USU Scrimmage

I didn't say you were scared. I didn't even say you guaranteed victory. I REMINDED you superiority doesn't equal victory. No need to get your dander up, bub. My overall message is to never underestimate your opponent. I too think we win but we had better come out treating USU the same way we'd do Florida. Or in other words, not come out flat. Blood in the eyes, murderous intent, and mayhem madness. An, "Oh, it's just USU" can easily get our arses kicked. Cool off a bit, eh?

You often confuse "we" with "them". "We" fans can underestimate an opponent. "Them" football players better be hungry and play angry.
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SIGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Did I not say that a major part of the problem was Hitler's interference and overruling his generals? Did I not say that? They advised him it would be a grave error to invade Russia, abd especially at that stage of the war. he decided not to listen and the rest is history. He simply kept overreaching until the accumulation of forces arrayed against him was overwhelming.

And where the hell does Tenn. taking on the whole Sunbelt appear in my post?

Here we go. If I am correct your analogy was Tennessee = Germany as being the superior force and USU = Allies which was a fallacy comparison. My point is USU = Belgium and no matter the blunders and overruling of his generals there is no chance Belgium (alone) could have beaten Nazi Germany.
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Tennessee isn't facing the entire Sunbelt at one time. Germany was beaten by overwhelming numbers. If it were Germany vs one country at a time the outcome would have been certain just as was the case with France and Poland. This is one team vs one team.

Agree with this part; not the rest. We'll shank em.:rock:
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We have our little spats but this Is different. It's kind of like we can fight each other but some outside party wants to get involved? Then they gotta deal with both of us.

The poor things should stay at home in bed sipping goat cheese and eating octopus ink.
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Thank you Doyle for the reasonable response.

If I were a UT fan and UT were playing Utah State, I probably would cautiously optimistice about the same thing... Superior talent level should win.

I'd be very happy that the game is at home and with the support of the UT crowd.

I'd also be a bit nervous about the fact that the combined winning percentage of the teams UT has beaten over the past 3 seasons is 0.355.

We will start worrying when we head to Norman.
Germany, like the Mormons, was a very good team in their conference. They decided to move up and play out of conference. I expect a similar outcome.
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Germany, like the Mormons, was a very good team in their conference. They decided to move up and play out of conference. I expect a similar outcome.

They would have been a lot smarter to pick a fight with just one of the lesser teams from that big conference, like a Canada or someone like that..

Instead, they poked their thumb in the eye of the military equivalent of bama, fla, uga, and lsu combined. That wasnt really very smart.
The Nazis had a superior military, superior trained soldiers, superior tanks, aircraft, troop carriers, and tactics. Admittedly undermined by Hitler's constant interference and overruling his generals, but superior all the same. They were beaten by their opponents' tenacity and frequent cases of pure dumb luck in the form of the timing of weather phenomenon and blunders that should have doomed missions time and again but didn't.

Point? Superiority is not a guarantee of victory.

You are easily the most annoying and needlessly long-winded poster on this site. You always say so much while not providing any content.

I much prefer the USU troll who I know doesn't completely believe his ridiculous tirades of stupidity.
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You are easily the most annoying and needlessly long-winded poster on this site. You always say so much while not providing any content.

I much prefer the USU troll who I know doesn't completely believe his ridiculous tirades of stupidity.

Why, do you read my annoying long-winded posts? If it's on account you got armorous intents, be advised I'm both straight and married. Just syaing. :hi:
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Why, do you read my annoying long-winded posts? If it's on account you got armorous intents, be advised I'm both straight and married. Just syaing. :hi:

Brilliant retort. Write us another novel on your newly-developed, "armorous" fables and include the great nicknames you've coined for all the UT players, then come back and miserably attempt to question somebody's sexuality again in a condescending fashion.
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Brilliant retort. Write us another novel on your newly-developed, "armorous" fables and include the great nicknames you've coined for all the UT players, then come back and miserably attempt to question somebody's sexuality again in a condescending fashion.

Don't know why you're so into drowning yourself in mud.
It's as if you're ag4fr in disguise. But let's see if something else is palatable for you. What do youmake of the most recent USU practice videos?
Hadn't read through this thread, but I'm sure AGriculture U fan is spewing the same BS. I can't wait to be in attendance for this azz whooping
Maybe because you seem to have developed an oversensitivity to everything I post and a habit of parsing every sentence down the the syllable in an effort to find something to argue about?

I use a bit of hyperbole... that you or others could have used without issue... and you raise a stink because I did it. You seem to have ignored all of the positive and even optimistic remarks I have made about the O... then this.

I responded to perceived sarcasm...if I misinterpreted...apologies. :hi:
Posted via VolNation Mobile
I responded to perceived sarcasm...if I misinterpreted...apologies. :hi:
Posted via VolNation Mobile

No problema. I actually enjoy many of your posts and have been a little befuddled by your continued angst with me.

I said my peace... ad nauseum... but now I am ready to see what the future holds. I grow more excited for the O by the day. I'm still concerned about the DC but see the personnel issues improving on both sides of the ball.
I originally thought OP was making a joke, referring to the USU game as a scrimmage.

Pretty true though. We win this one easily.
I can't believe nobody has mentioned that we are 6th all time in bowl appearances. If these guys want to say the Aggies will give us a game,that's fine. We haven't done much the last few years to scare anyone. But to say we aren't a top 10 all time program is asinine at best. And I also think we win by a couple tds. But that's just my opinion.
It also merits mentioning that we are only three bowl appearances away from being 2nd all time.
Germany, like the Mormons, was a very good team in their conference. They decided to move up and play out of conference. I expect a similar outcome.

Yeah! Ze French armor totally wooped ze #^$* out of ze German panzers with their low-velocity 37's!

They would have been a lot smarter to pick a fight with just one of the lesser teams from that big conference, like a Canada or someone like that..

Instead, they poked their thumb in the eye of the military equivalent of bama, fla, uga, and lsu combined. That wasnt really very smart.

Germany was bama. There's a reason why it took everyone else 30 years to catch up with Hitler. He had the v2 rocket in the 30's. The USA is Utah state and they pulled off the upset of the ages.

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