The joke is on South Hall. Is the University of North Carolina really that craven and devoid of integrity that they would continue their smear campaign in the face of overwhelming evidence of malfeasance on the part of the UNC administration? Virtually everything this woman has said has been proven to be factual in basis. Focusing your smear/intimidation efforts on MW and Jay Smith is a waste of time and resources anyway. There are much bigger guns pointed at the Old Well right now.
I don't think you understand - UNC isn't protected anymore. No friends in Indy, no friends in DC, the only two places that matter. UNC's massive academic fraud scheme has actually put the NCAA at risk of being disbanded by Congress. So they're going to offer your beloved athletic department as a sacrificial lamb in a court of law. Not out of any sense of justice, but out of self preservation. They literally had to be sued into doing the right thing, but they are going to do it. UNC won't sniff the post season for a long, long time.
The meltdown on IC when the sanctions drop will be epic. I'll be around to post the obligatory Stone Cold pounding beers gif.