US may have killed Quds Force Commander Qasem Soleimani

Anyone know what happened to the other 7 9/11 terrorists? Evidently our VP thinks there were only 12. Facts are for chumps! MAGA!

She's not heartbroken he's dead, as she clarified in response to Ted Cruz's tweet.

You're going to have to do better than that.

Yeah, they usually stop reading when they see the headdress and put on their "all Muslims are evil" shades.
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Yeah, they usually stop reading when they see the headdress and put on their "all Muslims are evil" shades.
LOL at "foreign official".

I can't imagine being a Democrat and being livid and rooting for Iran over the US because their hatred for Trump. But conservatives are the ones with the problems.
LOL at "foreign official".

I can't imagine being a Democrat and being livid and rooting for Iran over the US because their hatred for Trump. But conservatives are the ones with the problems.

I said I'm glad he's dead. That doesn't mean, all things considered, it was the most prudent thing to do at the moment.
I can't tell who the hardliners here hate worse: their fellow countrymen who happen to disagree with them on a few key issues, or Iran.
I think you may be missing the point of the discussion. No one is arguing with the value of the strategic decision to take him out. The issue is what happens now? Even if it was completely justified to assassinate him, and even if it would not be justified for the Iranians to take a similar action here, the point is that if they do then what is the next consequence?

The larger point is that the position of POTUS requires judgment, not just in the moment, but with every effort made at understanding practical consequences down the line, which by definition carry risk. Its possible for everyone to agree for example that the guy was worthy of being assassinated, but that it is not necessarily in our future interests to do so.
and your opinion is soooooo unbiased as to be able to render am objective opinion of this event. Gmafb
so killing OBL was just for the feels?
When OBL was killed he wasn’t involved in operations or anything. He was hiding out in Pakistan watching porn. Soleimani on the other hand was involved in operations world wide, and threw out the Middle East and was the second most powerful person in Iran.
Listening to some Fortunate One by Credence Clearwater Revival.

It ain't me, it ain't me, I ain't no millionaire's son.
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'Don't trust the lyingest liars to tell the truth about a possible war with Iran': John Legend blasts Trump over airstrike which killed top general as Rose McGowan APOLOGIZES to Iran and begs 'please don't kill us'

John Legend has blasted an airstrike ordered by President Donald Trump that killed one of Iran's top generals while Rose McGowan tweeted an apology to the nation.

'Don't trust that people who are the lyingest liars in Presidential history will suddenly start telling the truth about a possible war with Iran,' Legend, 41, wrote on Twitter.

Meanwhile, McGowan, in her apology, posted a GIF of the Iranian flag.

'Dear #Iran, The USA has disrespected your country, your flag, your people. 52% of us humbly apologize,' she tweeted.

'We want peace with your nation. We are being held hostage by a terrorist regime. We do not know how to escape. Please do not kill us. #Soleimani.'


Rose McGowan APOLOGIZES to Iran and begs 'please do not kill us' in Twitter rant | Daily Mail Online
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rachamei Hashem (mercies of G-d), to present your geviyah (BERESHIS 47:18), all of your being as a korban chai (living sacrifice), kadosh (holy) and acceptable to Hashem (BERESHIS 8:21), which is your spiritual avodas kodesh service. 2Stop allowing yourself to be conformed to the Olam Hazeh, but be transformed by your hitkhadshut (regeneration, renewal) of your mind, so that you may ascertain what is the ratzon Hashem (the will of G-d), what is the good, acceptable, and perfect will of G-d. 3For I say to all who are among you through the chesed (unmerited favor, grace) given to me, that you should avoid a false sense of superiority in your thinking; rather exercise shlitah atzmi (self-control), thinking with seichel, as G-d has measured to each a measure of emunah. 4For just as in one body we have many members (natural capacities), and all the members do not have the same function, 5So we all are one body in Moshiach, and are individually members one of another 6Having matanot (gifts) which differ in accordance with the chesed (unmerited favor, grace) given to us. If we speak for G-d as nevi'im (prophets), it should be in proportion to the emunah given to us. 7If we offer particular acts of avodas kodesh service, it should be used in serving. One who functions as a rabbinic moreh should be active in teaching. 8One who imparts chizzuk (strengthening, encouragement) should be active in that avodas kodesh ministry. One who makes tzedakah (contributions) should do so with nedivut (generosity). The one in manhigut (leadership), with diligence. The one in bikkur cholim (visiting the sick) and gemilut chasadim (benevolence), with simcha. 9Let ahavah (agape) be without tzevi'ut (hypocrisy). Hate what is haRah, be devoted to what is tov. 10Show mishpochah (family) affection to one another in ahavah shel achvah (brotherly love). Be first in esteeming one another, in showing mutual respect. 11Be zealous without negligence; with bren (fervor, hitlahavut) be burning with the Ruach Hakodesh. With avodas kodesh serve Hashem. 12Have simcha in tikvah. Have zitzfleisch in tzoros. Keep davening tefillos. 13With a spirit of koinonia, keep the pushke full for the needs of the Kadoshim. Aspire to hachnosas orchim. 14Say a bracha on those who bring redifah (persecution) on you, let it be a bracha and not a kelalah (curse). 15Join in simcha with those who rejoice, weep with those who weep. 16Think with a (spiritual) consensus in achdus harmony among yourselves. Do not cherish the thoughts of the ba'al gaavah (haughty person), but associate with the anavim ("humble," YESHAYAH 29:19), with the lowly am ha'aretz; do not be chachamim (wise ones) in your own estimation [1:22]. 17Repay no one ra'a (evil) for ra'a (evil). Take into consideration what is haTov in the sight of everyone and do that. [MISHLE 3:4 TARGUM HASHIVIM] 18If possible, so far as it depends on you, live in shalom with everyone. 19Do not take your own revenge, beloved, but give opportunity for G-d's Charon Af (burning wrath), for it is written, LI NAKAM V'SHILEM ("Vengeance is mine and recompense, repayment-- I am He who will repay, says Hashem" DEVARIM 32:35). 20"But if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him drink; for in so doing you will heap coals of fire on his head" [MISHLE 25:21-22]. 21Do not be overcome by what is ra'a, but overcome haRah with haTov.
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When OBL was killed he wasn’t involved in operations or anything. He was hiding out in Pakistan watching porn. Soleimani on the other hand was involved in operations world wide, and threw out the Middle East and was the second most powerful person in Iran.

I know. Earlier I commented that he was a considerably more dangerous person.
Biden Sided With Terror Leader Soleimani in Handing Control of Iraq to Iran

Former vice president Joe Biden reportedly played a decisive role in enabling recently assassinated Iranian terror leader Qassem Soleimani to push the United States out of Iraq and deliver the country into the hands of Iran.

In 2010, as Iraq faced pivotal elections that decided the country's direction, Soleimani went to great lengths to ensure Iranian-backed politicians won control of the government, according to a comprehensive 2013 New Yorker profile of the terror leader by Dexter Filkins.


During that time, Filkins reported, then-vice president Biden called pro-America Iraqi politician Ayad Allawi to demand he stop trying to form a government. This crucial call paved the way for Soleimani to orchestrate an Iranian takeover of the Iraqi political system, according to interviews Filkins conducted with numerous sources.

Following the assassination of Soleimani late Thursday evening, now-Democratic presidential contender Biden issued a statement accusing the Trump administration of tossing "a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox."

Biden's role in enabling Soleimani to run wild in Iraq was not known until the New Yorker‘s exposé.

"The Americans knew that Suleimani had pushed them out of the country but were too embarrassed to admit it in public," Filkins reported.

"‘We were laughing at the Americans,' the former Iraqi leader told me, growing angry as he recalled the situation. ‘*** it! *** it!' he said. ‘Suleimani completely outmaneuvered them, and in public they were congratulating themselves for putting the government together.'"

Biden Sided With Terror Leader Soleimani in Handing Control of Iraq to Iran

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