UT vs. Ole Miss/Vandie



Well-Known Member
Nov 17, 2009
How do you think the Vols would have matched up last night with these two?

Vandie was the more experienced group last night. UT will be playing tons of freshmen with little depth and a new system.

I'm not sure if we watched two "okay" teams or two pretty good teams duke it out last night. It was hard to tell.

Luckily for Vandie they played really hard especially in the second quarter. Without their 21 points in second quarter it was likely a blow out.
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I think it's too early to say. I know ole miss had a top recruiting class but they didn't look like a solid team to me, both teams seemed closely matched.

James Franklin threw his team under the bus saying that last runr from ole miss was because the kids thought the game was over. Well coach, you were celebrating like you already won, attitude reflects leadership.
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I think our OL would have taken over and we would have put it away in the second half.

After watching last night's games, I'm excited to see what our OL can do and how many games they can win for us.
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Ole Miss Quarterback was just so nervous in the drop back. He made me uneasy just watching him LOL. I'm like the rest of you though in that it's really hard to tell how good these teams are. I think they are good not anywhere near great.
I think with any kind of defense at all, both teams are extremely beatable. They had trouble stopping each other, and they really didn't do anything special.

Ol Miss will get better as that recruiting class gets experience, which I think is the same story for us. This early in the season, I think we matchup well with both teams. Later, when our guys get more experience in new systems, I think we could beat both of them. Vandy will have a hard time stopping our up tempo run game. Ol Miss would be more difficult, but I'm led to believe our experience on the offensive line and our size on the defensive line would give us a slight advantage.
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Well everyone knows We Would A Whipped There ASSES. SERIOUSLY two competitive teams played a sloppy but entertaining game. I need to see our team play a few games to really know how we will do against them. Then We Would a Whipped There Asses.
It brought me great joy to know that I made the right decision to stay up until 1am to watch Vandy lose in the last seconds. Side note- was it me or does it seem that Matthews (who was puking on the field) should have had to go through a series of concussion tests before he came right back in? Wonder if the NCAA saw that....
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Neither team had consistent play from their front seven on defense which is why there were so many big plays on both sides, if Vandy wants to get back to a bowl they must improve the play on defense, and the same can be said for Ole Miss.

I felt like I was watching a PAC 12 game last night. It's hard to believe that Vandy scored 35 points, and lost.

It is very difficult to open the season with a conference game like this.

I think the Vols can play and compete with either of these teams.
I think it's too early to say. I know ole miss had a top recruiting class but they didn't look like a solid team to me, both teams seemed closely matched.

James Franklin threw his team under the bus saying that last run from ole miss was because the kids thought the game was over. Well coach, you were celebrating like you already won, attitude reflects leadership.

^this... he was over there celebrating more then his kids were... you would have thought he made that incredible catch instead of mathews
It brought me great joy to know that I made the right decision to stay up until 1am to watch Vandy lose in the last seconds. Side note- was it me or does it seem that Matthews (who was puking on the field) should have had to go through a series of concussion tests before he came right back in? Wonder if the NCAA saw that....

It's not just you.
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Our OL and DL would really take it to both teams. Our secondary is what would allow the games to be close. Matthews will be tough to guard. Our running game should get 200+ on both teams.
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It brought me great joy to know that I made the right decision to stay up until 1am to watch Vandy lose in the last seconds. Side note- was it me or does it seem that Matthews (who was puking on the field) should have had to go through a series of concussion tests before he came right back in? Wonder if the NCAA saw that....

I know, right? That kid was begging to come out, and it was like somebody told him to go line-up because he turned around and dragged himself to the LOS.

Then collapsed and started puking?! Really poor coaching, IMO, it could have won them the game with that 4th down, but it ended up costing them the game when he tipped the pass.

I HATE Vandy and am so glad they lost, but I felt bad for the kid. He was so upset with himself at the end. I think Franklin is a total tool, but you gotta admit, he gets those kids to play hard for him.

Vandy's Defense could not do anything with that read-option. DUDE, they are running screens and short routes, put a QB Spy LB there, just in case the qb takes off. If it is a pass, at least you got somebody covering the flat slant in the middle.

Vandy's got some decent RB's but you saw what happened to their offense without J Matthews. And they run a lot of the same plays over and over, so did Ole MIss.

I will say that I am glad we are running the Read-option this year, It gives so many teams such a difficult time. It can be a pass, it can be a RB run, it can be a Sneak, it's so destructive against a struggling D.
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Both of those teams are better than us

This ^ I mean yes I guess you could say it is too early to say. Vandy and Ole Miss right now are going to be much better football teams than us. Whether some would like to admit it or not.

Really?! Both defenses were pretty horrid. Ole Miss had 6 different plays from LOS. There is no way to know this. We haven't even played yet. Both Vandy and Ole Miss played pretty bad at times, but they were about even so it made for a good game.

Ole Miss will be difficult next year, really difficult, but Vandy? Come on... They looked mediocre at best. We shall see later in the season.
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Really?! Both defenses were pretty horrid. Ole Miss had 6 different plays from LOS. There is no way to know this. We haven't even played yet. Both Vandy and Ole Miss played pretty bad at times, but they were about even so it made for a good game.

Ole Miss will be difficult next year, really difficult, but Vandy? Come on... They looked mediocre at best. We shall see later in the season.

Well if their defense was horrid what did our defense look like? We hardly have any depth at corner, and the secondary itself was the worst UT has ever seen last year. We have a new QB and all new WRs who are very inexperienced. It does not take a great defense to stop that.
Well if their defense was horrid what did our defense look like? We hardly have any depth at corner, and the secondary itself was the worst UT has ever seen last year. We have a new QB and all new WRs who are very inexperienced. It does not take a great defense to stop that.

HELLO? Do you even hear yourself right now? Are you reading what you are typing? You said, these teams are both better than us currently, but you keep speaking in past tense...

I will agree, both of the defenses are better than LAST YEAR's defense. But you dont know shat about this year's team until they hit the field.

Why dont you let them do that before passing judgement.

EDIT: I meant to comment on your QB/WR comment too.

Treadwell= Freshman Carta-Samuals= Brand new QB at Vandy, um do i need to continue?

Both of those guys pulled in huge numbers. Again, let them play. North could be the next big thing here and you are already saying he's a downside for us
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