Update Me on Lindsey Nelson Renovations

On the facilities front, today is the day the Board of Trustees is expected to approve the $95 million funding for Lindsey Nelson Stadium. Tennessee athletic officials will be on hand for today’s meeting. Many have asked what will they get done this off-season and more importantly with an additional $30+ million what will it look like?

We should get an idea of where they will start later on (we expect it to be the left field side with permanent seats), but as for looks, we expect Tennessee to release updated renderings as early as today, but the concept of the design isn’t changing compared to the first renderings released.
-VQ, War Room
Today I’d like to hear that we are adding at least 1500 seats(before next season) redoing the entrance, press box and the work starts today!

(1) Permanently close and fence off the section of Pat Head Summitt Street from Fraternity Park Drive to Todd Helton Drive
(2) Remove the fences from below the grandstands and push those fences back to the Beta Upslion Courtyard and run NE to connect to Haslam Field fencing. Make a gate in this fence the new main entry to the Lindsey Nelson complex. Make the closed section of Summitt Street a fenced-in and permanent part of the stadium complex with entry points on either side.
(3) Put larger and more elevated temporary seating- Like USM has for their entire stadium, down the LF line.
(4) Temporarily extend the deck over the current practice facility closer to the RF line
(5) Start foundation work on the huge new practice facility that will be part of the dorm past LF wall.
(6) Add yet another level to the porches.
In those images- which I have to believe are the near finalized plans, I like how "open" the suite and press box areas loos. I know it's likely glass on back and front but it's a good look.

Summitt Street is clearly becoming a terraced plaza area.

I like the Ayers Hall checkerboard brick work

I wish the roof above the suites could cantilever more over the grandstand seating area.

New lights are installed on the roof instead of freestanding poles.

I still think the design has too much open plaza space. Maybe with more future success the grandstands could be extended or separate free-standing smaller grandstands constructed on the plaza.

I still think it would have been simpler to cut off the top level of grandstand and reconstruct with field-facing concessions

I see no biergärten, Waffle House or Applebee's in the current configuration. And I guarantee French's Mustard would sponsor upgraded concessions
Looks like the standing room in right Fidel’s will now be layered similar to in front of the new Jumbotron in neyland. Could make for a great atmosphere out there
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In those images- which I have to believe are the near finalized plans, I like how "open" the suite and press box areas loos. I know it's likely glass on back and front but it's a good look.

Summitt Street is clearly becoming a terraced plaza area.

I like the Ayers Hall checkerboard brick work

I wish the roof above the suites could cantilever more over the grandstand seating area.

New lights are installed on the roof instead of freestanding poles.

I still think the design has too much open plaza space. Maybe with more future success the grandstands could be extended or separate free-standing smaller grandstands constructed on the plaza.

I still think it would have been simpler to cut off the top level of grandstand and reconstruct with field-facing concessions

I see no biergärten, Waffle House or Applebee's in the current configuration. And I guarantee French's Mustard would sponsor upgraded concessions
Ben McKee hinted that we start shoveling soon…let’s get it done!

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