Orange Wizard I think you have me confused with someone else. Either that or you are just a pot stirrer and I have no use for that. So let's discontinue the slander.

And as for getting to UT football, that would be nice, instead of talking about UGA all the time.
Originally posted by westsidevol@Mar 9, 2005 12:13 PM
of course I am the same westside. I came on here and said that. Anybody with half a brain knew that was kidding on my part when I told you I was a different westside-geez how many westsides are there. Please don't tell me you are that gullible.

I am still waiting on Old Vol. And you need to watch your step to wizard as you are still lying saying I was banned from any website.

Now can we please get back to UT football.

You are a fraud and a liar.

I don't make it a habit of calling people a liar, but you sir are a bare-faced liar.

You must really get your kicks, as a Georgia fan, by doing this on Vol boards.

You were banned using this name, you can't post there using this name unless Grid or Vol12 lifted the ban. I've seen nothing of it.

You weren't kidding when you denied being the same person, you're simply owning up to it now because you allowed yourself to get caught in your lies and deception.

As a Gerogia fan, if you wish to post and praise the Dawgs, that would be understandable, but what you do is warped and deceitful.

You need to be gone.

I'm sorry, I can't understand what you are saying with UGA's balls in your mouth.

That's some funny stuff right there :eek:lol: :eek:lol: :dlol: :dlol:

And the "served" thing is best left to those who understand how to use ebonics the right way.....

Back to the topic....Shockley I'm sure is a good athlete....but if you have watched SEC Football at all the last 8-10 years....a running quarterback does not prosper.....damn look what happened to Schaeffer this year.....its better to have a "Peyton like" pocket presence quarterback than a Schaeffer....even Jason Cambell figured that out this year for Auburn.....Shockley has had no on field playing time to mature....and he will pay the price against.....say it with me....BLITZ-UT!!!!!! So bring on that weak-a$$ doggy-dog offense and we will take ya to the pound to be put to sleep :rocks: :rocks: :rocks: :rocks: :rocks: :rocks: :rocks: :rocks: :rocks: :rocks: :rocks: :rocks: :rocks:
man how can you promote that kind of filth on a good board like this ? Do you realize some young kids may be reading this board. No, I can't condone those kind of comments.

As far as a running QB goes I guess you never watched a young man by the name of Conredge Holloway back in the day. And how about Tee Martin. Without his running ability we never would have won the '98 NC. Now I do agree that the QB must be able to pass as simply cannot be a runner only. But the two styles together are fairly effective.
Old Vol I knew if I called your bluff you would cower down and I was exactly right.

But just to hold up my end of the bargain you can visit the other site if you wish, there should be a post from me there. Not that it really matters I just hate to see people lie. I was always raised to tell the truth and be honest and I expect the same.

Now let's please get back to football.
I thought it was Tee Martin's passes, Peerless Price's catches, the Twin Travis's rushing attack, and our DOMINATE D that won the Championship....and BTW Tee Martin only averaged 2.76 yards per carry on 114 get your stats right before you come at me with that stuff.....

And I only said it was funny....and I'm not promoting leave the Don King comparisions out......

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