Uniform changes for 2013

Why are people posting uniform concepts in a thread specifically about the ACTUAL uniform changes for this season? We already have a thread for that.
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Tennessee lettering might be a little much. Comes off as too Big Eastish if you ask me. Like someone else said everyone knows our jerseys. The other two sound ok I guess. I honestly wish they would never change them again though. Whats wrong with being original.

I think Butch Jones has done a great job in jazzing up the new uniforms while still keeping them traditional. They still look like Tennessee. However, please, no grey against Oregon !!

Get your popcorn out, the tears will be epic for the old guys in here. They complain about just wearing black shoes.

You must be young. Black shoes are old school as it gets. Look up the name Billy "White Shoes" Johnson.

I'm one of the "old guys in here" and think the changes as I've seen them are great! I have shed not one tear.

No, I didn't like the black jerseys, but we did beat the snot out of Saint Steve and USC that night.
Friend, folks on here take our uniforms way too serious. i think they've had to reset the uniform thread like 14 times?

Good username by the way:salute:

So I finally see the reason as to why I couldn't just be FiremedicVOL!!! And as far as this post I just forgot which uniform thread I was in!! But it's all good I ain't gonna loose any sleep over it!!

Where ya work at which dept ya with?
I'm with KFD local 2270
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I'm excited to see the new unis. I didn't get to see the EA version because the site crashed and I don't remember the link.

On the radio today, I heard about the idea of the grey unis. I believe those would look so good even though grey is not a traditional color.
Hey all im @CfieldsVFL and i posted those pics today that just blew up. yes i changed Dobbs' jersey number due to him being listed at 16. whoever says we wont be wearing those this year is dead wrong. apart from the typical cut problems video games cant get right and number size, it is exactly what were wearing. and i for one love them.
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Hey all im @CfieldsVFL and i posted those pics today that just blew up. yes i changed Dobbs' jersey number due to him being listed at 16. whoever says we wont be wearing those this year is dead wrong. apart from the typical cut problems video games cant get right and number size, it is exactly what were wearing. and i for one love them.

Overall, I really like the changes! I think the checkerboard numbers on the away jerseys are absolute pimp! I'm also really digging the Tennessee state on the backs above the numbers! The only thing I don't really care for is the power T directly above the numbers and below the Adidas logo. It needs to be back on the collar. Otherwise, I like 'em.

Another thing I would love to see them bring back is the power T on the front of the pants.
So I finally see the reason as to why I couldn't just be FiremedicVOL!!! And as far as this post I just forgot which uniform thread I was in!! But it's all good I ain't gonna loose any sleep over it!!

Where ya work at which dept ya with?
I'm with KFD local 2270

Douglas county fire department, it's about 20-30 miles west of Atlanta.

I actually kind of like that helmet in your avi. As far as the new unis go, I like them except for that "Tennessee" font across the front. I'd also like to see the pants stripes disappear, go with the 90's look.
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You can flame away at me for this but I like the changes. I like the change solely cause they are subtle and simple. You won't notice the checkerboards from the stands/tv, the state outline is a cool idea, and in my opinion the removing the black outline was overdue. Ive always hated the black outline.

I never liked the black outline either, but I never even thought about it during the 98 season
Like this?


Reverse the color scheme and that would look phenominal!
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This. I'm getting images of Colorado's jerseys from the 90's in my head, the one DiNardo copied at Vandy. If it's subtle enough, I don't mind, but if it pops out I'm not sure I'll like it.

Tennessee lettering might be a little much. Comes off as too Big Eastish if you ask me. Like someone else said everyone knows our jerseys. The other two sound ok I guess. I honestly wish they would never change them again though. Whats wrong with being original.

School and/or mascot names on the fronts look terrible on football jerseys. Just seems like that looks better and belongs on uniforms in other sports. When playing football, if someone can't tell who you are or where you're from by your school colors and what is on your helmet, then you are doing it wrong!
In ten years when we have won a couple national championships and multiple conference titles, this thread will really seem trivial and no one will care that we wore a white chrome helmet with an alternate uniform for the third national championship game in four years. I honestly think some of you moan about this stuff just to have something to moan about. If the uniforms bother you that much find another team to root for.
In ten years when we have won a couple national championships and multiple conference titles, this thread will really seem trivial and no one will care that we wore a white chrome helmet with an alternate uniform for the third national championship game in four years. I honestly think some of you moan about this stuff just to have something to moan about. If the uniforms bother you that much find another team to root for.

When the season starts, this stuff will get forgotten.
No one will care anymore.

We are all so football starved right now anything will get us ready to march with pitchforks and torches.
In ten years when we have won a couple national championships and multiple conference titles, this thread will really seem trivial and no one will care that we wore a white chrome helmet with an alternate uniform for the third national championship game in four years. I honestly think some of you moan about this stuff just to have something to moan about. If the uniforms bother you that much find another team to root for.

I agree if we win no one will care; but if we don't, look out. See 2002.

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