Urban Meyer Is a Dirt Bag!

OSU knows they have to make a move to say we investigated and did "x". They just realize the AD is more replaceable than a guy with 3 NC rings and they have enough paper trail to do it.

He'll get some public kick back, most of which will come from outside the state of Ohio. Their fans will cry witch hunt and back him all the same.

The one thing he can't run from is his history knowing about this guy and his problems and yet continuing to hire and retain him. And make no mistake, he doesn't need this guy or a player to be convicted of a crime to fire him. That seems to be getting pitched around in the "innocent til proven guilty" idea from a criminal standpoint.
He's just fortunate the school is trying to frame the story about procedure and him following it. Im sure we will also hear about new steps being put in place to prevent this from happening in the future at OSU.

One thing we all tend to see is when one reporter gets their teeth into something, it's not long before other reporters decide to do their own digging. A target the stature of Urban Meyer is just juicy enough for most networks to know the next "big" story is a ratings bonanza and regardless of how they feel, they'll slip the leash just a bit.

I would be shocked if the stories stopped there.
I'm more curious about this outside agency they hired. Hopefully, there are sportswriters doing their due diligence in tracking down the history of same to make sure there aren't any conflicts. OSU needs to be in the right on this, but it sure wouldn't be a shocker if they weren't trying something shady.
They didn’t hire an outside agency. They APPOINTED a board comprised of different politicians and academicians comprising various viewpoints. Sounds like a PR release, but I think they put enough representatives dependent on voters consciousness to keep it from being a total whitewash and enough who pander to Buckeye football fans to keep it from being a railroad job.
They didn’t hire an outside agency. They APPOINTED a board comprised of different politicians and academicians comprising various viewpoints. Sounds like a PR release, but I think they put enough representatives dependent on voters consciousness to keep it from being a total whitewash and enough who pander to Buckeye football fans to keep it from being a railroad job.

Ah, my mistake. I read somewhere they "hired" an outside firm to do the investigating.
Ah, my mistake. I read somewhere they "hired" an outside firm to do the investigating.
They most likely have hired investigators to knock on the doors and compile the data, but the final product will have this board’s signature.
One thing we all tend to see is when one reporter gets their teeth into something, it's not long before other reporters decide to do their own digging. A target the stature of Urban Meyer is just juicy enough for most networks to know the next "big" story is a ratings bonanza and regardless of how they feel, they'll slip the leash just a bit.

I would be shocked if the stories stopped there.
Oh I agree. Meyer has plenty of dirt on him and you don't really have to dig too hard to find it. I don't think that will be any different with this situation. OSU doesn't mind being a little dirty if it results in Ws on Saturday.
Oh I agree. Meyer has plenty of dirt on him and you don't really have to dig too hard to find it. I don't think that will be any different with this situation. OSU doesn't mind being a little dirty if it results in Ws on Saturday.
Where do you draw the line?
Where do you draw the line?
If it is what it appears to be? More than likely in a very different place than where it will be drawn.

My line would include more than Meyer, because IMO someone (probably plural) is allowing him to be the final say in whether this guy was hired or retained too long.

Coaches like him want total control with players and coaches. Which from a football standpoint is normal good for business if they are good at what they do. And in his case he has proven he is good at that. The rest is where your problems exist with such control..
The situation is some different if 2009 never happened and never happened while Meyer employed him on his staff. The fact he knew that far back is a big problem for me. This didn't come out of nowhere.
Are you asking the rhetorical question?

I think the outcome of this at OSU will determine what we, as a society, are actually willing to accept, despite the yelling and screaming that we won't tolerate domestic violence (with regard to sports). I know it's a bigger deal in the NFL because the players are "adults" and paid employees. But I'm having trouble understanding why we are potentially accepting of a coach being involved.

Where would people stand if Smith was a player, college or pro?

I'm just thinking and listening to y'all. Thanks for the conversation. :)

I think the outcome of this at OSU will determine what we, as a society, are actually willing to accept, despite the yelling and screaming that we won't tolerate domestic violence (with regard to sports). I know it's a bigger deal in the NFL because the players are "adults" and paid employees. But I'm having trouble understanding why we are potentially accepting of a coach being involved.

Where would people stand if Smith was a player, college or pro?

I'm just thinking and listening to y'all. Thanks for the conversation. :)

These kinds of situations are governed by one rule: If your talent outweighs your transgressions, then you maintain your job or are given a "second chance." People with great talent are allowed more leeway and more chances. Not saying that's fair, but it's what happens.

Make no mistake about it - there are about 3-4 coaches in college football, Urban being one of them, who might be able to get away with this. Any other coach would have been fired already, because the talent wouldn't outweigh the baggage. This is pretty big baggage for a coach to have.
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I think the outcome of this at OSU will determine what we, as a society, are actually willing to accept, despite the yelling and screaming that we won't tolerate domestic violence (with regard to sports). I know it's a bigger deal in the NFL because the players are "adults" and paid employees. But I'm having trouble understanding why we are potentially accepting of a coach being involved.

Where would people stand if Smith was a player, college or pro?

I'm just thinking and listening to y'all. Thanks for the conversation. :)

I don't think society has a bearing per se. If one was to be completely neutral, take fans and opposing fans out of it, the bedrock principle is he hired and kept a wife abuser on his staff

Society as a whole likely wouldn't tolerate that. But the fact we can't be neutral in the matter because of the sports angle means we won't see an acceptable outcome to every party.
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I think the outcome of this at OSU will determine what we, as a society, are actually willing to accept, despite the yelling and screaming that we won't tolerate domestic violence (with regard to sports). I know it's a bigger deal in the NFL because the players are "adults" and paid employees. But I'm having trouble understanding why we are potentially accepting of a coach being involved.

Where would people stand if Smith was a player, college or pro?

I'm just thinking and listening to y'all. Thanks for the conversation. :)
It has similarities to a player in the sense that Meyer would control their fate in a situation like this. Determine 2nd or 3rd chances if they are given and from a public standpoint he will be the one that is held responsible for that decision as far as scrutiny goes. It just takes something pretty big to run a guy like that. If they could prove he didn't report it (made even actively tried to hide it), it may be in the area of not being able to shift the blame to anyone else. Or if he was the one involved in the abuse. If they can sprinkle enough doubt that this is more someone elses fault than Meyers they will try and make that stick. That won't change everyones mind and some of their fans don't even need that from what I can tell.
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Couldn't find any official data on this but it seems like the vast majority of Domestic Violence arrests never get officially charged. I know of several cases of this myself, but its nothing more than anecdotal unfortunately. Guess How Many Domestic Violence Offenders Go to Jail

The whole thing doesn't make sense. Urban clearly knew and imo he lied to more than the media at the media days. When he fired the coach he said it was the most difficult decision. Could be simple politics to not throw the guy under the bus, but to me it seems like a bigger set of lies.

It also seems to me that if they do find that Urban had passed up the word that he should have remembered that when talking to people. Its also interesting that in the wife's comments one of the admin said that if things went public Zach Smith would pull down everyone. so this time is probably being used to figure who knows what, and what it takes for their silence: whatever dirt smith has, who at OSU knew what and if protocols were followed to protect either Meyer or the university.
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Just realized I'm clicking LIKE same way I do on FB, as an "I've seen this and I'm acknowledging you". lol
The whole thing doesn't make sense. Urban clearly knew and imo he lied to more than the media at the media days. When he fired the coach he said it was the most difficult decision. Could be simple politics to not throw the guy under the bus, but to me it seems like a bigger set of lies.

As the old cliche goes, it isn't the crime...it's the cover up.

The impression that I get is that the criticism directed at Meyer isn't as much about keeping a suspected/accused domestic abuser on staff. He has a plausible defense to that claim (doesn't satisfy a large part of the criticism against him though), which is that he didn't want to fire someone based on an accusation. Smith wasn't charged in either incident.

The criticism directed at him is because of various aspects of the "cover up," namely he strongly appears to have lied about not knowing about the 2015 arrest, said it was a "tough call" to cut Smith loose, and the subsequent statement he made about all of this was pretty mealy mouthed.
Meyer denying knowledge put an immediate stink on any actions taken in 2015. Had he just said no comment, or we'll be releasing more info about Zach Smith in the future then this probably wouldn't have been as big of a deal nationally. McMurphy was working on this story already. An Urban Meyer denial was the best gift McMurphy could have hoped for. Didn't help him when Urban's response included "I don't know who creates a story like that". Basically calling Smith's wife a liar and questioning McMurphy's integrity.

I can't imagine their pr department being so incompetent that they wouldn't have prepared him to answer questions about Zach Smith. Why no prep about 2015? Did Ohio St think they did enough where no questions would be asked? Did they think nobody really knew much about it?

Big gaffe by Urban. He'll probably end up with a game or two suspension for that alone when all is said and done.
Big gaffe by Urban. He'll probably end up with a game or two suspension for that alone when all is said and done.

Last week, I really didn't think this scum bag was going to be able to get out of this, but now I agree this will probably be his punishment.

Hopefully karma will catch up with him and other coaches will be able to negative recruit him to where his talent slips enough to not keep with tOSU's standards and he gets fired that way.
Last week, I really didn't think this scum bag was going to be able to get out of this, but now I agree this will probably be his punishment.

Hopefully karma will catch up with him and other coaches will be able to negative recruit him to where his talent slips enough to not keep with tOSU's standards and he gets fired that way.
oh he is going to play the victim card again, just like the heart issues at UF.
Last week, I really didn't think this scum bag was going to be able to get out of this, but now I agree this will probably be his punishment.

Hopefully karma will catch up with him and other coaches will be able to negative recruit him to where his talent slips enough to not keep with tOSU's standards and he gets fired that way.

I could definitely see that happening, especially since the first two games are home games against Oregon St and Rutgers. He'd be back for the TCU game.

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