UT Dissed by Vegas Bettors

Let's see, UT's second string could only muster three points against AP's starters. That, to me, does not really spell as big a talent disparity as some "experts" on this board claim that there is. C'mon, 3 points scored in the entire second half against the 79th ranked FCS team? That tells me that our backups are barely better than the Governers' starters.

WKU is due for a letdown after coming off of the high it got from its upset over Kentucky. Tennessee flattens the Hilltoppers 28-10.

I am confuse.
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This team couldn't cover Saturday against the little sisters of the weak. What do you expect?

Are you serious?? The starters only played ONE HALF and scored 42! Not one starter saw the field the entire 2nd half. So trust me they could have easily covered 51pts if they had wanted to. They could have covered that twice to be honest! And if I was a betting man I would put all I have on UT winning next week by at least 3 TDs!
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FYI, the opening line was Vandy -1.5.

Moved quickly to Ole Miss -3.

Another 4.5 point switch. The early (and late) Ole Miss bettors were right.
WKU only outgained KY by 68 yds. Rushing yards were dead even. Yes, when they tackle they do it well but let's not give WKU too much credit. KY is a serious rebuild this year. Way More so than UT. APSU played their best football against our scrubs. It was as Butch said today...a valuable teaching tool. We will get better and better as long as the injury bug stays away. Getting Jacques and Vereen back will be a major boost as well. Worley still needs some work but I think he'll be steady all year.
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Is the team supposed to play for the benefit of gamblers?

This. A coach doesn't give a flying f*** about the "Spread". They don't care about bettors and shouldn't. It's merely for entertainment purposes. That's it.
This team couldn't cover Saturday against the little sisters of the weak. What do you expect?

How do I say this nicely ... You should quit commenting on sports, it really shows your ignorance! Further, if you are really a Vol fan, you just gave our opposition a whole lot of ammunition as your sports IQ is on the level of a Bammer.
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The starters could have easily put up 100 points if they wanted too. It was a scrimmage with very little of the play book and backups playing most of the game.

This. What's wrong with some of the people on here? The second half was mostly the second and third teams.
The line is adjusted based on where the money is being bet. WKU is getting pub, covered on SportsCenter, etc. because of the upset. When people see a headline that says WKU beats and SEC team and realize that WKU has more wins over KY in the last 2 years than UT does, it looks like smart money.

Don't get me wrong I respect WK and Petrino, but I don't think it is smart money. I could be dead wrong, but I think TN is going to be locked in on this one. If they win by 3 TD's or more, it will not be a big head turner, but people will say...interesting, either Kentucky is really terrible or TN is better then we thought.
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