US To Consider Arming Ukrainian Forces

If the Ukraine wants to use bilateral upper extremity amputees as their fighting forces, I see no reason for the US to arm them.
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If giving/selling them weapons and equipment keeps US troops out of the fighting, I'm all for it.
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If giving/selling them weapons and equipment keeps US troops out of the fighting, I'm all for it.

We're not going to just send them weapons and am instruction manual. Troops will be required

Only way to make sure is to do absolutely nothing
We're not going to just send them weapons and am instruction manual. Troops will be required

Only way to make sure is to do absolutely nothing

Hence why I said "out of the fighting."

Plenty of spots on the western side of the country, or in neighboring nations, to do training.
We're not going to just send them weapons and am instruction manual. Troops will be required

Only way to make sure is to do absolutely nothing

Yeah Advisors will have to be sent with the weapons probably and that would probably provoke Russia.
Yeah Advisors will have to be sent with the weapons probably and that would probably provoke Russia.

Russia has no position to complain when they have 7,500 to 9,000 servicemen fighting in Ukraine.
Foreign policy is like a giant chess game. Regional stability is in the best interests of the U.S. and the rest of the world (sana Russia). So is a buffer between NATO countries and Russia. We also have some limited treaties with Ukraine. The fact that Europe does not do anything isnt suprising. When it comes to potential military action, Europe is much like many posters on here. Wait until it gets really, really bad and then try to do something about it. Additionally, inaction sets a precedent that Russia can do whatever they want without consequence. So ask yourselves, after Ukraine who is next? Poland? The Baltic States? Finland? The list goes on. Isolationism has been shown to not work. Proactive diplomacy and dialouge should always come first but the military option should always be on the table especially when your adversary is using their military. JMHO.
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Supplying weapons to Ukraine will only exacerbate an already volatile situation. The situation on the ground will remain little changed, since Russia will have no choice but to step up its weapon deliveries to the separatists in response. No, just no.. Find another way to feed the military industrial complex.
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And when they are actually threatened we will join in their defense because of the foreign entanglement called nato. Jumping in based on some world domination theory is foolish
If the European powers aren't concerned enough to jump in why should the US be?

Poland and Estonia have both been 'closely monitoring an uptick in Russian agents and subversive anti-government pro-Russian movements'. this isn't a limited thing, Ukraine is just the first, even though Georgia and Chechnya might have been the true first examples.
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poland and estonia have both been 'closely monitoring an uptick in russian agents and subversive anti-government pro-russian movements'. This isn't a limited thing, ukraine is just the first, even though georgia and chechnya might have been the true first examples.

Poland and Estonia have both been 'closely monitoring an uptick in Russian agents and subversive anti-government pro-Russian movements'. this isn't a limited thing, Ukraine is just the first, even though Georgia and Chechnya might have been the true first examples.

Yep. That's why I mentioned Putin following in Hitler's footsteps. He knows that Europe is weak right now, as is the US. He has the upper hand in many ways. Them being a nuclear power limits what can be done to stop them without actually having a world war.
We don't have to. We can let them fight their own battles. We got into WWII cause we got attacked. Economics is what caused WWII, economics is why we were attacked at Pearl Harbor.

All wars are fought for one of two things....economics or ****y.
All wars are fought for one of two things....economics or ****y.

Putin is permanently p*ssed off at Ukraine because his buddy was thrown out in a coup that looks like the US was involved in putting together.
Supplying weapons to Ukraine will only exacerbate an already volatile situation. The situation on the ground will remain little changed, since Russia will have no choice but to step up its weapon deliveries to the separatists in response. No, just no.. Find another way to feed the military industrial complex.

I told you so... that was one of the whole reasons why they were pushing to call Russia a terrorist state by the United Nations last week.

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