What time is the Vol walk on noon games?
Can you have often container outside of the stadium?
Is it hard to get a flask in the stadium?
What time would you recommend getting got the stadium?
1. I think around 9. Someone correct me if wrong. I always see them walk by (I tailgate in the park near the stadium, but I never pay attention to the time that early).
2. Just pour whatever you're drinking into a plastic cup and you're fine.
3. No. I've taken in many alcoholic items in my drinking days. Wear a jacket and out it in that. If it's warm, sit it in your back belt line.
4. I'm assuming you meant to the stadium. I walk over about 30 minutes before kickoff. I sit in Double II and by the time I reach the seats it is about 5 minutes till kickoff. If you meant leave the stadium. Wait till the end. Leaving early doesn't really help get home all that faster. My experience with that has been hitting I-40W when I lived in M'boro and I-40E now that I'm in the Tri-Cities. Always take local roads if possible though. Middlebrook, Sutherland Ave, etc.
I look forward to this game every year. I'm actually a Gator fan, but my wife is a Vol and I buy season tickets to take her to games. We've been going about 5 years now.
First timer to Neyland.
1.Is there a certain time people start getting to tailgate(looking to crash one lol) and a certain location.
2.Where do people go after the game? (looking for walking distance or short cab ride)
3. Where do should I have the cab drop us off at?
4.Who's going to let my brother and I crash their pre-game party? I will JD and coke on hand.
I was hoping for a night game to have more time to to take in the sights and sounds, but I still can't wait to sing rocky top with 100k.
First timer to Neyland.
1.Is there a certain time people start getting to tailgate(looking to crash one lol) and a certain location.
2.Where do people go after the game? (looking for walking distance or short cab ride)
3. Where do should I have the cab drop us off at?
4.Who's going to let my brother and I crash their pre-game party? I will JD and coke on hand.
I was hoping for a night game to have more time to to take in the sights and sounds, but I still can't wait to sing rocky top with 100k.
My mind is blown that you've been on Volnation since 2004 and have never been to a game in Neyland...
Living on the west coast my whole life has made it hard to get our there. I was only in Tennessee for summers(Mom's side has family and Grandpa was the reason I am a Vol fan). I saw the vols when they came to UCLA, but other than that I've only watched them on TV. This is seriously on my bucket list.