Uniform changes for 2013

Tradition use to be winning, see how that changed? Who cares what they wear?

I'm with ya!! As long as they don't dive off the deep end with uniform changes an make em ugly I don't care, I'd like to see some different unis occasionally! But like you said as long as we win who cares what there wearing.
VolQuest.com - Vols prepare to make state-ment

1. An outline of the state of Tennessee on the back of both the home and road uniforms, placed just above the player's names

2. A script "TENNESSEE" on the front of the road jersey, above the numerals

3. A faint checkerboard design in the numerals on the road jerseys

Sorry if already posted. I think both sound cool

Yikes,He should leave the uniforms the way they are!:sick:
The numbers seem to be too small. I don't mind the other changes. The overall changes are pretty small, but the numerals seem too small compared to the Tennessee on the front of the jersey.

I agree. The state outline is a cool idea but I'm not sure I love how its implemented.
reminder about the game uniforms, it is incredibly hard for EA to get everything just right. i can only assume the numbers on the real thing wont be as thin or small. patience young ones. lol
I think changes to the uniforms aren't totally a bad thing. Yes, we want to keep tradition, but we also want alternative uniforms, because recruits love the multiple combinations (like Oregon, Boise, Georgia (when they played Boise), etc.). I for one would love to see an all black helmet/uniform with orange numbers on the jerseys. The players went nuts the one year Kiffin used the black jerseys. Plus, we could use a fresh start around here. It's not like we've been setting the world on fire the past few years. I'm all for change if it brings the desired results.
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I think the excessive form fitting detail on the outfits in the video game don't help the look.
In ten years when we have won a couple national championships and multiple conference titles, this thread will really seem trivial and no one will care that we wore a white chrome helmet with an alternate uniform for the third national championship game in four years. I honestly think some of you moan about this stuff just to have something to moan about. If the uniforms bother you that much find another team to root for.

Decorum calls for orange chamo in THIRD championship situations...we are, after all....not barbarians!
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The shape of the state should have been either added to the back side base of the helmet or placed on one of the sleeves. Too busy where they stuck it.

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