UT Players out for Outback Bowl (merged)

HMAN....you musta' been there! It's amazing the way they pronounce their state...."aaaaa".
If you've seen volunteergirl her....she's movin' there from SC. Told her she was in for a shock and how they "talked"............good cheese though!
Well if you all remember Arkansas was suppose to run all over us this year and I think we did pretty well defensively in that game. :rock: Maybe, we can play against teams that can't pass that well and Wisconsin would fall into that category.
Well if you all remember Arkansas was suppose to run all over us this year and I think we did pretty well defensively in that game. :rock: Maybe, we can play against teams that can't pass that well and Wisconsin would fall into that category.

I hope we can do that in the outback, and 4 the whole 2008 season.
Our bowl record vs big10 is not too shabby. In addition to OSU & Mich, we beat a good Northwestern team when they had a star RB. Yeah PS has beat us, but a couple of those were pre-big10
How about this for a novel idea? PLAYERS actually studying and passing their damn classes!!!

Whoa, now that's too much to ask. Instead, we should blame Trooper or the support staff. Look ... I realize we're not talking about a group of young Einstein's here. But college isn't THAT hard, especially if you're majoring in something like Sports Administration or African American Studies. It might be tough to make an A, but just passing is not too much to ask. On top of that, they have access to all sorts of academic support that the average student doesn't have -- so I really don't blame anybody but the student athlete. I guess I'm a hard-ass that way.

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